As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
May Day
Mother's Day.
Yes on this world communist day of celebration as I sit in the throws of HAARP genocidal winter ebbs of April 1st, I can not thin of a greater tribute than to pay homage to my favorite Son of Texas, than a man I knew nothing about until a liberal named SC Gwynne, who made his living taking the historical writing of other Americans, tainting it with liberalism, gaining liberal awards and living high off the hog in Austin Texas, made me aware of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar.
I doubt anyone outside of Texas even knows this guys name, but in history he was a real rip snorter, and for me, I hope that Donald John Trump puts a little shine of this apple in his god's eye, as this is the presence which America really needs to ever return to Americans.
Here is a photo of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar.
MB as we will call him here, arrived in America in the clay soils of Georgia, August 16th, 1798. Hell the War of 1812 had not even been fought, the British rapists were not bleeding out from Andy Jackson at New Orleans, and this fine man had already entered America.
It was not in George that MB would rise to note, but in Texas, where upon his brother's suicide, MB traveling with grief, appeared just in time at San Jacinta, yes the Texas independence after the Alamo slaughter of our beloved Davy Crockett, and promptly got off his horse, swung his sword around at some Greasers of Santa Ana, rescued two Texicans from murder of Mexicans, got a salute for his bravery from the Mexicans, and Sam Houston promptly put MB in charge of the Texas Cavalry for the next day on the right line, and victory became Texas.
Everyone liked MB as that kind of bravery is like glue, and after Sam Houston failed at being President of Texas, MB was elected the Second President, and really the first President in this Saber waving Poet. Yes MB was a self educated man and this quote his is:
The cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy and, while guided and controlled by virtue, the noblest attribute of man. It is the only dictator that freemen acknowledge and the only security that freemen desire.
Yes a Texas Democrat from a family of Democrats from Georgia, but here is why I have a thing for MB.
MB did two things as President of Texas, as the first when most Texicans were thinking being annexed by the United States, MB told the Americans to stuff it. MB dreamed of a Texas from the Gulf to the Pacific. Yes for the record, it is not only northern Mexico that is Texas, it is California, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona too.
MB could not get funding from the British and French though as they wanted a poor divided America, not another America with a rip snorter like MB, so MB just did his next great social justice in spending 7 million dollars to exterminate Indians, all Indians in and around Texas, and Mexican Greasers too.
Yes MB would not need a Trump wall as the Comanche started asking Sam Houston for, as Houston said the Americans would go crazy trying to figure a way around a Texas wall that Indians could not go over. MB detested Houston and his city by the swamp, and promptly moved the capital of Texas to Austen as it was the line on Comancheria, the land of the Comanches and MB in his inauguration address said that there was only Texas, and the Indians could either leave with all their goddamn terrorism or get killed.
Yes those pesky Cherokee pretending to be civilized were still raping and murdering the Texicans, along with pricking around with the French at New Orleans, so MB sent in the Rangers and wiped them in another good Indian massacre.
East Texas by the end of summer, was rid of most of the Indians. To be a good sport, MB let two tribes stay, but the rest were as gone as the wild lonesome winter.
It was then that MB turned the Rangers loose on the Comanche and began an all out war on these terrorists who were raping 14 year old girls, ripping their noses off, beating them head to foot, and roasting Americans alive.This had been going for a century, as the Comanche began on the Apache, and when the Apache ran out or were exterminated turned on the Texans, as they had practiced on the Mexicans and Spanish. The Texans though were different in meaner, harder, and with Protestant Bibles in hand, had a new Gospel of Go Ye, like Gideon, in they not only liked hunting Indians, they relished killing Indians.
It was a great time under MB, and from trading slaves for profit and killing Indians, the Americans just poured into Texas to take over the Indian lands like Good Christians did taking over those raping Muslim lands in the Balkans, the same way the Germans of Sebastian Kurz civilized Europe by Christian conquest.
MB though ran his term as President, accomplished a great deal, and Sam Houston was chosen again to be President of Texas, where upon MB joined the Mexican American War, invaded Mexico and showed bravery and valor again.
