Saturday, February 22, 2020

Designer Coronavirus Spread

Hey Pervie guy, we give Wuhan blow for 25 dollar
and Wuhan anal for 35 dollar. Cherry good stuff Pervie guy.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the experts are puzzled why Bat SARS or the Wuhan Coronavirus is not spreading into Indochina, this Lame Cherry has been spot on in this epidemic, and explaining to you exactly what is the reality.
There are two Coronavirus currently in the pandemic. Coronavirus Wuhan and Mirror Wuhan. There were two releases of this virus in China from two different labs. These virus were constructed for first strike attacks against the United States, India and Japan. Those virus were REPLACED by assets of European intelligence, and what was released under the cover of "accidents" are Wuhan 1 and Mirror Wuhan.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Cherrystone Files: Coronavirus Wuhan

As Peking was building a first strike biological weapon arsenal to put and end to President Donald Trump's Trade War to dominate China, other interests became involved in designing a SARS to provide the communists with their own medicine.
It was the General said, "Our enemies have chosen war, I intend to give them all they desire".

This explains why Wuhan is killing the Chinese genus of Mongoloid, and other Asians are immune.

It explains why the transfer point is different in Chinese infections to outlier infections.

Several other countries, including Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Australia, have also reported fewer cases than the model predicts
Another model of SARS-CoV-2’s international spread suggests that cases in Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia are lower than expected. Cambodia has so far reported only one case

Do not celebrate in this blog concludes that other designer SARS were "seeded" in ample exposures to provide the necessary cover, and more importantly exposure centered on Americans to provide an illusion that this is not Sino centered.

This blog would add that in Dick Allgire's remove viewing, his group saw an Asian, not with the Peking regime collecting viral samples. Humans who have this are producing weaponized "virus". I use the term virus in this manner as this is not a virus, this is constructed like a cancer, as more of a life form which eats glucose in the body, meaning it is self sustaining and not just a genetic program.

The odds factored into this, are that there will be other releases to target key genus for political and economic control. Think of this as a 9 11 biological, designed to neuter nations who deemed themselves untouchable, and the regime in Peking in picking biological warfare was the first to face the neutralization process.

Unless Corona Wuhan increases it's infection and kill rate, it's best projection is crippling China and depleting it of gold, American debt and warehouse goods, along with technology transfers to Europe. As this Wuhan and Mirror, also collects in male testicles, it is deemed that sterilizing several million Chinese breeding males would advance a Chinese population implosion before 2050, in effect, China will cease as an economic and military power. Projections would be for Peking to ridding itself of these drones and marching them out and dispatching them in the sands of the Mideast.

There are clues in this which are proving the original assessments of the Lame Cherry correct.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
