Monday, February 10, 2020

This Silver Spoon Coup

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, it is January 20th, 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, and am sourcing Sara Carter in these quotes from her DIA site.
I know no one is going to break this exclusive, so it can sit until now in the archives, but it is the same silver thread which has sewn all of this, in the firing of FBI Special Agent, Robyn Gritz, the terrorism expert who Barack Obama, Robert Mueller of the FBI, and John Brennan got rid of, because she would have figured out what Benghazi really was in a staged hostage taking of Ambassador , for Obama to rescue to secure the 2012 AD in the year of our Lord elections.

Robyn Gritz, was the liaison with the CIA, and she was replaced by Peter Strzok of Pissgate Dossier fame.

In the assembled details Sara Carter provided from her sources, there is a damning revelation which everyone has apparently missed, save  this blog, and that is the fact that, there was a committee which actually framed people in the  Trump campaign, in order to hand them over to the FBI to investigate, to get Donald Trump.

I'm going to repeat this, in this was PREMEDITATED, this was an intelligence operation which was planned out to exact people to be framed, who were enemies of the Obama regime in part and some were just unfortunate people in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This was an operation conducted on British soil. MI6 was to "verify" the dirt being collected by Jewish billionaire Paul Singer for Marco Rubio, who when Rubio delivered was to displace Ted Cruz and become Jeb Bush's Vice Presidential nominee.
The Rubio Sweatgate File morphed from the #NeverTrumpers of Jew neocon Bill Kristol, into a Hillary Clinton campaign document, written by her people, which based upon fake data from Ukraine, was framing Russians in the Pissgate Dossier, along with Donald Trump.

Italy was key in this as British spy sphere, which was using the offices of Mosaad which is in close connection to the Italians.

Barr and Durham have traveled to England, Italy and interviewed senior foreign intelligence  officials for their investigation last year

The trolls this is focused on are John Brennan, who ran this operation illegally out of the CIA, for Susan Rice of the NSC for Barack Hussein Obama and Val-erie Jarrett in the White House.
Andrew McCabe had smeared and removed Robyn Gritz from heading Counter Terrorism over Benghazi and Peter Strzok was awarded the position as FBI's liaison with the CIA and John Brennan.

James Comey's role as a Mueller protege was to rubber stamp the vindication of Hillary Clinton and to frame Donald John Trump through his associates.

Those being questioned should be nervous as John Durham is getting to the guts of this deep cover operation, and this blog will fill in the background.

According to sources, the documents already uncovered by Horowitz and the alleged new documents discovered by Durham are significant. Those documents will expose the intent of those involved in the malfeasance at the FBI and the continued operation to spy on Carter Page, a short term Trump campaign volunteer. Further, Durham’s probe is focused on actions of former senior Obama Administration officials that targeted Trump and his team, according to numerous former and current government sources that spoke to
Those being looked into by Durham are former CIA Director John Brennan, fired FBI Director James Comey, fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, among others. Durham’s team has already interviewed numerous personnel at the CIA and according to sources “those questioned are very nervous about the direction of Durham’s investigation.”

The framing of the Trump Select Four sheds light, as Carter Page represented the Russian connections. George Papadopolous was the Mosaad focus as he was focused on drilling oil in the Mediterranean, the place the Jews in their Leviathan are bringing onto line with Cyprus, Greece and Italy for all of Europe.
Paul Manafort was deliberately inserted into the Trump campaign. Roger Stone has taken credit for this, but there is a Missing Link which was whispering Manafort, who was bringing Ukrainian investments into the United States, reached the ears of Trump advisers and Trump's best friend, Thomas Barrack.
General Michael Flynn was an addition to this list. A DIA Trump adviser, Flynn ran into Obama fury over not wanting war with Russia and stating the Muslims could not be trusted. When the key element of this in the removal of FBI Agent Robyn Gritz was engaged, Flynn actually came to her defense, placing a letter of support into her file, which the FBI attempted to legally remove. Someone targeted Michael Flynn with a vengeance over his past challenges to Obama "love thy Muslim and nuke thy Russian polices". 

