Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Sacred Knowledge of AOC

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I know numbers of people have their heads hurting from Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's latest CIA brilliance Mockingbird commentary while others are mocking her, but for me, I just adore AOC as she was telling you something if you paid attention.

What AOC was chattering about, was that Greasers rejected the Neo Green Deal scam, because there was not any pay off for the Beaner so they were rejecting being mind fucked. See AOC knows a Latin has 3 holes that matter, their mouth for food, their anus to shit it out, and their nethers to fuck with. If a Greaser does not have something to enter or exit those holes, it does not interest them.

Ocasio-Cortez Finally Says Something Sensible [Updated with Dispute Between Steve and John]

She’s against cauliflower. Not for the good reason that it tastes bad, but because it represents a “colonial approach” in the context of urban community gardens. Crops like plantains and yucca are much less colonialist.

See AOC put it this way in Obama Birther speak. See Greasers, do not want the Green Deal, because it is telling their animal brains they have to eat European vegetable garden produce like cauliflower, when what they really want to eat is something that tastes like shit in plantain. See plantain is a root, a starch, it tastes like shit, like Hawaiian poi does. You taste this shit and you are happy to eat potatoes, another New World invention, which Indians said tasted like dirt, unlike bile on hot buffalo liver which makes normal White people puke.

Anyway, so not to get lost in the translation, AOC was saying that liberals had to learn to scam 3rd world vermin better, to get them to come along and enslave themselves. You know like the Jesuits did under Spanish arms. In other words, AOC is telling her trolls that they have to improve the Obama line of shit being fed the vermin so they eat it. The liberals have to make their shit into a meal that Mexicans will gulp down.

Now why AOC blurted out she wants to return her vermin kind back to the sash of the Black Robe Jesuits exploiting them is what AOC does in blurting things out. See AOC knows that saving the world, putting up wind towers, solar panels and living in houses that do not use energy does not appeal to Mexicans. AOC knows that Mexicans understand things like not using ass wipe and just shitting like a goose out in the lettuce patch.
See that is colonial in showing Mexicans that toilet paper exists to wipe their asses. AOC desires a New Green Deal without ass wipe for Mexicans and them shitting on the vegetables as that is natural for them.

See you children and non donating brats just learned more shit than your minds have had flushed through it in these few paragraphs than the diarrhea brains you have been suffering through in the constipation of thought from all your experts mocking or not getting AOC's message.

I like AOC. She looks good in virginal white. She sounds like Mini Mouse. I would like to see her in some Lana Turner tight white shorts and a pretty white blouse. She can't dance, so she could just sit with her legs crossed and no one would pay any attention to what she was saying......well except me, as I am a girl after all and I recognize one of my own playing the game. She of course has better benefactors who pay her six figure salaries, while working freelance for God as I do.......only expose who are the Good Samaritans and who are going to hell for robbing me of the sacred knowledge.

Nuff Said
