Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Contraband Economy

My tits are the opioid of the masses.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If someone is bitching about the trade, it means they are not getting their cut.

China, Fentanyl, And The New Opium War

It is a fact that Barack Hussein Obama provided the overthrow of the world drug trade for the Obama globalist benefactors, and in that, it touched off gang wars between MS 13 again Mexicans and Blacks, and a shift was made to addict Americans to synthetic heroin from China from the established narcotics trade.

Fentanyl would become the cheap alternative to China black heroin, manufactured in China and dumped into the United States. What is not ever focused on in blaming China are the facts that the board which Obama profited and Trump is profiting on Wall Street has been enabled by creating Mexican drop zone communities across America, for the re establishment of the Mexican mafia distribution in America, and, that distribution is managed by a Balkanized drug trafficking arrangement, to reduce profits for distributors and to funnel those funds into Wall Street franchises in your communities to launder that money into the American economy and the cartel members who profit from this.
Read that last paragraph a dozen times over.

Then contemplate that FBI drones are 24 hours a day "monitoring" drug trafficking corridors, and yet none of the record drug busts as when Ronald Reagan unleashed the DEA has taken place. The drones are managing the drug flow, to protect that flow, and to keep any freelance activity from intruding on the established markets.

The article in the Daily Wire blaming China for the new Opium Wars is what began the research for this article. What piqued my interest was the map showing opioid hot spots in America. What puzzled me is why Texas was not part of this arrangement, anymore than California or Florida, all having high beaner populations.

Fentanyl Opioid Hot Spots United States

The answer does not lie in the drug smuggling corridors, because these lines of trade, are Latin Jesuit dominated, save the Pacific Northwest, which is Chinese. The Chinese ship as much fentanyl by mail service as any other route. Meaning the US Postal service is hands off in this venture, as this Contraband Economy is what is floating the disaster that is the American economy.

 Drug Smuggling Corridors United States

If one examines the cartels, you will notice that methamphetamine states are for the most part not fentanyl states. Meth is local manufactured, while fentanyl is foreign manufactured. This is competing markets, and under Obama two plume areas appeared in the Bluegrass states and New England states.

Methamphetamine Hot Spots United States

Which brings us to the question of Texas in why she is so shy about drug use. Texas is not shy about dope use. Texas just happens to have access to natural product. Texans are using coke and heroin, as shipping costs are not prohibitive and synthetics are implemented to pipeline areas.
Why use meth or fentanyl when heroin and coke are cheaper in local distribution.

Texas drug abuse in direct pipeline from Mexico in heroin and cocaine.

As the map reveals, all those hardworking greasers on Trump Visa Vermin tickets are establishing the Obama organized dope communities. Mexicans do not use narcotics, but are a slave work force, which the mafia embeds in out of Latin America, and forms the platform which bribes your law enforcement from local to DC, as this is about huge piles of cash, which are e cash or DC grants.

Mexican Drug Cartels

This is the Latin Jesuit drug connection, but there is a Chinese connection, and a Muslim connection too, which have their own routes, but they do ferry a great deal of contraband on the Jesuit pipeline into your communities.
Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, Jewish Charties, Muslim Charities, all set up under George W. Bush for federal money, are the organized community platforms on which all of this operates and Donald Trump just had his foxy blonde salvation queen take over this racket of regime funding for these charities, which has zero to do with helping Americans, but about being a Goodwill Dope Traffick Ring.


 Latin Narcotic Pipelines

Of course, some states just enjoy having crooked doctors who write piles of prescriptions for pain killers, and then cashing in, the pills are resold to other markets. Some states in their mafias are so damned crooked they are into everything.
Missouri, South Carolina and Ohio and Michigan are cesspools for narcotic traffic. It is surprising the populations are not eradicated in the stress placed on the family structures.

American Medical Association Drug Pipeline

I published before a statistic some wonderful researcher who was a woman, that I forget, noted that every street corner in America is worth at least 1 million dollar, and many are several million dollars. That money all goes into local franchises which never have any business. You will note Mexican and Chinese businesses popping up, without enough people ever being in those establishments, and yet they stay open in White neighborhoods, because the money is being laundered into the United States.

The DEA, IRS, FBI, FDIC, Wall Street all know this, but this is how this crooked from top to bottom in people are told priorities are in other places and if they do not listen, they get transferred, if not bribed if not early retired.

Donald Trump and Chris Christie spent billions on opioid addiction. I told you it was bullshit, as that money goes to Wall Street pharms who make money treating dopers, who they know are not ever going to be cured, as that ruins the commerce of all of this.

Obama bows to the Bush fam sacred cow

The Heritage Foundation reports that fentanyl is now the leading cause of overdose deaths here in the U.S. Overdoses claimed almost 100,000 lives in 2017 and 2018 and there seems to be no end in sight as the opioid epidemic expands beyond measure. For comparison, those numbers rival the peak of the AIDS crisis in 1995 according to the Rand Corporation.

Yes, yes, but Hitler supposedly had his gas chambers with zyklon, but zyklon was used in America to control typhus in filthy people, and that is what the Nazi was doing with zyklon in controlling the plague in ghetto Europe. There was not profit involved in that though, but there is profit in the genocide of Blacks and Whites and replacing them with the Tanskin Jesuits, Muslims and Hindi Niggers.
Planned Parenthood can not be relied upon to eradicate the Caucasoid and Negroid in America. It takes coke to OD the Black and fentanyl to OD the White.

This is about the time we sing as now your brain wheels are spinning past the rut you are in, and lots of you rich people are feeling Wall Street guilty in needing penance once you figure out your portfolios are all built on the genocide of America in this drug trade, as that is what is creating the profits for your dividends.
Pennance is a large donation to Lame Cherry. Still waiting for the 999 donors of 1000 dollars each.
