Friday, January 24, 2020

Don't eat the Batshit Plague in Wuhan

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the history of the Lame Cherry, as the rest of you had your fingers up your asses, there was a post researching the history of biological warfare research by the Chinese communists, and their problems with escaped viral agents slaughtering things.

In the current Coronavirus outbreak, centered in China, the location is Wuhan, the crossroads hub and cultural center of China. It is different from the 2007 AD in the year of our Lord outbreak of SARS, which was specific in killing only Asians, in SARS 2007 was in Guangdong, or the coastal region of southeast China, which was the center of weaponized biological agents.

You should read the Lame Cherry exclusive of long ago, as it explains that SARS was engineered by a human laboratory.

What is of interest in this is, the "olde" outbreaks were show to have been created by fruit bats, eating fruit, which dropped into hog pens, where the pigs ate the bat saliva coated fruit, and the virus was hosted by the swine, and in the filth of China, the breach was connected to humans.

In SARS II though, the information now in Mockingbird being posted is a most interesting chain of infection, which this blog will exclusively explain below.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Chicom Trail: Bird Flu, SARS & Guangdong

Whenever I witness coincidence, the red flag of the rocket's red glare goes up as there is no such thing as coincidence.

Reports now published indicate that Guangdong Province in communist China through testing is the source of Bird Flu, H5N1, which has been spreading around the world since 2003.
Accordingly in 2003, another virus, SARS, was believed to be spread from Guangdong also.

What are the odds of two devastating pandemic virus showing up out of nowhere, SARS which has been traced to be human engineered and H5N1 which caused western nations to spend billions on a virus which only kills poultry in most cases, occurring in the same place on earth, in the same year and cause such over reactions?
The odds are impossible which points to the conclusion that SARS and H5N1 were biological warfare virus in the Chinese communist labs which were somehow released into the Guangdong area by a very large breakdown in security.

This would not be the first accident the Chicoms have been caught in. In the late 1980's after China had agreed to a ban on biological weapons, two events in northwestern China by a nuclear testing ground which had a large fermentation plant with a biocontainment lab revealed two separate outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever where it was previously unknown before. It was concluded the Chicoms had been working on weaponized version and it had been released.
As Russian scientist, Sergei Kolesnikov related about SARS, "SARS is a mixture of measles and mumps. You don't get that except in a lab".

China will go so far as to admit it does have operations geared to the "defensive use" of biological weapons.
People's Liberation Army medical journals have large numbers of articles on tularemia, cholera, plague and equine encephalitis. Since communist Nelson Mandela has created South Africa into another comrade hell hole on earth, their biological warfare experts have been showing up in China for extended stays.

Guangdong is the fastest growing region in southwest China. It is also part of the Guangzhou Military District. There are 4 Air force bases, it is home to the entire South China Fleet, 7 naval air stations, Unit 75378 of the Special Operations Dadui, the Navy vessels academy, the Army staff academy, Communications academy and the dead ringer of the 1ST MEDICAL MILITARY UNIVERSITY.

In Sherlock Holmes deduction, one could bet the Chinese chicken ranch that the source of SARS and H5N1 is in the 1st Medical Military University of Guangdong Province.

What are the odds the Chicom Trail of Bird Flu H5N1, SARS and Guangdong are accidental releases of Chicom weaponized versions of germ warfare? 100 PERCENT.

There are now 3 known biological weapons outbreaks which the Chinese communists have caused. The world can not literally live with those kinds of odds.

With Wuhan China, there is again the focal hub of a Chinese medical university, the best China can steal from the West and the best they can manufacture. Here as in Guangdong, are the basis for all of the woes of the world in Chinese microbological research, weaponized viral warfare for short.

The Mockingbird is informing the world that it is Hunan market, a place of refined culinary preparations such as bat soup. Like the duck in the Christmas story, the Chinese prepare meals with the face smiling back.


In the next photo below, you will witness a Chinese woman, being told to eat the meat on the bat's back, and not eat the skin on the wings, as meat is preferred in bats. I realize you are grossed out over all of this, and of course you are not thinking, as that is what this Mockingbird post is brainwashing you to react emotionally, not logically on the evidence.

Experts say bats are among the carriers of the coronavirus epidemic ravaging China. The deadly disease reportedly originated at Wuhan’s Huanan seafood market, which sold civets, snakes and other illegal exotic animals that had been infected by bats, reports Business Insider.
The coronavirus then spread from the tainted wildlife to humans, killing 17 people across China and sickening 600 others in less than a month. Infections became so rampant that Chinese officials halted all travel out of Wuhan.

What happens in cooking? It is called heat.

What does heat do? It breaks down fibers.

Heat is used to disinfect areas from germs as in boiling. That is what this bat is, it has been cooked, so the heat reduced the meat fibers and heat would have killed the coronavirus. This is not botulism or other organism types which can survive heat. This is a virus which would have died in cooking.

The coronavirus, which causes flu-like symptoms, has spread to four other countries, including the US, where a case was detected in Washington state.
Previous deadly epidemics, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), have been linked to Chinese consumption of civet meat.
Exotic species like the catlike civets, rats and bats are considered a delicacy in China and other Asian countries.

 Someone wants you to think Wuhan is the source of this viral outbreak. An outbreak which appeared in numerous locations, and  there is nothing in the evidence which links all of these carriers to a weird food market.
This is in a China where people do not have permission to travel, and more to the point, Peking was restricting travel on those Social Justice Warrior points.

Chinese health officials believe the mysterious virus – which has so far killed at least 17 people and sickened hundreds more – originated from “wild animals at the seafood market”.
It has since been confirmed to spread via human-to-human contact, as fears mount that it could become a global pandemic.

As with SARS I, it seems the Chicoms knew to be looking for this virus again, jumped on it quickly and they have been frantic to neutralize it, but not before it appeared on American shores, as nothing is a real problem until thee Americans are involved.

This looks like the Chicoms were warned they had plague carriers. Someone has the Chicoms jumping again. This looks like extortion again. I doubt this was an escaped virus from biological labs. Therefore it was deliberately released to specific infected carriers, who would flag in China and travel to the West.

For some reason, oil prices are predicted to drop by 3 dollars a barrel from this.

Goldman: China coronavirus could push oil down by $3 — RT Business News   rt

One would think that a global pandemic would drive up crude prices, but then I suppose a few dead Chinese not burning trillions of gallons of oil a day, will drop the price, or Goldman could have just rigged the price drop to make billions off of it, for those Goldman serves, who were behind this Bat virus charade.

This SARS has not been taken apart and I doubt it will ever in real time show it's sequence, but this is a bat virus, which was weaponized in a lab, effectively distributed, and the strains available were several, one being a version of a most effective human to human. Granted until it appears beyond Mongoloid in this version, it appears a weaponized strain which only exterminates Cantonese.

I don't care about the reasoning behind this, as there are always reasons. I am more pleased that in writing this, in the time space continuum, of no chances, that I was watching Blacklist, and the music featured was Batshit.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Enjoy the tunes.

Nuff Said
