Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A Policy Paper for President Donald Trump

Donald Trump must be Pharaoh and needs a Joseph to stop the Corona Famine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump has once again been manipulated and provided bad advice from his advisors over the Coronavirus Wuhan. The announcing of a victory lap, before the pandemic hit was bad image.
The dumping of infected people into Omaha Nebraska to spread the virus to the interior, exposed his Pentagon, CDC and others were working for the swamp state, and not protecting the President nor Americans.
It was pure folly to jet the President off to India, for treaty signing with the plague just a few miles away raging in China.

I do not criticize the President, but post those examples of how he had been betrayed, and how India looks like someone trying to make Mike Pence president to be defeated by screeching Hillary or wailing Bernie.

This post though is about a white paper reality concerning China for the foreseeable future, which the United States and the world must deal with. China is dying economically in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. China is dead in manufacturing in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. China is in the morgue concerning trade in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. What that all adds up to, is China in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, already could not feed itself in agricultural production, so the limited food production China was engaged in, is  going to be reduced because dead people and people locked up in apartments do not plant crops nor harvest them.

The world can not feed China's 1.4 billion and declining due to pandemic virus population. It can not afford that kind of tapeworm. This means that China must be brought to the table, not by the United States, but by the world food producers and as in lend lease in World War II under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, China is going to have to make an accounts balance for the food it will require.

What the Lame Cherry suggests to President Donald Trump is two bargaining cooperatives, led by the United States. This is of necessity for future payments to the world rural community, in order to assemble a safe and dependable food supply. The producers will no longer be hostage to Chicago commodity or London pricing, instead this blog promotes for the Soybean producers of the world, which China is the consumer, that the United States, Brazil, Argentina with additional members form, ACOP, American Co Operative, where the combined grain harvests are pooled and sold at their market prices as OPEC controls oil flow in the Mideast and Russia.

This blog advocates another production cooperative in REACOP, the Russian European American Co Operative, which would be a primary wheat producer with cross trade partnerships as France produces soybeans, in that nation would be allowed to market in ACOP as a nation as Australia would be an extension in the wheat production marketing coop for the world.

It would be advisable in this to have a SAACOP of South Asian American Co Operative for rice production, involving Indian high market rice, Vietnamese production, along with American production.

It would be this united marketing group, which would then define to China a payment schedule which would on Lend Lease guidelines produce the following:

Chinese gold as fair trade at set market values.

Chinese owned debt of other nations at market values.

Chinese warehoused goods at market values.

China can not be allowed to starve and China can not be allowed to not pay it's bills. The world economy requires a balance of payments when a balance of trade is not in effect.

While it remains to be seen how far the Coronavirus of Chinese origin will affect Africa, the fact is that Africa will soon have 2 billion non working people, and in this, it is a necessity in this that Europe, being a colonial guide, should under German leadership undertake AAECOP, the American African European Co Operative for food production in the bread basket of Africa, to secure and market food to Africans.
Africa can not be allowed to be a non governing Continent only consuming resources like a cancer which China has been.

The President could in a crisis short period of time with other producers create these governing bodies of marketing food and making certain that consuming groups paid for this food.

There must be a rapid response in this, as a hungry China is not going to sit in China with their plague spreaders, as Vietnam is already being overrun with Chinese refugees. To eat, the PLA will arm their masses and march them out and begin seizing food, causing a mass starvation of Indochina and India. Coronavirus Wuhan could literally starve 1 billion Chinese, 1 billion Indians and 1 billion Indonesians by Chinese seizing food.
It does not end with Asia, as Russia has food supply, and China will march for that source of food too, and Russia will protect herself with nuclear arms, but what if Peking has already produced a Russian Coronavirus to genocide Russians for their food and oil? The fact is with a rogue China at large, most of Europe and all of Asia will be depopulated by starvation and war. It is in this, that President Donald Trump must produce leadership on this seemingly unimportant area in a global dynamic, but the fact is the cancer of China is a global Armageddon.

China must be brought to the table by European, Asian, American and Australian producers, and informed of the balance of payments and requirements

As this President has not been served in the least for almost four years, the world is over the abyss at this time, and orderly progression must be promoted or disorder will end this in China destroying most of the world and most of the civilized world with it.

This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
