Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Those I miss I never met

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We stopped into see my near 100 year old Auntie today, and for a bit of a nub that she is, she is still sharp as a tack and living alone, taking care of herself.

She always tells stories about things, and I ask her about things, and today we revisited her longsuffering, which was because she was a stout little girl and having a slight brother and beauty queen older sister, she got stuck doing the heavy work.

She was telling me that Grampa as he was referred to, in her Dad, was working the fields of his parents, and they always said to bring Auntie along. It was not because she was some favorite, but because she always was sent out to herd the Tolouse geese that Gramma raised and butchered.

It really was an American Dream for them, as she was from the era of the beginning of the Prussian Cleansing. The great power which Frederick was in the 1800's agains the empires of the world, no longer was, and Europeans were still seeking revenge, and over the next 40 years, 2 world wars, would wipe out Prussia. Today you can not find anything German in Prussia, as the Americans, British, French and Russians, stole the Prussian lands, drove out the last of the Germans, and now everying is in Catholic Polish, instead of German Lutheran.

Auntie's Dad was 6 years old when they came to America. They settled into the interior, and my Godfather once showed me an Atlas, which had the name Cherry Ranch on it, as they came to America with nothing and through hard work, supplanting no one as modern vermin do, they built a wilderness into civilization.

Gramma's last name was Splotstoesser. That is a very rare name, and she was one resourceful and tough old German. She raised hunderds of French geese. I asked today if they sat eggs, and the answer was the goose hen sat on the eggs and hatched them. Auntie though had to herd the geese, and keep them out of the crops. She also had to smack the ganders who were always chasing her.
She talked about riding a horse all day as Grampa ploughed the fields, and she pulled a two section drag to keep the soil from drying out.

Gram also churned butter, and put her own design on the set butter. She took it to town and sold it. That was American industry.

What upsets me most is Grampa's sister got the farm, and her ditz ass family have no idea that is our land. They think as their names were on it, that is how it started, but they are asstards for brains and real Darwin culls. The year was 1880 and that German family 3 girls, 2 boys with the parents, came to a dream as where they were in Europe was a nightmare.

Gram had a wardrobe in the kitchen, and on top was a jar of those pink wintergreen mints. The kids all got a mint if they behaved. I would have thought it was torture as I have been given them three times in my life, and I ate them, as I always eat candy, but I resented that anyone would call that kind of pink chalk as candy.

Gram died of cancer they said, and in pain. She was blind too. We have a picture of her, and I can the mother in her face. Auntie and her were very close and Gram was more like a mother to her than her own mother. I will not go into details about that issue, but as I type that, the Holy Ghost revealed what that psychosis wa all about. Damn shame when things happen like that ,but then my Grandparents could not afford to feed their kids, so they sent my dad to stay with relatives. He never understood that, never recovered, and he punished us because of it. He was a real piecc of work, allot like TL's dad. That is the point with both of us, in we had real gems for parents and God is the One Who raised both of us to survival.

Been a long time since those old people died. They had been dead a generation before I even appeared. I admire them greatly from their each coming to America, in being responsible for one family item from Prussia. A bean pot for example is what one child was entrusted with to keep safe.

I still have a photo of the old Prussian, in his hore hide coat, and his Norwegian son in law dressed the same. The diversity of those two races though in the Norwegian being open in his expression and the Prussian as focused as a wolf, said a great deal about how the world was. I doubt much has changed in Norway, and with the Prussians having faced their genocide, they are scattered through North America and will face their end with Americans soon enough.

I once had a friend in Ohio whose Grandfather was Prussian. He and his wife, I believe came out of West Virginia. That old gal did not take shit from anyone and frequently told her beloved spouse to Fuck Off literally. He was a true monument to Prussians though, in he spoke often of thinking he missed his calling in being a hitman. He worked for Ford, but he thought he would have enjoyed killing people, a great deal more. He was a tough one too, as he broke his hip, and they could not fix him, so he was doped up and in pain for a very long time, before he joined his ancestors.

Oh Splotstoesser is like Koenig in pronunciation, in the OE is a hard A sound. There were wonderful names that came out of Prussia. One of my favorite was Hoogestraat, which is pronounced Highstreet. Another was Woffafinneg, which is like it is spelled. Dickens could have spilled blood over wonderful names like that.

They say I have a great deal of both of my Grandpas in me, in looks and character. They were both tough men and had to be. I have their bone structure in my face and I am light boned like Auntie's Dad was, including my child bearing hips. The more that time passes, the more I miss people I have never met as they were people of character, not like this trash which occupies the lands suffered for, with people driven out of lands where genocide was their end if they stayed.
I know none of them built America to turn it over to these goddamn vermin from India, Mexico and Islam, who detest Christ. Those three branches are no different than those Darwin culls who think a ranch just appeared with their names on it.
That is though what the world is. The Caucasian builds civilizations and the culls that follow tear it down for the rats and it starts all over again in another 1000 years.

Once again, this is the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
