Thursday, January 23, 2020

Update from the Front

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Steve kindly dropped this note, and as I just spent 5 hours sorting through our taxes with TL, and have to do the paperwork tomorrow, I am sipping a rather war Sunkist orange thing, doing a load of calf laundry as Miss Rodeo bull, has been moved to the porch for various reasons from bloody poo, I think was from the milk replacer and not sickness as she has been high octane out there, pee, and she simply jumped over things this morning. That calf has a great deal of life and I am tired.

It is always nice to hear from nice people. I count about 15 of you out there, and the rest of your are shits, who belong to God's Wrath as I have turned over a new leaf, in people do not change and I am all for God putting them all in the grave.
I do wonder though if God has something up in moving in a new starting pitcher. Here am I though pleased for kind words and something here is actually vacuuming out the brain fuzz so one more person is not going to be a pillar of salt.

Lame Cherry, I wanted you to know that sometimes I don't get to complete all my various informational reading, but always read each bit of information you write and it absolutely helps me understand each risk, issue or resolution. Thank you, Steve

So thank you Steve, and the others I have not thanked, as sometimes if people do not say things or say things, I think they still want their privacy.

We have been saved by the Mexicans as have most of America, in HAARP has been making it Beaner Balmy, but I think they got it head up their HAARP yet, as Beaners do not like 20 below, beaners do not like 20 above, beaners do not like wind. We did have the clam bake southerner in the thrift though, with his fully expressive tank of a wife and their Jethro Bodine tard daughter. Air head is the term as  I think all she had was air in that head. Then again, I thought I used the F word a great deal, but listening to Stubby try on clothes literally every other word was F this, F that. I make a point of using the F word around only people I like.

So  I am hoping for spring. Richard and Stephanie though have peach blossoms, so I pray they keep their Texas warm. Just as a side address, we get nothing but shit for fruit here. Lord God the grapefruit were just toxic. Damned apples, we got none from Michigan, just them damned things from Washington. That is the worst state for producing apples., Did get some Kiwi apples, and they were ok, but damn this is frustrating in all these goddamn foreigners and the Nazi conglomerates selling our good stuff overseas.

I just realized how tired I am, but tonight is leftover borsch and grilled cheese.

I am in love with two or three French hunting dogs. I doubt I would ever afford nor find them though. I think the one would cross with Irish Setters to bring them back to hunting status. Those Goldens all suck the hind tit on hunting now.

The Poot is on the top of the recliner, looking how things are going and listening. She did not like the baby calf, but handled this a great deal better than I thought she would. Hence we may get a puppy as Puntz does share.

No word on Uncle going tits up.  I figure he is doing shit clothes literally as I was washing. He has to be out of water and food, even if some miscreant resupplied. Odd thing is I said about snow on the roof, and it is still there, so maybe the world abandoned him. Looks like a dead zone and the neighbors were smiling when we drove by.

You know it is cold too long when zero feels balmy and when you are sweating at 25 degrees. Thing is when it was 20 below I was chugging around on the hoof, and still would work up a sweat, so I am doing ok on the burner front.

Went to war, Richard and Stephanie know about that and the fall out, but something else happened in I started twitching in my hand. I got considerable upset about that. Is gone today, but damn these horrid sinners just need to die, and be shot to hell with the demons around them. World would be a better place, but the salvos I launched struck pay dirt, or I would not have had that kind of an overload till the spiritual storm passed.

To the Viking, I am sort of pissed off. You are a good shit. Don't let anyone ever tell you different. God believes in you. You put up with me and people that can do that, sure got more patience than Job. People just say mean damn things, am going to write a letter to my cousin tonight as she has real problem with her mother being toxic tongue. If  God has not struck you with lightning or given you leper hand, you are doing ok with God, and the problem is other people, so just plod the one foot forward and tomorrow will be a better day.  It sounds cliche but there are good days coming, and even in Minnesota spring looks like it is going to at least get in a melt this week. It is my bridge to spring, as waiting on God to send the Grim Reaper on the Uncle and his kind is really disappointing. I know God has His figuring it all out, but it is not like this is going to affect me in the negatory after all the chit I have been through.

Oh the gal is Joi. I do not take that back, she was featured in some ad at the bottom of some story, I had to look for a bit to figure who she was, She kind of did not finish in the looks department as she started, but all the same she was packed in the right locations longer than some people who never get out of the box.
So that is why she is featured as the boogaloo babe. I find things while surfing which should never come up, and as they are better than Mockingbird, I have a go at it.

Which reminds me, I have to rip a new one in some old geez who pissed me off last night.

Bank sent me a new debit card. Apparently paying bills I wore the other one out by their swipe standards. Did wear the paint off the numbers, so have to activate the card. Kind of stingy on the cards in they make you pay for them if you lose one or wear one out too soon.

Well, I better touch the 4Fg pan or supper will have past and I will be sitting here trying to figure out what that slot is in the computer....yeah doing taxes on two comps, the one the battery went stone dead in, so that has to be replaced. For now the laundry is about done on spin and time to put fire in the pan.

God bless
