Friday, May 10, 2019

When Peter Strzok Fingered Barack Obama's Privates

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The issue of Peter Strzok which has emerged is a declaration of the reason that John Brennan chose him to bring down the government of the United States. Strzok is the perfect storm for the frame up called Crossfire Hurricane, because in every instance of this operatives musings, is he is neither this nor that, he is yet both, a chimera of two forms, with the illusion of one entity.

It is the last two texts which Strzok sent to Lisa Page which have been released, which have given the critical insight to this Machiavelli.  Time and again Lisa Page enters the texts as the feminine form, wanting to see him, providing the smiley faces. Strzok is the perfect manipulator though of this woman he seduced so thoroughly for his operations.

The last two texts reveal that Strzok is adept at reason and cause and effect. A necessary attribute for an investigator, as all hell was breaking loose in December of 2016 in Barack Hussein Obama's image, terrified of what was to be exposed, had unleashed under John Brennan, with MI6, Mosaad and Italian Services, to frame Donald Trump.
There were many facets behind the witch hunt of Donald Trump, but for this Brennan group, it was all designed a Jame Gorelick after 9 11, to hide the crimes of the Obama regime.

Focus on what Strzok states. The Sisters are like intelligence agencies in this cause as the FBI. These agencies were alerted in a panic, and Evelyn Farkas was  a prime example  of this mania in numbers of believers were told like Dan Rather in Forgegate the biggest line of bullshit, and they believed it, as they believed Obama had a halo.

Read carefully the Forensic Psychological assessment of Strzok of everyone from State, to the Obama inner circle to the CIA in the descriptions:

  • Scorned
  • Worried
  • Political

Peter Strzok knew in 2016 already that what Obama was up to, was nothing to do with criminality of Donald Trump, but everything to do with emotional vulnerability of Barack Hussein Obama.

Scorned: Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike

Worried: Disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress

Political: Of or relating to your views about social relationships involving authority or power

If you look at the definitions above, you are reading of image Obama on election night, and Peter Strzok could sense the fear in all of them, and yet he was above it all. Above it all, because Peter Strzok is working for someone and something else. Obama is simply his platform to enable Strzok to serve his master.

They then point to a new pair of messages from Strzok which appear to relate to "the FBI’s apparent awareness of leaks by other agencies or entities to the media." The first is a text sent by Strzok to Page in December 2016:
Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried and political, they’re kicking in to overdrive.

By April 2017, Strzok is  musing again, this time he has deduced that the FBI, had received information against Donald Trump earlier than Strzok had assumed. Strzok in arrogance had assumed incorrectly, in he was the main spoke manipulating those at the FBI, and now he has concluded that others at the FBI had kept not only him out of the loop, but also Lisa Page was completely unaware.
This is interesting in Bill Priestap, Andrew McCabe and James Comey were the big guns at the FBI, and they appeared unaware, so who is it at the FBI in controlling it that was receiving information.

Notice though the Obama necessity to get out the framing of Donald Trump, that elements went into overdrive, and Strzok has concluded the leaks were wrong to the media. He then states the FBI was the source of the fake leaks. Fake leaks which Strzok knows are bogus, because he already knows the true scenario.

In April 2017, Strzok sent an email to his FBI colleagues which again references leaks to the press, "specifically, with regard to the publication of an article in The Guardian titled, 'British spies were first to spot Trump team’s links with Russia,'" the senators note. Strzok wrote:
I’m beginning to think the agency got info a lot earlier than we thought and hasn’t shared it completely with us. Might explain all these weird/seemingly incorrect leads all these media folks have. Would also highlight agency as source of some of the leaks.

The person charged with Crossfire Hurricane reveals he knows the framing of Donald Trump involved bogus information.
Strzok defines this  frame up as a rejected woman, now in panic, terrified of the outcome in being discovered, and this frame is a political act.

We must part the waters in this, to the key point of why the image of Obama and all of those around him, in the inner sanctum risked criminal apprehension, BECAUSE THERE WERE BIGGER CRIMES WHICH WERE BEING COVERED UP.

Yes, there were international political manipulations in MI6, Mosaad, and Italy to displace Germany, for a scorched earth war there between the United States and Russia, leaving them alone in power, but in all of this, Hillary Clinton was designed to protect the secrets of Obama, which have not yet surfaced in your Qanon media, which will never divulge them in their echo chamber there and Sunprancer will not be allowed to print them until the threshold.
This is not the world of Paul Singer nor Roger Stone, but in their sphere of the Missing Link, it links to the drama of those DNC and Clinton emails, linking to crimes there which Obama sphere knew and promoted in stealing the 2016 DNC primary, all in Wikileaks. It always comes back to the weak link of Hillary Clinton who was vulnerable.
What would Hillary Clinton to divulge to save herself.

Divulging, yes the secrets of the Obama crimes, which has Susan Rice falling on the Benghazi sword and rose to protect image Obama again in an email to herself. Silent in this are the lesbian duo at the center of this, in Michelle Obama and Val-erie Jarrett a silent parrot of the vocal John Brennan and James Comey to divert attention from the great Obama secret.

Obama International engaged in crimes which have been hidden, and then in order to protect themselves, engaged in desperate crimes which exposed all they are to prosecution.

Now what in a legacy, would be so important, that to protect it, they would risk destroying it?

June 13, 2013.

They were protecting what was not, because if that was known, then everything which was, would not be.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.  Peter Strzok is a large problem for those who wanted to cover all of this up. He is arrogant in his intelligence, though flawed, but he knows with contempt for them, their motives, but not the reason behind their motives. That though is the jeopardy in he has exposed that Obama engaged in felonies of high treason to cover up crimes this Obama judged were worse.

Now who is telling you this, but this poor orphan girl, as no one else can nor will.

221 Baker

Nuff Said
