Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pierre Delecto

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There really are some people who you just hope would go away like the smell of dead rodents dying in the walls of your home. Hillary Clinton for one. The Obama's for two. Bill Kristol, John Cusack, Debra Messing, just come to mind like Gramma's yeast festering pussy, in you just do not want to sit on her chairs, and that includes Mitt Mormon Romney.

Mitt Romney is the old guy, who sits out by the pool, and will not let the kids have any fun, as he sweats with a beer, telling the snowflakes all the rad dadeo things he was doing back in the 50's, and the kids can not figure out what this cologne wafting, boring old fart is talking about, in what even nigger knockin' was.

This Sure Looks Like Mitt Romney’s Secret Twitter Account (Update: It Is)

Meet “Pierre Delecto.”

But Mitt Romney has appeared like bad yeast again, and this time, it is in the form of a fake Twitter account, who unlike Ricky Vaughn is not deleted along the the rest of the leftist Alt Right, because Mitt Romney is a resistance typer, under the name of ....it is so stupid I forgot.....let me check..........oh yes, Pierre Delecto.

For some reason Romney never  got it, that in every comedy routine and cartoon, when someone wanted to get a laugh, they named the moron, PIERRE. Visions of the French skunk Pepe Lepew, come to mind, in the form of Mitt Romney, a skunk so stupid with lust, that it could not tell a cat from a skunk.
Romney's lust though is for 1600 Penn Avenue. The reality is, no one wanted his boorish Mexican father for President, no more than anyone wanted Wetback Mitt. When this blog told everyone long before the election, that Romney was a stooge to be knocked down by Obama as a strawman, no one would believe me, and when a reader after the election, said I was right and to write out the checks in donations, no one did that either.
Mitt Romney though is a Mormon Mafia, shallow state stooge. He is a nation rapist in his investments, and dumb as a post. Who else would keep posting the damnedest nonsense in CIA Mockingbird, making a fool out of himself, than an insider stooge as America right and left, wants no part of this pin head.

Pierre though is so ignorant that his name should be Pierre Délicieux which is the masculine French,  and not Delecto which is Latin, not even Italian in Delizioso.

I bet the teenagers at the pool were really impressed with that one Mitt.

And who follows Mitt? Why his Mormon children. I mean how lame do you have to be, to get your Mormon children to like you and follow you, because no one else will? The answer is Mitt Romney.

 Would you not think, that people not voting for you, no one wanting you, no one clinging to you as the Mormon messiah, Mitt Romney, would ground your delusions that you are the fairest in the land? That is a psychopathy of Delusions of Grandeur, and for some reason, Romney apparently thought that he would be defeated by Obama, let Hillary win in 2016, and then in 2024 when Romney was 5000 years old, that America would then love him to be president.
I just had a thought and I cringe at typing it, but maybe America was safer in the Obama Abyss of genocide than having Romney as president in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord.
I mean you got a Kenyan Indonesian British Dutch Wetback Birther in Obama and a Romney Mormon Mexican Wetback with that smarmy Paul Ryan..........and they make Joe Biden look like the wholesome guy in the race.

I simply am to the point, and I believe most Americans are there in the right and the left, in none of us want to deal with these right psychotics any more. Whether it is Dame Hamrod, Pete Bunghole, Bernie, Poco, Joe, Pierre Delecto, Bill Kristol.............. I mean geez louise, that Canadian asshole Nathan Filson learned to shut his mouth about Trump, like Matthew McConnagu......you know who I mean. Hell even Jim Carey who drives ex girlfriends to kill themselves, burned himself out on Trump. Why in the hell can't Mitt Romney just go away.
I mean can't Bill Clinton pop some Viagra and nail Hillary to a nap, so why can't Mrs. Mitt boff Mitt's brains out and do something for America so we can have some peace, as none of us wanted these primates the first go round, and we sure as hell do not want them like Gram's yeast infection.

We have enough problems with National Socialist Trump and the Marxists taking over the DNC. We simply do not need a Mormon Nazi, driving us all to FEMA re education camps to force us to pray to Joe Smith and marry a passel of fat Mormon girls.

Pierre Delecto proves that Mitt Romney is the Mexican version of the Obama asstard. I just do not want to deal with one more pile of this political dog shit on my front lawn, as that is what this entire entourage is. We don't want to hear it, see it, smell it or clean it up. It is not clever, it is not wanted and it keeps being a bad Hollywood actress who will not quit with 15 minutes of purchased fame.

I have seen Mitt Romney close up. I didn't like what I saw and I do not want the tenth remake of any of these culls, as once was too much.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
