Saturday, June 8, 2019

How to shut Donald Trump up or down.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was thinking about my favorite portrayal of Jesus our Christ, in the movie Ben Hur. It is the scene when Judah ben Hur is in chains, dying of thirst, and everyone is forbidden from giving him a drink of water, but an unseen man brings water to him, and the Centurion reacts with bluster, and immediately withdraws as he looks upon this Man.
We never see Christ, but the powerful nature of His Caring is what overcomes the power of this world. It is the most moving scene of Jesus ever, and it is so perfect in we never see Him, and God remains in our hearts how we create Him, in how we accept Him.

It was in this that after a shooting in America, that Donald Trump followed up with going to England to protest the Second Amendment in looking to ban suppressors on firearms as he has banned bump stocks, violating another of his promises from 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. But first, after coming in from a sweaty round of golf, dressed in golf attire, the President dispatched his entourage to inform a Protestant that the President would soon arrive to be prayed over.
That is novel from a President with a wife who worships the idol of the Queen of Heaven in Mary, and a daughter who rejected Christ for Jared Kushner's jewry, and yet the President turns to a Christian after a shooting, when I am sure there were Priests, Rabbis and hell, Mullahs galore in Virginia to lay their hands on him.
Of course it was a political manipulation of Protestants who this President has cast to the wind, as his latest venture was to promote sexual deviants, and to bully nations whose laws protect society from perverts of sodomy.

This is what set the stage for Pastor David Platt, in having his congregation's worship of Christ and our Father by the Holy Ghost disrupted by the sodomite President, and the Pastor being in a bind as the Church is not to violate the "render unto Caesar those things which are Caesar's and those things which are God's to God".

Fast-forward to this past Sunday, June 2, when President Trump showed up unannounced at McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Va., clad in khakis, a polo shirt, and a blazer fresh off a round of golf. A spokesperson for the White House said the president was there to “visit with the pastor and pray for the victims and community of Virginia Beach," where 12 people were killed in a mass shooting on Friday.

Pastor Platt was led by the Holy Ghost in how to deal with this situation, in instead of being a political stooge as most clergy devolves to when presented with presidential power, he instead was moved to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the President, which is exactly what this Pastor was supposed to do according to the command of Christ.

While I won’t go into the details of our conversation backstage, one of our other pastors and I spoke the gospel in a way that I pray was clear, forthright, and compassionate. Then I walked back out on stage, read  1 Timothy 2:1-6, and sought to pray the Word of God over the president, other leaders, and our country... After I prayed, the president walked off stage without comment, and we closed our gathering by celebrating heroes among us, a couple who has spent the last 48 years spreading the gospel in remote places where it had never gone before they came. We then recited the Great Commission as we always do, sending one another out into the city for the glory of our King.

For those who are unfamiliar with first Timothy, here is the Scripture from the Evangelist St. Paul.

1 First of all, then, I urge that aentreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men,
2 afor kings and all who are in 1authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and 2dignity.
3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of aGod our Savior,
4 awho desires all men to be bsaved and to ccome to the 1knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is aone God, and bone mediator also between God and men, the cman Christ Jesus,
6 who agave Himself as a ransom for all, the btestimony 1given at 2cthe proper time.

God desires Donald Trump to be saved. While he has allowed Pastors to lay hands on him, there has been little Christian in his adulteress past, his lying and betrayal present, or any responsibility in his Christian responsibility to his family, as Don jr. is a divorced adulterer, Marla Maples daughter is a flaming leftist, Barron is exposed to Vaticanism and Ivanka is in denial of Christ and raising her children as such.

In realizing the above as God records life events, it appears a reality that the President in having the Gospel preached to him, in knowing he disgraced the House of God in sweaty golf attire in complete disrespect, in attempting to create a political event for his 2020 manipulations of Christians, instead had not any reply when the Light was shown on the grey areas this President was reminded of.

No one knows what is in another person's heart, except God, but Donald Trump being silenced does seem to indicate that the President does not have a heart of stone.

I would consider it an impossible situation for Donald Trump who in order to survive the coup against him, has sold himself to everything anti MAGA and he is presiding over the end of Christian Protestants, White and Black, as his policies continue Muslim Obama's in importing Jesuits and Muslims.
The President is in too deep and he will never be a man who professes Jesus as his personal Savior. Unfortunately, his spiritual direction is one of enabling as in the above event, Jerry Falwell took to twitter and told Pastor Platt to grow as pair of testicles.
Calling a Pastor who appears to be a vessel for the Holy Ghost a castrated eunuch coward, is something I would not care to have to have to answer to Jesus over, as this was not St. Paul castigating St. Peter in being two faced, as Pastor Platt was of the face of Christ first and last.

I would that Donald Trump would trust the Lord Jesus Christ and keep the promises he made to the followers of Jesus our Christ for their votes which put him into the White House, as they put their lives on the line in those votes, but they have been completely abandoned by this President.

I am certain that Ronald Reagan never would have dared show up in a Church with his cowboy jeans and hat on while out for a ride as he always wore a suit to the Oval Office out of respect for that office. Those sweaty golf clothes reveal far too much in how far Donald Trump has fallen from Grace. I sincerely hope his silence meant a conviction of heart, and which will lead him to repent, as the Lord's work is far easier with a Cyrus, than a Jehu.

Much good could still come to America if President Trump embraced Christians, instead of sodomites and those who deny Christ.

Nuff Said

