Sunday, December 23, 2018

If only I had 40 million Mexicans under my Skirt.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We might as well sing as I contemplate if I had 40 millions Mexicans in my panties I would be rolling in the dough.

GoFundMe Border Wall Nears $16M
As Counter Campaign For Ladders Nets
Just $127K

Daily Wire, by Joseph Curl    Original Article
You gotta give it to liberals: They not only oppose building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border to keep foreigners from illegally entering America, they actively want to encourage them to do so.A GoFundMe campaign, titled "We The People Will Fund The Wall," is closing in on $16 million in just six days. Some 259,936 have donated $15,828,419 toward a $1 billion goal, making the average donation just over $60. The page was created by Brian Kolfage, a triple amputee Air Force veteran. "It´s time we uphold our laws, and get this wall BUILT! It’s up to Americans to help

I mean I would not be  an orphan or homeless if I was a liberal ladder or a conservative wall. I mean shit pot hannah, girl from tarzana. 16 million for a wall, already paid for, and 127,000 for a ladder. Blessed Virgin, I would probably vote for liberal Donald Trump again for 127,000 dollars.

So I am stuck in an America where I can't get out without a passport and a cripple marine is robbing patsies of a billion dollars to build a monument to Mexicans and the left is giving out a 127000 ladder.

I checked as I need an aluminum ladder and they sell them for 120 bucks, and they don't wear out. You get them Mexicans moving and you could get 6 Mexicans up that ladder a minute, for 360 an hour and almost 9000 a day.Them 40000 would be over  the wall in four and a half days.
Don't know what the billion would do but am sure the Mexicans will make out good in building it.

So I can't get a big donation it seems because pet Mexicans are the recipients of my Home Fund Me Page.

That is what the blank is wrong with America. Damned fools who pretend they didn't fleece the poor to get their money, can't do any good with it, except give it to other damned fools fleecing them.

Nuff Said