He was the bravest son of Georgia who ever blossomed in Texas. I know people think of Jimmy Carter, but sister that ain't Georgians. Georgians used to be people who liked killing primates like Doc Holiday and MB. both of who were civilized and educated men.
MB eventually was like Ambassador to 3 Banana Republics before this slave trader, Indian killer and the founder of education and a secure Texas without walls succumbed to the great beyond, and now appears here in high praise and adoration of the kind of gentleman America needs in the White House and State Capitals.
Now I know you are thinking, there were millions of Americans like this, so why should we be cult like over MB? I will tell you sister in it was not just MB, but his entire family was pure American.
Like Charles Augustus Lafayette Lamar, MB's nephew, now is that not a prime American name of destiny. Sure it is, a nd CAL Lamar only adds to MB's portfolio and resume as he brought in over four hundred slaves to America from the Belgium Congo, saving them from crocodiles and lions. He landed them at Jekyl Island ten years after it was outlawed to import slaves. That is real John Hancock rum runner there, as anyone could trade or import slaves, but it took a real American to bring them in defying those abolitionist shill for London and Paris trying to start a war. He was MASA, Make America Slave Again, and did not just sit around, but he did it.
Then there was MB"s cousin, Gazaway Bugg Lamar. Besides having another cool Lamar name, as the Lamars named all their people by catching names, Gazaway rose to prominence as a steamboat inventor, and then started a bank in New York with 1 million dollars.
I know, Fulton and Jews do this all the time, but you have not got the color section of Gaz yet and it is coming. See Gaz dealt in cotton, and when Sherman was burning down Georgia, Gaz read the handwriting on Lincoln's parchment that any Southerner who swore allegiance to Lincoln would keep their property. Gaz immediately did this, and then those Union scoundrels stole his cotton.
Gaz was highly displeased, ended up in Washington and got himself arrested after the war as a conspirator to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. This advisor to the leaders of the Confederacy, was held 3 months, then released, and headed back to Georgia where he sued the federal government and 9 years later received almost 600,000 dollars for his stolen cotton, a few months before his death.
This was not enough and Gaz told his kindred to keep after DC and they did, and in 1919 the feds handed over another 75,000 dollars to the Lamar Family of Georgia.
Now you can see why the Lamar Kindred poked ole Maribeau Buonaparte from the rest of the herd of Americans. I mean President of Texas, importer of slaves, running slaves, Indian terrorist killer like George W. Bush was to Muslims sort of, Ambassador, and who else gets arrested for trying to shoot Lincoln, gets imprisoned for 3 months, then goes home, gets almost a million dollars in suing the regime, and then gets 75,000 more after he dies.
That is one rip snortin' family of Americans and why they are so admired greatly. Yes mam, ain't no one tearing down MB's statues or pealing his name off of things in Texas. This is one prime Johnny Reb and his kindred who are true 1776, and it makes one yearn for a President like this to save thee American Race.
Alas though if it was not for a judgmental whining liberal, making money off of other folks writings, I would not even known about his favorite son of Georgia, Texas, the Confederate States and American Union. I mean dude was all 4 Americans in one ball. The only thing that stopped him from colonial, is he was not born yet, but he got in on that too with Mexico.
So that is who I want to vote for President and everything else is an educated man like Maribeau Buonaparte Lamar. I have had my eyes opened now that Texas must now run from Galveston to San Diego, east to west and from Denver to Mexico City in the south. One big ole state, under one big ole star, with Rangers pushing them Califonicators into the Pacific, those dope heads in Colorado into the Grand Canyon and then Greasers into whatever is south of Montezuma's revenge.
Adios to this occupation of Texas and Hola to the Texas which is legally binding. I might even join the Rangers and push them Californicators to the Pacific as Texas was offering 360 acres for Ranger service and I have always had a hankering to raise horses and peaches in California.
Yes mam, let us all go forth and elect the next Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, to the United States White House in you don't need walls or borders when you just give problems the opportunity to leave or die, and then you just settle it with good Protestant gun toting Christian Americans.
Hey MB was like Jesus, was not a racist in only allowing in the White folks, so I will live by that in Christians come in all Protestant colors.
Nuff said