Sunday, October 20, 2019

Blessed lot of money for this Contraption

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is September 19th as I type this, and the Uncle "don't want you to make a special trip to town" dispatched us to pick up things as you pick up things for Uncle as that is the way he is.

So we are on the curves going into town and I do not know why people do not drive looking at things, as I see these idiots texting and not seeing me, but I am always looking for things. On the way to the metro I saw lots of coolers on the interstate, but I am not stopping as 7 hours on the road is long enough.

So I am tooling along and I see something in the road. I know it is something, but I can't figure out what it is, as it looks like an old cell phone with an antennae.  So I do the U turn, and cars are coming and I am saying, "Don't you run over my stuff!", and tool back to it and am displeased as I roll up as I think at first glimpse it is a broken cell phone, and then I see it is a multi plier.

I jump out, pick it up, wheel around and away we go as TL is looking at it, and I ask what the name is on it, as I see  a stamp. TL says, LEATHERMAN.

I say, "Wow I always wanted one of them, but I can't afford stuff like that as they were like 50 bucks last time I looked, and they are probably 70 now".

So we get home and I do things, and I Amazon it just now and Leathreman Surge are 120 dollars.

That is a blessing.

I got to looking at it and it rained last night, so there is a rust spot on the handle, so hundreds of people drove by this thing and not a one saw it.

They are building a new mansion a few blocks from where I found this, so I figure one of the people there put that thing on their hood as people always do and drove off.  Probably  never bothered to drive back and look, but whoever's this is, it is now mine as if I asked, everyone would claim it as their lost tool.

See I will be getting my things, God's Way or another in God's Way. I would prefer donations, but a plumber jumping the price 100 bucks on a job he is doing in your mansion to replace a tool, is just who it evens out. You will donate and pay. You may reside in a garden estate, it may take a 1000 turnovers in cash and objects, but by God I will have my 350,000 dollars and it is coming out of your pocket. It might be stock crashes and the debt the devil keeps collecting interest on, but that 350,000 is coming and you will be paying the interest.

Pretty good deal this God commerce. I would rather have the donations as you rich folks would get the credit, but now you get no Prophets reward, just a devil debt as I am working on a Leatherman.

Odd thing, in that was a decade ago I wanted one and forgot about it. God sure has a long memory and here he comes with a 120 dollar tool.

Learn a lesson in that, as no one gets away from the Lame Cherry's God.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
