Friday, December 14, 2018

The Key Evidence of Donald Trump in Russiagate

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was sitting in the library this past week waiting around, an filling time on the computer. I never have the opportunity to watch mpegs as I do not have the bandwidth at home, so in clicking around in the archives on the internet, and found this interesting one, which has everything to do with the afflictions of Donald Trump in Russiagate.

I can tell you that Donald Trump is not mentioned in this video of a Ukrainian General, who I am surprised is still alive after everything he said. You of course with your high speed internet and all your gigs can watch it, but the summation of it all is why Paul Manafort was assaulted in his home with his wife by the Robert Mueller led FBI stormtroopers.
It is why Mike Flynn was persecuted. It is why Roger Stone is being threatened with indictment. It is the revelation of what the Ukraine is about and has always been about and what the Ukraine is.

For those who do not know, Ukraine was the hub of the MI6 framing of Donald Trump. The Ukraine was the Hillary Clinton source lying about Russia being the source of hacking against her and democrats. The Ukraine is why Paul Manafort is in prison for legally investing money that someone else wanted, and that someone else was the Jewish mafia and George Soros, who desired NATO to do the fighting, so they could steal the raw resources of Russia again.

That is what this Ukraine General tells us. He names the exact names of those behind it in Ukraine. He explains that most Ukrainians would rather be allied with Russia. He explains the revelation that this Jewish mafia has now made Ukraine a United States forward base for war with Russia.

I desire you to watch this video a few times. Do not get caught up in the names of these Jews, but instead listen to the simple details that the United States is in control of the Ukraine and the reason America is there, has nothing to do what Americans voted for in 2008 in the Obama election theft which delighted liberals nor in the 2016 election overthrow of Donald Trump which promised his voters peace with Russia. This is about the real world order which has the United States in areas where there is zero national interest involved, for the international financiers are once again after Russian resources to plunder.

The Ukraine is under Jewish Nazi occupation and the United States is the one protecting this mafia again.

Enjoy another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, because when this hits a flashpoint the nuclear missiles will be landing in the United States.

Nuff Said
