Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Trump Question

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a psychological problem with Donald Trump as exposed by the following headlines.

Trump calls for Romney's impeachment   thehill 

Meanwhile in the real world, this is how political leaders deal with problems.


Hamas co-founder dies after ‘accidentally’ shooting himself in head   nypost

See in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, candidate Trump promised to fix things.

Yet civilized Trump appears to be a man of the courts and the law.

When it comes to the Clinton's, their enemies seem to die in all sorts of interesting ways.

In 1838, President Buchanan declared war on the Mormons, and shelled the hell out of that cult.

In this Trump atmosphere of a pussy like Adam Schiff or a cockless wonder like Nancy Pelosi, would the American electorate actually care if the President, actually threw a few lit firecrackers, lit cigarettes......hell a smoking vaper at Mitt Romney in a drive by vaping from the President's limo?

It is a question in these times, if Donald Trump actually took out his political opponents, would they just go to Twitter and Rob Reiner whine at him some more, or would that be it, in Donald Trump would be like most of the other leaders and dealing with his problems the Edward III way?

As we all know what Donald Trump would do, maybe the question should not be just George W. Bush in "What would Jesus do?", as we know that fire and brimstone Master at work, but what would Vladimir Putin do?

The Guardian

Nut cases eh?

What would George Washington do?

What would Abraham Lincoln do?

What would Ronald Reagan do?

Reagan fires 11,000 striking air traffic controllers Aug. 5 ...

On this day in 1981, President Ronald Reagan fired more than 11,000 air traffic controllers who ignored his order to return to work. The sweeping mass firing of federal employees slowed commercial

It seems that Washington, Lincoln and Reagan, had a great deal more of Vladimir Putin in them, than Donald Trump has.

Would anyone really care of President Donald Trump got rid of his political enemies? Would anyone on the left do anything, but whine on Twitter at  Trump for his taking these actions?

Interesting questions really.

