Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Lost her in the Sun

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A few years ago, I was tracking the Planet X, and it said it was coming in from under the sun. Whatever I tracked has passed, but there has been a very troubling active presence in our solar system in large objects grazing the earth for the past few years, along with a more active earthquake structure on earth.

The rock was flying from the direction of the sun, which is why astronomers failed to detect it, said Brown.
“It was faint, it was close to the sun. It’s been getting closer to us, getting brighter and brighter, and finally, some smaller telescopes have picked it up. Literally, right about now, it’s about 70,000 kilometers (45,000 miles) from Earth,” he said.

We have been told time and again that these meteors are coming from the belt of meteors of a destroyed planet between Mars  and Jupiter. The problem with that is there are far too many appearing and something would have to be pulling them out of orbit, which has not been the case as  no planet sized objects have appeared in the solar system.

There were two great events in earth history recorded in the Bible. The deluge of Noah and after that the dividing of the world or the separation of one continent into many in the days after Nimrod. What I am placing before you is, we are being told of orbits of 800 to 1000 years for some objects in deep solar orbit. What we are not being told of if there are longer orbits involving larger objects which could divide the earth or bring ice comets to deluge the earth.

What if for example, the "War in Heaven" that displaced Saturn for Jupiter, was a period of time in these larger objects which either were caught in solar gravity or passed through. What if the few hundred years from Noah to Nimrod, involved a large object which was on an elliptical orbit, of a thousand years, but only a few hundred years as it passed around the back of the sun?
One object, causing two major earth catastrophes.

That is what I am postulating in the large meteors as much as the ice age. What if earth passed through a dust cloud in the  trail of the deluge comet, and the earth cooled, and rapidly warmed in a year, causing the glaciers to melt not that long ago.

What if what we are experiencing now is an active portion of the Milky  Way. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, rather small, and on the edge of the universe. It has arms that rotate, and earth rotates within these arms of the galaxy. In understanding this, it is possible that earth has entered a debris field, or an active area of meteors. It is reasonable that a large enough object, a dark object could have  ripped through another solar system and on it's own rotational line in an arm or a straight line projection moved past our position thousands of years ago, and in it's wake there is a debris field following along.
We think in two dimensions as our solar system is flat, but what if objects are coming at us from the 3rd dimension or over our heads or under or solar feet?

Earth has moved  into a debris field. That is the reality. It is very large and long, as we are orbiting the sun every year, and we are still moving into this debris area. It is like car wreckage on the road, and our road  just happens to be where this debris field is.

All of this debris surprising scientists is coming out of the sun, so it is behind the sun, and we are not noticing it on our outward rotation as it is too small to pick up. As we are picking up several of these objects a year, it is a reality that we are only seeing a small fraction of the entire  shotgun pattern of this. What is the most troubling is Jupiter, Saturn and the outer planets were put there by God   to sweep up debris coming in, but this debris is not on that plane, but on a different path. It is not being sucked up the by sun, but is continuing on course, and the course is across earth's path.
Gravity must be noted in this, as earth is not sucking these objects up, nor is the sun. In this formula. Speed times weight, neutralizes at distance solar and earth gravitational fields, even  at near miss crossings.

As no other planets have been hit, and earth has not, the odds are favorable in this shotgun pattern, but the reality is there is a debris field we are passing through. It is large enough that it is distorting space in which I would term "dense matter" as it is effecting earth, sun  and the other planets including Mars. Think of this as normal space is water, but this is honey in being more viscous and applying more pressure on objects moving through it.

For the past several hundred years, earth warmed a little, in we were in a less dusty part of space. It appears with low solar activity that earth is in some dust trail, and in this trail are strewn meteors. All of this is a galactic dynamic not discussed in context, save here.

Whether this band is more extensive, or this is normal, or we are moving out of this band of debris, we do not have any idea, as no one has calculated the ratio of objects, probability, flight course of these objects, in order to ascertain the reality of this zone.

This literally could last several hundred years, or several thousand years, or it could be a fluke in this part of space. The point is in the Days of Noah, an event took place, and one followed in Nimrod which could be connected to a large orbital object. We are witnessing signs in these meteors of an erratic orbit not of this plane or an object of great size  which might have been destroyed long ago, and this is that debris traveling in line yet on a course out of the Milky Way.

The fact is that earth is 'in something" and no one is explaining what that "it" is, either to not alarm the public  or because the geniuses have not thought of stellar sheets of debris like rain showers or hurricane arms in rotation.

This though is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let's sing.

 Nuff Said
