Monday, December 3, 2018

Using Visa Vermin Children to Sue to Own America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Yes I am to blame. Sorry about that, but what is a Christian to do when dumb animals have even worse vermin parents who try to kill them off?

Ok for those who are not informed of this story, it happened last saturday in the thrift store. So I am looking at things and I hear this heard of elephants upstairs and immediately know the Mexicans are up there.
I keep looking and the sound keeps sounding like the second floor is about to collapse, and I eventually go up the stairs and who is there to greet me but a pot bellied pig.

I say, Hola, and pot belly smiles at me in her 3 year old two legged fatness, and waves. Pot belly likes me a great deal and wants to be my pet. So I move by and Pot belly who has this like kids stroller thing by the edge of the stairs, keeps trying to go airborne, so I say, NO LITTLE GIRL, YOU CAN NOT BE PLAYING BY THE STAIRS.

Thing is those damned yellow Honduran parents are both there and like all of this vermin never pay any attention to these howling brats they have. Now that I think about it, they probably positioned that damned cart by the stairs so the kid would fall and they would sue the store.

Anyway, after a bit the womb bearer appeared quite sullen and grabbed the kid, and then the howling began as they went downstairs a Pot belly apparently had her lust set on something only a mongrel breed would lust for, and then for the next 15 minutes Pot belly howled in the store as  the deaf sperm donor lusted for a 25 dollar shitty dresser which he loaded into his 35,000 dollar SUV. Yes it is amazing the phones and vehicles these vermin have in America and Americans have chit......well except for the stock portfolio rich Americans who are just blind to all of the need, but always go out of their way to make pets of Mexicans.

So yes it is my fault as Pot belly will grow up and probably have 5 kids by the time she is 12 years old and an entire race of low DNA squat retards will of course join the other millions of low DNA retards in America, as America now has a Jane Goodall class of primates who are roaming about in the asphalt jungles with their very own smart phone tracking.

I now realize in typing this, that I better tell the people in charge of the thrift store what I observed as I think these beaners were hoping that kid went over the edge. No toys on the second floor that can go airborne, and if they do not do anything, then they can learn that lesson too.

Anyway, that is my fault in being Christian. I save puppies in the street from being run over and I saved a Pot belly from going over the edge her parents were edging her over to. I guess being a female  she was expendable as they were paying attention to the goucho.

I wonder how long it will be before John Kelly's Visa Vermin start filing millions of lawsuits which Obama judges will all hand out millions of dollars to as two legged vermin own America.

Nuff Said
