Saturday, December 8, 2018

McCain's Nazis in Ukraine seek Nuclear War with Russia

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reality is that Russia wants America out of Europe and NATO and America wants to cripple Russia, just as Adolf Hitler did in 1940 AD in the year of our Lord, and the Ashkenaz bankers would like nothing more than a war to annex Russian wealth, as John McCain's Ukrainian Nazis are the first catalyst to a global nuclear war which will reach the United States via Russian nuclear submarines in retaliation.

This psychotic Love my Putin Piss on my Putin, which has emerged as Trumpian Junta strategy, is a product of Donald Trump's burgeoning Pence Love of all things Bush and the remnants of the reason of Donald Trump in seeking accord with Russia.

Let there be no mistake when the McCain Nazi which runs Ukraine as chosen by George Soros chose to send warships into Russian waters, testing the Russian resolve to protect that inland sea, in knowing Russia would attempt to bully those ships, and thus causing another  international incident, this is all about war, world war, goading Russia to  make a deep strike into Europe where these powers of NATO will kill her.

Russians literally litter the Sea of Azov, and in time the Russians of Ukraine will annex themselves to Russia as Crimea has. What we have been observing in Donald Trump's sphere though is the same neurosis that Adolf Hitler had over the Soviet expansion on German successes. It was not that the Russians were gaining any great foothold, but it was the reality that Russia was projecting outward, which challenged Germany.

 Instead what we have and will have for the foreseeable future is this Piss on Putin parade of penises, until these challenges force Russia to react. The great catalyst point will of course be the Balkans which will lure Russia from her den.
The Sea of Azov is now the focus of Mike Pompeo of the US Secretary of State in more US ships navigating those waters with Turkish asset. It is only hoped that Pompeo's Popeyes do not run like cowards again as was evidenced in sailing into Peter the Great Bay, and when the Russian Navy appeared, running from them.


So for the propaganda, the US was not in the Sea of Japan, but in a Russian Bay where it has no right of passage to enter, no more than Russia can sail ships into Lake Michigan.

US warship challenges Russia claims in Sea of Japan
(CNN) - The US Navy sailed the guided missile destroyer USS McCampbell near contested waters in the Sea of Japan Wednesday ... an…

For some reason, since the Herbert McMaster era with Donald Trump, there has been a dangerous to US Sailors strategy of sailing US warships into kill zones. In North Korea, Mad Dong Mattis sailed carriers into the death zone of the Sea of Japan. Now this incendiary Campbell which keeps being sailed into waters to start incidents was in the Peter the Great Bay and probably is now running hard to get captured in the Sea of Azov.

Any US ship becomes captured for whatever reason, and that ship is going to be a gold mine of intelligence information to any nation, as when Bush43 flew that spy plane over China and they stripped it bare and charge the United States millions for that blunder and Bush paid it to make it all go away.
There is a reason one does not sail ships into fish in the barrel waters.

There is not any need to review where this is all headed. It is the reality though that McCain's Nazis in Ukraine seek to start a nuclear war with Russia, which the British and Europeans are delighted over as located in the fronts of Iran, Alaska and thee American coast, such a war would leave them the superpower and produce immense profits.

It would be pleasant for a few years, if the United State policy was about the United States, and not some Nazis or Communists which the Ashkenaz bankers are bankrupting America over.

Nuff Said
