I'm a lover, I'm a fighter,
I'm a Kawasaki rider.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When Jerome Corsi appeared on Coast to Coast AM, George Noury was attempting to lead the public to a reality in asking Corsi, "It seems there is something much bigger than this Russian thing that Robert Mueller is after....."
I am not going to tell you who Robert Mueller is really after, as this subject was breached before Donald Trump appeared, but the following revelations are what Robert Mueller and John Brennan are protecting.
Mark Skidmore
Published: Dec. 11, 2017
Skidmore thought Fitts had made a mistake. “Maybe she meant $6.5 billion and not $6.5 trillion,” he said. “So I found the report myself and sure enough it was $6.5 trillion.”
Skidmore and Fitts agreed to work together to investigate the issue further. Over the summer, two MSU graduate students searched government websites, especially the website of the Office of Inspector General, looking for similar documents dating to 1998. They found documents indicating a total $21 trillion in undocumented adjustments over the 1998-2015 period. (The original government documents and a report describing the issue can be found here.)
In a Dec. 8 Forbes column he co-authored with Laurence Kotlikoff, Skidmore said the “gargantuan nature” of the undocumented federal spending “should be a great concern to all taxpayers.”
“Taken together these reports point to a failure to comply with basic constitutional and legislative requirements for spending and disclosure,” the column concludes. “We urge the House and Senate Budget Committee to initiate immediate investigations of unaccounted federal expenditures as well as the source of their payment.”
Years ago Jeff Rense reported in interviews that there was actually in government assets more than what the government produced. 21 trillion in spending.......ask yourself where that money was really coming from which was beyond the debt spending robbing Americans by design. See the spending by the Nazis, the self funding conglomerate structure which the Bush family represented and Obama directly plugged into the US Treasury in Obamacare and other artifices, is an entire living leviathan entity of it's own self.
You are an appendix to the gut of this creature, remember that.
Remember that word.
Does it make a bit more sense the arrogance of John Brennan and the dogged framing of Robet Mueller?
This is more than black ops, this is Pentajew and HUD producing a structure which is the NSA funding the internet surveillance giants to the installing of whatever politician or judge to protect this system as you think your little Yellow Vests are actually spontaneous and none of that is planned out either.
Now that others have given you this insight, the orphan girl just pointed out the obvious.
Ponder that part for a bit.
Nuff Said