Monday, December 17, 2018

The Whore of Trumpcession rideth the Beast of Obama Super Depression

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


As no one else has spoken the R word, it is time to address this reality, that the pandering of Donald Trump to Jew Street, in the Gary Cohen "tax cuts" which were for billionaire industries alone, coupled with Mr. Trump with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, keeping  the trillion dollar robbery per year of Obama record taxes, along with Obamacare left on the  books. have produced when added to the Trump Oil Baron Deal of inflating energy prices in America from 2016 onward by selling American oil and gas to foreigners, has robbed  the American electorate to their purses being empty.

This is not a diatribe against President Trump, but a wake up call for each of you to comprehend what is coming, because this Trumpcession, based on Trumpflation of high fuel costs, is plunging the United States to the second round of Obama Super Depression, where the United States will join the rest of the world already reeling in a global depression.

Mr. Trump's solution in 2017 was to bribe billionaire business by not taxing money returned to the United States, and by John Kelly at Homeland, legalizing the Obama illegals for revenue generators on Chamber of Commerce jobs. This spike is what artificially drove the stock markets, and now that the hot cash has run out, you are witnessing the stock market deflating.

There are those who are involved with Mr. Trump who understood completely what his policies would produce. No nation can rob a people already living paycheck to paycheck of an additional 3 trillion dollars in 2017 and 2018, through Obamacare, Obamatax and high fuel costs, and not produce a recession.
The worst is yet to unfold, because as HAARP was mass murdering Americans for two months in the end of 2018, to bring Greenland air to America, which makes furnaces burn fuel, lining the pockets of Big Oil, that rape effectively in weather mod crippled the American soybean and sugar beet harvest, which again, harmed farmers worse than Trumps grain embargo on China, and their billionaire cronies who control cereal grains and sugar.
Those billionaires squawked and the storms moved south, but the cold continued, and soon the retailers looking for Christmas shoppers, suddenly discovered that no Americans appeared on Black Friday (some of us had our mother's dying in our arms), but the entire Christmas season is warning flags as retailers from the start were running 30, 50 and 75% off sales. There simply is not any money left in the United States as it is all concentrated now in Goldman Sachs cronies.

America is in a Trumpcession. That is why Big Oil tried in a lunacy to lower gas prices after electing democrats to Congress in more crooked elections. It is the case  though of what in the hell is a family going to do with 40 dollars in gas savings for Christmas. It was too little and too late.

Another sign of how bad this is, is that China in all the bad blood between Trump Trade and Peking Girls, entered the US markets again to purchase soybeans. Yes Donald Trump in trade will screw over American farmers, but let the big grain cartels led by Soros need cash and  suddenly grain can be sold  to China at deflated prices helping China, hurting farmers, but the real story is China is in such a depression, that it will gladly take US soybeans in a deal where that soybean cash is dumped right back into China to purchase Chicom goods, so a revolution does not break out.
Read that one over again in how crooked this deal is and how terrified the Reds are, in they will cut a deal with American nation rapists to save themselves, because America is close to financial implosion, and when America goes, the world will be sucked to that oblivion of that financial whirlpool.

There are players in this, as this blog has stated, in Europe whose interest it is for the United States to be cut back as the financial leader of the world.
Observe the reality of what is taking place in Europe due to the resurgence of  Sebastian Kurz as Chancellor of Austria and President of the European Super State.

  • London is in financial blitz as Theresa May has bowed London finance to Kurz.
  • Paris is burning as Macron's green policies have obliterated the French  economy
  • Berlin is busy nationalizing their banks to replace America

From the above, there will be zero financial assistance available from the only nations who had money. That means when America implodes, she is going to be busy plugging her leaks with both hands as she sinks.

This blog reminds all of you, especially the rich non donors, of the fact that this orphan girl, once the popular girl, WARNED the world that Obama dumping 3 trillion dollars into Europe when Europeans installed him to the White House twice as a foreigner working for them, that this 3 trillion was being used to set up the very Sebastian Kurz Super State which is appearing to replace the United States. You remember that when this 9 11 style implosion hits America, as Donald Trump will be blamed, but this is the cum dump of Barack Hussein Obama  with his European marxist masters.

Whatever reason in Donald Trump trying to save himself or simply not being up to the job, it does not matter what Mr. President knows or does not know, as it matters what he sold America out to, and the outcome is as this blog stated in MAGA is dead. The United States will not resurrect. There is a rot in the American system and it is rapine from the international socialists and it is in their interests now to wipe the books clean and replace the United States with a new order out of Europe. That is why the economic collapse will come, as it in the old order's interest.

I could inquire on this again, but am occupied now in my own trying to not be served papers for things owed in this mother debt situation in which she left me. As I warned all of you rich people who were not donating, I may not be around here, and your sitting on your portfolios have now produced a point that you will be bit in the ass and discover you are not as protected as you thought you were.
There is not any need of any inquiry when you can see the rot which is an economic cancer producing the offal of septic debt. Combine that with Germanics who have concluded it is in their interests to replace the United States, and those who rock the cradle of the world will accomplish what they set out to do.

I fully expect the United States to revisit the Second Coming of the Obama Super Depression. The signs indicate 2019 AD in the year of our Lord as EMP warnings from Homeland mean the elite desire to remove the electronic trail of their looting of America, and wars are handy distractions for despots like Franklin Roosevelt to produce a Nazi economy.
You did understand that, your rich lucre is linked to a war where billions will die or did you miss that too as you were focusing so much on your wallet again?
For those who doubt that, the 4 Horsemen are God's warning, in they always travel together, in national upheaval, brings war, and it all brings toxic national death.

You probably wanted a nice Christmas message, but I am not into lying. If I was, I could have lied to you sods and conned you to donating to me and actually have some money now. I instead did what was right in warning people, and everything this orphan girl warned of has come true. One simply can not create a Reagan Economy while Jew Street is robbing the nation of  trillions of dollars to concentrate the wealth in the feudal few.

I would enjoy Christmas though as that is what I am going to do. I trust in the Lord and He will carry us through. I would enjoy Christmas though like it would be your last, as one year ago, my mother had no idea she would see her last Christmas, where TL kindly purchased for her a pile of mints, which of course mother did not share, but seemed to find a way to eat our treats too, just like you rich people keep devouring things here. The time is coming and I recall now that I warned my mother last summer when the uncle almost went tits up, that no one is safe from harming us, and now in her toxic implosion she is only in Heaven, because God worked through us long enough to save her, and then she was taken out.
As I stated, I would enjoy Christmas like it is your last. We are in a recession by Donald Trump and it is only a matter of time before the Obama Super Depression engulfs the United States, and of course you will be told how wonderful it is just like you have been told how wonderful it has been since the 2008 AD in the year of our Lord implosion.

Nuff Said
