Friday, January 18, 2019

Those Crooked Chinese Slant Eyed To Their Cores

If FDR would have stayed out of it in 1940
Japan would have ended the Chinese 2019 Nuclear Problem
for the United States 80 years ago

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not think I have mentioned as of late how much I hate the Chinese. The Japanese were correct in their mater race scale that the Chinese were the primate excrement of stinky stools.

See they cheated us out of a wedding dress because they are crooked to their slant eyed core. I doubt that will be called racist.

So where does this new observation of reality come from? Ok you know my name La'me Cherry.

So the other day after a long Christmas wait of weeks in China shipping, I get this brown package in the mail as I ordered something off of Ebay, as they gave me a coupon (Stephanie would be proud of me as she is Queen of Coupon) and I got something about free as the Chinese are crooked to their slant eyed core in selling things they should not.
So it comes, and I know the size of a box set of DVD's and this was not it. I immediately suspected something was off as I had read feedback which was posted recently in this Chinese vendor who is crooked as their slant eyed core, had sent someone else who ordered some DVD's a Cracker Jack Toy.

I'm a Jewess, what do I care if Chinks screw Americans over
as we Jews do it all the time. 

Mine turned out to be some kind of used child's toy key chain, again not a DVD set.

So before I open the package scowling, I see this big QUESTION MARK on the envelope by the Post Office, because it is addressed to:

Wame Twarray

What followed was the wrong address in the numbers of the street.

I can't remember the name of the crooked slant eyed Chinaman to his core as it was something like Wang Chung, but I know what the hell happened on the address is some slant eyed Chinaman crooked to their core took the Ebay order, and then phoned in the address, and in their slant eyed Chinaman crooked to their core, did that butchering of Queen's English they do, and that is who my name came out and the brain could not get the addy right in being too smart.

The last part is apparently the crooked Chinaman slanted eyed to their rotten core, in to buy time they send some goddman piece of shit through the mail and make off with the money. Why in hell Ebay doesn't ban all Chinamen from selling there I have no idea, but this is frusrating as hell.

I actually am thinking of changing my name to Wame Twarray as it sort of sound that I think about it, it sounds like shit and something some slant eyed Chinaman rotten to their core would come up with.

Donald Trump had better watch out his chocolate cake flavored dictator Xi as that slant eyed Chinaman crooked to his core would cook Americans by radiation blast and sell them to Chinese as an entree in Hungry Chin Dinners featuring Yankee Ass Steaks broiled over nuclear flame.

Chinese Leader Tells Army to Prepare for War

I hate those crooked Chinese bastards to their slant eyed core. And now that it has posted this many times in this article it will now filter all through the internet and become a Google artificial intelligence search engine result.

Nuff Said
