Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lame Cherry Pet Peeved

As another  Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is no secret that I post things misspelled, make up new words and just construct idiotic things to just piss asstards off, a they are looking for something to bitch about, so I give it on an internet platter.

Lots of things bother me, but my radar pet peeve are dolts who misuse the word DECIMATE.

Here is an example from a university trained American I am guessing, writing for the Atlantic, which should have an editor who should be educated better.

The supernova went off at a distance far enough that it didn’t decimate Earth, but close enough to shower the planet with cosmic debris.

In word DECIMATE is actually a word linguistically from two empires in language. Deci is from the Greek, meaning TEN, while MATE is the English version of the Persian word MHET. You know the word MHET as in Shah Mhet in chess as Check Mate. Shah Mhet means THE KING IS DEAD or CHECK MATE.

So decimate means literally, 1/10th of a population is dead, or 1/10th of something is destroyed. It does not mean total destruction. It in fact is pretty good numbers on a battlefield, or battling cancer as a 1 in 10 chance of dying is better odds than you get in most things.

So it bothers me when I see educated people, misusing a word which has the masses conditioned to using a word incorrectly. Why people with degrees just do not use words like DESTROYED, OBLITERATED or WIPED OUT, is just ignorant, as obliterated is a perfectly good college word, the problem is in phonetics tards tend to shift to hard sounding consonants with T's, D's, J's and K's. It is why they use Serial Killer incorrect as the K is harsh while Serial Murderer is correct.

 Hopefully you will be educated now, and when you decide to go college verse to impress people you will say destroyed, or annihilated, as there are perfectly good alarmist words out there form Norman French.

I would that Marina Koren at the Atlantic should have an editor with higher intelligence than her to save her from this, but Mockingbird hands out jobs not on intelligence, but on propaganda. Things actually worked better when skirts were employed for their dick sucking abilities to old men chewing on cigars.

But those days have been exterminated and now all we have are the decimated thoughts of incorrect word usage.

Once again, another Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said 
