Wednesday, February 26, 2020

California has First Phantom Coronavirus Patient

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

America has a SHEDDER or a product contact Californian now in quarantine at Sacramento California, meaning this person has not had any contact with anyone who had Corona, and the contamination is a mystery.

The CDC has a pointy headed term for this in COMMUNITY SPREAD, but the reality is there are only 4 points of contact in this.

A statement from CDC confirmed the first possible instance of 'community spread' in the US Wednesday evening.   
'At this time, the patient’s exposure is unknown. It’s possible this could be an instance of community spread of COVID-19, which would be the first time this has happened in the United States. Community spread means spread of an illness for which the source of infection is unknown,' the statement said. 
The CDC did not rule out that the patient may have been in contact with a case that is yet to be confirmed.
'It’s also possible, however, that the patient may have been exposed to a returned traveler who was infected,' the statement said.
'This case was detected through the U.S. public health system — picked up by astute clinicians. This brings the total number of COVID-19 cases in the United States to 15.'
Officials are now tracing the infected individual's contacts to see how they may have been infected and if any other individuals may be at risk. 
'It is a confirmed case. There is one in Northern California,' CDC spokesman Scott Pauley told The Sacramento Bee just before 4 p.m. Wednesday.

1. There is either a SHEDDER, a Typhoid Mary who is infecting people that this person came into contact with.

2. This person touched something in a product, a food or the mail which carried the virus.

3. A terrorist took the virus from a sick person, and infected this Californian as a test.

4. The infected people which the President brought into California, breathed into the air and in a butterfly effect, the wind carried this germ hundreds of miles.

This blog hopes it is something which I have been projecting in those who created this virus for their own agenda, created a series of virus, some to punish the criminal biological creates of Wuhan in China and Iran, some to produce a political necessity as in Italy, and what I term outliers, a mirror Coronavirus, not as lethal, but from the Balkans to California are targeted to select candidates in order to produce the political outcome expected.

President Donald Trump has gone like Rush Limbaugh from this Corona being harmless, to the President now has appointed Mike Pence  as his Virus Czar.  This is 60 days too late and now the President is reacting and Rush Limbaugh is exposed as a fool due to cancer medications have him rambling about the lamest conspiracy theories and disregarding all medical facts.

The stance Donald Trump is engaged in, will continue to drive the stock market down, create shortages in the United States and produce a United States with zero growth.

The President has offered zero assurances to Americans in what they need to hear, and his Vice President has not geared this to establishing the production of goods for American needs, and the necessity of Americans promised if they do get sick, they are going to be cared for FOR FREE and not lose their jobs.

14% of Chinese infected are reinfecting. This is a biological warfare germ. It produces a secondary infection rate to keep infecting the population as it mutates.

Donald Trump has let Americans down. His political correctness has his CDC hiding the racial identities of the sick, including this most troubling case in California as Corona has spread in the United States. I repeat the threshold has been crossed, Corona has spread in the United States. If a human deliberately spread this, the consequences are going to devastating.

Donald Trump wasted two months, believing the lies of Peking and being more concerned about Goldman Sachs profits than American safety.
Expect now from the infected dumped into Nebraska and Texas that cases of "community spread" will manifest.

The answer NOT THE QUESTION which this President and his Germ Czar must be made to answer is, "The United States has been contaminated by liberal Californians ruining the Northwest, Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, Montana in fleeing that shit hole. Californians with the goddamn money and open state borders are going to be fleeing to other states spreading this "community spread".

California must be quarantined. I repeat travel restrictions must be immediately be in place that no Californian will be allowed out of that state, and only trucking be allowed in. Furthermore, every piece of mail and merchandise from California MUST be disinfected.

This President is not going to engage in these necessary policies, and I can promise that Germ Czar Pence has not even thought of any of this.

US Border Patrol Get Respirators To Deal With Infected
Chinese Invaders Coming Across Border - Trump Has
Had 3 Years To Use The Military To Control The Border

The President must order a SHOOT TO KILL ORDER on the United States Border immediately.

Nuff Said
