Monday, September 30, 2019

Will Tampons Cure Ebola

Why yes I conduct all my ebola examinations in lingerie
so I will not catch a Toyota....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is not of consequence really, unless ebola matters, but a strange reality has appeared and reappeared on Jonah Goldberg's, the #NeverTrumper's mother's site, in someone keeps posting Ebola articles in warning the public that Ebola is here, and it links to an ebola tracking page, but the bylines always list as FOX News.

Posted by loveflorida321 8/10/2019 9:57:24 PM Post Reply
african migrant vomiting blood has died in atlanta
Ebola AIRPORT vomiting blood migrant HAS DIED
Posted by loveflorida321 8/10/2019 9:55:46 PM Post Reply
African migrant VOMITING BLOOD ON FLIGHT airport is now locked down. Ebola Outbreak now reported at a airport. WARNING ALERT ISSUED BLOODY VOMIT SOAKED AIRPLANE SEATS AND CABIN WARNING ISSUED

It is all rather bizarre that Lucianne and her people allow this stuff to mislead the public. They have always been a kind group of people, but this is bizarre as it is nothing what this site built it's reputation on.

It is the ultimate fake news really, which is an insult to Dr. Patty Boyle who appeared on the Rense program until her death, tracking strange flights into the United States which appeared to be carrying loads of Ebola infected people.

Odd world from the island of Qanon prototypes.


Eits naht ebola you moeron.
It's terrorists sought Toyotas to drive their attacks.


I'm sorry African traveler, we can't infect you with a vehicle....

Nuff Said
