As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is an interesting beginning for the framing of Donald John Trump, and it began in the Obama Inner Sanctum, with the firing of Sec. of Defense Chuck Hagel and Defense Intelligence Director Michael Flynn.
In these two Obama chosen appointees, is a strange genesis of progression of the Obama Inner Sanctum eating their own, which began with Rod Blagojevich, then moved onto Rahm Emanuel and Mayor Daley of Chicago. A compromiser like Emanuel and a pragmatist like Daley were forced out by the ideologues.
In Hagel an Flynn though are the clues to exactly how their being forced out, became the same group who would move to frame Donald Trump.
With Flynn the names which appear are James Clapper, informing the General that he had to go.
With Hagel, it was Susan Rice crying in her panties, with image Obama considering that Kerry, McDonough and Rice, not being the offerings to appease John the hero McCain's lust for grabbing Obama foreign policy. So Hagel was chosen to be fired.
Rice's name is all over the Trump frame and other Obama crimes as Benghazi, just as Clapper is the shadow of John Brennan in framing Donald Trump. From the removal of both men though, there developed a fixation on Michael Flynn.
Hagel Resigns Under Pressure as Global Crises Test Pentagon ...
Nov 25, 2014 · Chuck Hagel, whose resignation as defense secretary was announced Monday, said he would stay in the job and support the president until his successor was confirmed.
In reality, Mr. Hagel was never able to penetrate the president’s tight national security team of West Wing loyalists, officials at the White House and the Pentagon said. And faced with the calls for a shake-up of his national security staff to better deal with an onslaught of global crises, Mr. Obama balked at the idea of replacing Ms. Rice, Secretary of State John Kerry or the powerful White House chief of staff, Denis R. McDonough.
A timeline of Michael Flynn's troubles with the Obama and ...
A timeline of Michael Flynn's troubles with the Obama and Trump administrations ... White House about Flynn's Russia talk 18 days before he resigned. She said she warned that Flynn "essentially ...
April 30, 2014: Flynn announces his retirement from the DIA about a year earlier than expected. Media reports reveal that Flynn was effectively forced out over his combative management style and clashes over his attempted overhaul of the agency. The New Yorker later reports that DIA subordinates mocked Flynn for his loose relationship with the truth and said he spewed so-called "Flynn facts." Flynn will become a vocal critic of Obama.
Flynn had been on the job just eighteen months when James Clapper told him he had to go. Clapper said that he could stay for another nine months, until his successor was vetted and confirmed, according to two people familiar with their conversation. Flynn was livid.
In the last quote from the New Yorker, there is another blurb which is most interesting in what set off the Obama Inner Sanctum against Flynn. Flynn was at odds with Susan Rice over Syria. Remember the entire theater in this, that Libya was destroyed, Libyan weapons were shipped to Turkey, where terrorists were being trained and later armed for combat in Syria. This group which began under the Khan era of Hillary Clinton DNC ranting Muslims, started in Iraq. ISIS was nothing but an oil theft operation by Kurds in Iraq and Syria, with oil sold to Turkey and them money flowing back into Obama and McCain operations off the book.
Islam is not a religion, Flynn and Ledeen wrote, but a political ideology bent on destroying Judeo-Christian civilization. Flynn began saying that he had been fired because President Obama disagreed with his views on terrorism and wanted to hide the growth of ISIS
General Flynn was rocking the boat on Obama money laundering and the genocide of Syrian Christians. Flynn was shining the light on this area and that apparently was driving the Obama Inner Sanctum to criminal over reach as it was after General Flynn was forced out, and while calling attention to Syria, that the Obama regime, opened an FBI investigation into Michael Flynn in attempting to frame him.
We now know all of this, because of protector of America, Robert Mueller's investigation, has hidden away in it, TWO investigations into Michael Flynn. The one which the world knew about over Russia, but another investigation, before Flynn ever met Donald Trump. That is a damning revelation, because Obama Inc was protecting Muslim terrorists and the oil laundering scheme in Syria, by sending out the FBI to intimidate and frame the General.
Mueller files show Flynn under investigation earlier than ...
Michael Flynn was under FBI investigation earlier than previously thought, according to a little-noticed section in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report -- and the former national security ...
The Director of the FBI in James Comey and the Deputy Director in Andrew McCabe were both aware of this investigation into Michael Flynn. We have yet to learn who requested it in the Obama regime or what the criminal referral was which opened this framing of the General.
What is the smoking gun in this is interesting in this was coming from Susan Rice of NSA, which means this was coming directly from image Obama, Michelle and Val-erie Jarrett. We know the discussion was taking place as James Clapper told Flynn to leave. Yet not anywhere in this is CIA Director John Brennan appearing as he was running the framing of Donald Trump with James Comey.
It is key in this in who in the Obama White House made the request for the FBI to go after Flynn? Information from Comey points to Comey was shutting the investigation down as nothing was discovered. Again, that means Comey was connected in this, and there were only two people who would have directed Comey to frame Michael Flynn. The first was image Obama as Comey was in philia obsession with Obama and the other is Attorney General Loretta Lynch who as Comey's superior. The way this appears is James Comey was directed by AG Loretta Lynch to frame Michael Flynn to shut him up, on direct orders out of the Obama White House, and the girl who carried the message was NSA's Susan Rice, who was delivering it from Michelle Obama and the husband, with Val-erie Jarrett, in trying to cover up the weapons to terrorists and the oil laundering scheme in Syria.
The same bad actors then went into wholesale overdrive as they melded with the cover up artists led by Peter Strzok of FBI in not referring Hillary Clinton for indictment, with the framing of Mike Flynn, which became the witch hunt of Russian meddling to frame Donald Trump.
FBI Investigated Andrew McCabe For Allegedly Leaking About ...
The FBI investigated former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in March 2017 for an alleged unauthorized leak to the media regarding former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and President Donald Trump, according to documents released Monday.
All of this is now leaving shit on the Obama lapels. Lynch and Comey did not just dream up an investigation, but were put up to it, and the same names appear who were involved in framing Donald Trump. This is a huge story and one which Attorney General Barr's investigation will find the origins of, as that is what Mr. Barr was focusing on, in when did this framing of Donald Trump began and who ordered it, as that cover up was behind the shadow curtain of Birther Hussein as they knew they were breaking the law and hiding that criminal conduct against the innocent Mike Flynn.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is who Attorney General Bar's Investigation is Seeking