Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Vikingmas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Viking was offering to ship part of his masterpiece Viking artwork collection to the thrift store for us to pick up, as that is the kind of Viking the Viking is, in the Beowulf of Saga Prose his letters are. He knew I would defer, but it gives me the opportunity to play with the Viking here in sharing some Viking artwork.

If you do a search, there are no people who are so glorified as Vikings, and I mean as real human people adorned in  the elements and blood.
Deviant Art is one of my favorite sites as the artists there are of my taste and I will post a few of their works here, but the first photo above reminds me of that French chic in the Chunnel on PBS who I have a chic crush on as she is just bad and neurotic.

Here though is the Lame Cherry pre Christmas interlude of things Viking which I adore.

A 10th century Viking unearthed in the 1880s was like a figure from Richard Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries: an elite warrior buried with a sword, an ax, a spear, arrows, a knife, two shields, and a pair of warhorses. And like a mythical valkyrie (depicted above in a 19th century painting), a new study published today in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology finds that the warrior was a woman—the first high-status female Viking warrior to be identified.

I once heard from historians that the Viking which settled America were a group who upon appearing on the shores had a unique vision of the world, in there were people and there were gods. The Viking method of determining if someone new was a god or a human was to brain it.
The Indians on shore responded upon being sorted out this way with a warring party that killed some Vikings.
I think that was  the era too when Vikings brought cows and traded milk, which made the Indians sick as they could not digest it. Again another problem of head and gut associations with the Vikings.

It is said that the Medicine Wheels across America were Vikings. The blonde and pale Indians were the last of the Viking remnant. Those who have researched this, considered that at one time there were 50,000 Vikings in America at one time, but left when the great drought occurred before Columbus discovered America again.
Columbus actually worked up his round world thoughts based upon Viking ships noting strange artifacts were floating in from land beyond the ocean.

As you can see there are great swings in Viking depictions, but in every one of these paintings is the underlying strength, bravery, poetry and suffering acceptance of these Goths of Israel.

They did not shirk responsibility no matter the final solution nature involved. There is a true record of a Viking and a Greenlander in which the Viking challenged the Eskimo friend to an archery match, where the loser would throw themselves over a cliff. The Eskimo tried to talk his friend out of this, but could not, so the match took place, the Viking lost and without hesitation threw himself off the cliff as he had set the rules.

One understands these Goths and Saxons which God produced who founded the entire western world from Moscow to Sidney. They have always been the master race and arose the lesser species to peoplehood by their blades and by  the moral organization which created societies.

Their laws now are used against them to exterminate them as their virtue is criminalized.They are a lasting breed though and the remnants will arise again as the cataclysms of thousand year human cycles consume decaying cultures in their rot, leaving once again a specific gene pool of the ability to survive.

sagaen fortsetter
