Saturday, February 22, 2020

DC and the Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

DC provided this question in why this story of a patient "Cured" in the Pacific Northwest was not carried in other media. I will do my best to explain this.

Washington Coronavirus Patient Is Recovering After Receiving a Trial of an Experimental Antiviral Drug

The patient is still in the hospital, but all of his symptoms except a cough have resolved.
After treatment with the antiviral, Remdesivir, "the patient's clinical condition improved." The patient is still in the hospital, but all of his symptoms except a cough have resolved.
Remdesivir is made by the drug company Gilead Sciences. It is not yet licensed or approved but it is being tested as a coronavirus treatment.

There will be a more in depth explanation tomorrow, in a post I composed yesterday to the above, but for the short of it, here is the layman's version.

What is known as the Coronavirus is not a virus. It is instead a "virus" platform of BAT SARS, overlaid with bacteria as the covering for the viral spikes which invade cells.
What is inside Corona Wuhan is what makes it tick. It has in a lab spliced in, tuberculosis and HIV, meaning Corona Wuhan is viral, fungal and bacteria as an organism.

The Chinese have been as other have, testing HIV drugs, which are auto immune drugs, meaning Wuhan is an auto immune type plague. In the human body, lungs for example are ACE2 proteins which HIV infects. What Remdesivir does is suppresses the ACE2 proteins, so the HIV does not spread. HIV is still in the body, but it is not killing the body as fast, as it can not spread the infection to the ACE2 platforms.

This person is not cured. In fact, in China it was thought that people were dropping dead from these HIV drugs when the people were 're infected' or another word for it would be, once the people went off the HIV medications the Corona Wuhan sprang back to life, and began ripping though the body organs which had been infected, and the people dropped dead in their tracks.

In the link I will provide from tomorrow with a detailed explanation of this, the writer projects a theory that Corona Wuhan may have other inhibitors involved, which disrupt the chemistry of the body in glandular regulation of perhaps thyroid, pituitary processes. Remove one leg of this, and the body dies. That remains to be proven, but it would be probable this organism being a biological weapon has triggers hidden in it.
I am still assessing information on this, but desired to answer DC on this question, as it does not seem to make sense. That is why I am investing the time for you tomorrow to have you understand what this thing is.

My forensic advice on this is, thee worst thing which can be done is going anywhere near anyone who as been exposed or recovered, as the term you will begin to understand is they are SHEDDERS.  They are walking dispensers of this organism. If you ever have kicked a puffball mushroom in the grass and seen the plumes of spores coming out of it in a cloud. That is what these people look like, like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown. Everyone of them is releasing millions of organism daily.

There are 11 more people sick in Omaha, which were dumped into the Heartland by CDC and the Pentagon to spread the virus. My projections indicate this should progress to a  Mexican infection platform which has already being accomplished in shedders.

I do not mean to digress, but there is not a cure for this organism, as it mutates in the bacteria.

I will have more on this, providing survival does not take the priority. I am in process researching specifics.

Read the article tomorrow, print it, print the original material from Rense and study it. You will have to become an expert on this.

Nuff Said
