Sunday, September 15, 2019

America the 8th Mehozot of Tel Aviv

Junior Minister of Tel Aviv, Donald Trump, said today.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the first and last time, Tel Aviv is not the Capitol of the United and President Donald Trump in taking his Oath of Office is not the Junior Minister of Benjamin Netanyahu. It has approached criminal what Donald Trump has engaged in, in meddling in Jewish elections in stealing land from Syria in the Golan to buy votes for Benjamin Netanyahu. Now this President who has already placed US Soldiers in the advent of war under the command of Tel Aviv, has jumped to the nuclear holocaust disaster of making the United States the 8th Mehozot of the Jewish state.

Israel doesn't have "states" like the United States does, it does have less powerful adminstrative districts called mehozot, of which there are 6 or 7, depending on your political view. Tel Aviv District, Jerusalem District, Haifa District, North District, Central District, Southern District, and the 7th being Judea and Samaria, better known as the West Bank, which is up for interpretation.

This all is in relation to Donald Trump without advice or consent of the United States Senate, had begun negotiating a "mutual defense treaty" with Tel Aviv.
Seriously, is Tel Aviv going to take on Vladimir Putin over Ukraine in saving the United States? Is Tel Aviv going to take on Peking in those Chicom hordes over Korea? This is beyond ridiculous to place America and Americans in jeopardy for the nuclear state of Judah with 200 nuclear warheads of it's own, in order to "defend" Tel Aviv again.
America has been dragged into 5 regional wars, Somalia,Syria, Iraq twice and Afghanistan for Jewish policies, costing Americans trillions of dollars and the United States has no benefit from these wars.

“I had a call today with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss the possibility of moving forward with a Mutual Defense Treaty, between the United States and Israel, that would further anchor the tremendous alliance between our two countries,” Trump tweeted. “I look forward to continuing those discussions after the Israeli Elections when we meet at the United Nations later this month!”
Netanyahu responded by tweeting back to Trump: “Thank you my dear friend President @realDonaldTrump. The Jewish State has never had a greater friend in the White House.”

With friends like Tel Aviv, who just were caught bugging the White House, the United States does not need enemies, as America is bankrupt and has tens of thousands of wounded and dead in these Greater Judea wars.

This insanity is being perpetuated by the Ghost of John the hero McCain's 3rd testicle, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, one of the strings on the puppet trail of Robert Mueller's MISSING LINK which started the entire Russiagate fiasco.
Graham is all for making the United States a nuclear target of vaporized Jew York City, in the disaster of the Jewish State.
For the record, Americans Jews would not move to the Israeli State to save her by making babies when Prime Minister Begin called for the Allyah and Jewish women will not breed 12 children to be faithful Jewess to save Judea, but the United States in having failed in Kushner Peace ponzi schemes is now to be the nuclear target of Iran and Islamic radicals, because Donald Trump has more Jews in his inner circle than Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel ever had in their wombs.

While the idea of a US-Israel defense pact has been discussed on and off for several decades, it has re-emerged in recent months. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) broached the proposal in June at a dinner hosted by the Endowment for Middle East Truth, saying he wanted Israel to be added to the list of countries with which the US has treaty obligations.

“I think it is important to send a signal in the 21st century: If you are intending to destroy Israel, you have to go through us, and it will not turn out well for you,” he said.

President George Washington stated NO FOREIGN INTRIGUE. There is absolutely nothing for the United States in becoming a nuclear target of terrorists in joining to the Jewish state. A Treaty is a grave responsibility and a President does not hand over the United States, just because Ivanka is sleeping with a Jew.

The biggest domestic problem in the United States is the Mosaad training of American law enforcement, treating Americans as the enemy. This is why  the Police are alienated from the public, and now this President wants to start a nuclear war in defense of Tel Aviv, when Tel Aviv has nuclear power, caused by the assassination of John Kennedy who was against handing this material over to Jews, but this was the first act of Lyndon Johnson as President.

If Jews want their own state, then Jewish Americans can move there and start producing children, starting with Ivanka Kushner producing a dozen more children. The United States does not benefit making treaties with sand spit nations which produce zero benefit for the United States.

9 11 and every Islamic terrorist event, including the Marine Bombing in Beirut, all originate with American backing of Jewish policies against the majority of Muslims.

Should the United States continue with other nations work for peace in the Mideast? Most certainly as it is the Christian thing to do. Should the United States trade with Jews? Most certainly as this is George Washington nation to nation commerce. The United States does not belong though joined at nuclear defense and our Soldiers blood to Tel Aviv, as Jews have not and never have died for Americans in wars from this Jewish state.

Donald Trump has reached the point of absolute need by Congress to rein him in and Lindsey Graham needs to be removed from international policies of the United States as America was not created, bankrupted in defense spending to defend any people other than AMERICANS.

Jews have a responsibility to defend themselves and when an enemy begins a war with Jewry, then it is the Jews who are responsible to fight THEIR WAR, as the the United States does not belong as the cadaver bag nuclear powers go through to get at Jews.

It is time for a genuine leader of Reagan Fundamentals challenges this President politically to provide Republicans with a clear choice of policies for the United States, and polices of Donald Trump making America the 8th Mehozot of Tel Aviv.

Treaties are potentially so threatening to the sovereignty of the individual States and the Union of These States that two thirds of the Senators are required to be convinced that the treaty under consideration does not contravene the U.S. Constitution and/or adversely impact on the retained functions and interests of the States before they consent/ratify.
In 1789, the States directly ratified the Constitution --- as per Article VII. Since then, the States through their representatives (their Senators) must also ratify any treaty --- Article II, Section 2, paragraph 2 --- for the same reason, namely, that the creators (the States) must have the final say.

Nuff Said 

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
