Tuesday, January 15, 2019

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I rail a great deal about the police state for the obvious reasons of when the elite create a police force, they send it out to protect themselves and crush those opposed to it, much akin to the exhibition of the noble Robert Mueller charged with stringing up the innocent Donald Trump.

All of this insecurity gives the mob a problem in they start acting out, such as this Texas woman who in frustration as a leftist, ignorant that Donald Trump has kept all of the Birther Hussein policies on the books, from sodomy to aborticide by his Supreme Court Justice picks, making the court, 7 to 2 liberal.

This woman though exhibiting her leftist tendency to look for entitlement assassins, a sort of welfare state where liberals want others to die for their sins, much like the rich hired poor black folks to die in Vietnam for them, as they protested in the safety of dope shrouded campuses across America.

Belligerent woman who posted about shooting POTUS between the eyes berates, slams door on Secret Service

Having had experience with Federal Agents being sent out to talk to me,  I can defend the field agents who work for the federal government, as they are very well trained professionals and that includes their regional supervisors. They are doing a job which is hard, because they have to deal with the public, after being sent on missions from those stone buildings in DC, where politicians make political minders engage in all sorts of enterprising situations to further their careers in the halls of power.

There is a far different situation between a state highway patrol officer playing highway robber for their state, and your local police department with officers sworn to protect and serve. It is the same issue with the federal agents in you have an Agent as the one in San Antonio stuck with a political job and then you have the political assassins who were on a DC mission to slaughter men like LaVoy Finnicum.

Americans have always been a mouthy lot. Samuel Adams and his group were screaming for British troops to shoot in Boston and they did at the Americans. The problem in a Facebook world is the same compulsion to mouth off in flipping the bird to people in traffic goes into texts posted and Federal Agents appear. Do that in a state like Texas which is Reagan Blue, has Ted Cruz, a GOP Governor and a history of a President getting shot, and the supervisors looking to move up to DC and beyond, to protect themselves issue a fast response. Pull that in California and they probably get an invite to sit in Nancy Pelosi's box.

Everyone in this American Police State need to understand certain things. If a speed trap cop is pulling you over, you are going to be legally robbed. So be respectful, let them lecture you about how caring they are about saving your life, and pay the fine. If Federal Agents appear on your doorstep, as with all police, do not lie to them, as you do that and you will set in motion your arrest. Do not be disrespectful of them, or you will set in motion events which you will not like to be a part of. Remember they have the guns, and what they conclude has them going home to a bed, and what they decide has you arrested, in jail, appearing before a judge, needing to spend money on a lawyer and a growing file, as a judge gives you an earned criminal record.
Be respectful and be respectful.

Americans need to gain an understanding that their worlds do not spin on the axis of a Barack Obama or a Donald Trump. No one is more empowered with a Donald Trump in office than a Barack Obama in office. They both seem to have done a great deal of talking, and it is the civil servants and the financiers who get the things they want done that everyone is giving credit to a president.

People need to think a bit what it is like being a Federal Agent. They got the job because they first fit a psychological profile and the people who hired them, hired them, because they will enforce the law.
The Agents know this, and have visions of stopping real criminals, but most of what they get is their supervisor sending them out to deal with mouthy people, which the Agents know they have to be diplomatic in not escalating things or their future employment will end as a night security guard of chain link fences.
The last thing these Agents want is to be on your doorstep. They know it is a worthless trip and all they are hoping for is to have someone be polite, confirm they are stupid, so the Agent can go back, and write 'just another idiot" on the file and hope for a real criminal tomorrow.

The politicians and talking heads are responsible for ramping up these people to cause problems. Fury politics bring ratings cash and brings donations to political candidates. Federal Agents are caught between the mob, the propaganda, cops with bad attitudes getting pretty girl phone numbers and doing a job.
Think about that when you are deciding to not think.

America is being designed to be a mob tearing at itself to justify a police state reacting as it is being attacked.  It is rudimentary police state cannibalism as old as Nimrod and his tower.
No one is going to ever convince these reactionaries to self police themselves, so the natural trigger is the police state.
It is a fact that only one President who left office made things better, but that is because Ronald Reagan  made things better. Otherwise, things stay the same worse no matter if it is Obama or Trump in office. Nothing is going to change if Mike Pence or Beto O'Rourke is in the White House. The same cartel which rules is going to rule, the same pitting factions against each other will continue and the same examples will be made of those who can not police themselves, as the same Federal Agents discover they are minders in a zoo of primates and protecting a pension in hoping 20 years goes by quickly so they can retire.

Nuff Said