Once the information was laid, it fell to FBI Attorney Kevin Klinesmith to frame those involved and throw the investigation into overdrive from Peter Strzok's Crossfire Hurricane, by obtaining FISA warrants on faked documents to put the entire FBI into motion to frame Trump and his advisors, so those behind this would have their identity hidden.

Horowitz’s explosive report also revealed that significant information on Page was omitted from the report and that other information was altered by FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith. Page had actually assisted the CIA in reporting on Russia

The individual in America who was chosen to throw this all into motion for the FBI to "discover" evidence was a Pentagon paid operative, or the Defense Intelligence Agency, named Stefan Halper who has since disappeared.
The FBI was astounded that when Crossfire Hurricane was created, that Halper not only had made contact with the names the FBI was provided to investigate, but Halper had evidence to frame the Trump associates.

the Pentagon’s Office Of Net Assessment, which contracted former FBI informant Stefan Halper, who had contacts with four Trump campaign officials. The Office of Net Assessment awarded Halper multiple contracts that totaled over $1 million dollars. DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s most recent report described interviews with FBI agents that said it was “serendipitous” that Halper new all the sources of their Crossfire Hurricane investigation. In fact, the report stated that they “couldn’t believe [their] luck” that [Halper] had contacts with three of their four subjects. Those subjects included short term campaign advisors Carter Page and George Papadopolous, as well as Gen Flynn.
“serendipitous” - Being lucky in finding things you were not looking for

A pattern begins developing in this and it is what John Durham is following as much as what Attorney General William Barr was astounded in this illegal activity was even engaged in.

What this Lame Cherry has posted on, is there were competing Jewish banking interests, one installed foreign born Obama, and started cutting out the American Jewish faction, who began a leftist Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Chuck Manning leaking of intelligence. This was embraced when the left thought this was all against George W. Bush, but when it started to expose Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, then it became a problem.

From what was taking place, I honestly believe there was a counter espionage operation in the United States, looking for a group inside the government who were being assisted by Russians. This is what kicked everything into overdrive and in this, I believe the Jews who were setting this up, piggybacked their operation on this standing operation, knowing someone was going to move against Donald Trump, and then the problem would be, Donald Trump who was innocent was overlaid over a real operation, which the FBI could not admit to due to national security, and it was based on CIA intelligence.
Thus entered Robert Mueller, who helped cover up Benghazi fire Robyn Gritz, and produced this Peter Strzok operation, which was looking for spies, and the entire klusterfuck went into motion instead trying to frame Donald Trump.
As this blog revealed, there was a Missing Link shepherding this forward. Robert Mueller was sent in to protect that link. When this blog published on this link, the long running Mueller investigation shut down in two weeks, and set Jerome Corsi free, whose attorney was about to discover what Robert Mueller was protecting.

Stefan Halper was DIA, Bush Clinton advocate. His loyalties and protection are immense as no one has touched him. He is key in this, because he was presented the file on framing Manafort, Carter, Papdopolous and Flynn, with the information which the FBI would unleash with. As stated, there was a committee, there was a meeting, long before any of this was even surmised by the public, to set up Donald Trump and frame four innocent people to get Donald Trump.

This has been an inter Jewish fight from the start, the cartel with American industry were being supplanted by Obama Muslism and Marxists, what pushed back was National Socialists and Jews. There was a control in this which set up this committee, which moved on Trump. The Control had a Missing Link whispering directions to people which sounded great, all the while knowing the moves would be counter measures which would expose and catch the inner fellow travelers of the Obama regime.

In that is the key, someone knew how the entire intelligence and security apparatus of America could be red lighted, and they accomplished this. Someone knew there were really thin skinned profiles who thought they were more intelligent than everyone else, and they could use the CIA and FBI to destroy Donald Trump, the way they had tried to humiliate and vanquish him previously.


I am not stating that this is the brains of the outfit behind all of this, but his is the photo of them, and it is their associates who decided they could frame Donald Trump and overthrow the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord elections, as they did in 2008, 2012, 2000, 2004, 1996, 1992.

The theater of the Obama's and Bush's hating each other, even as the Bush family remained silent for the benefactors of Obama stealing the 2008 election, produced a joined a the hip union of George and Michelle, the sweet sticky of this glue was one event, and that was their groups working to preserve Obama legacy and to avenge Jeb! in being mauled by Donald Trump.
Obama was furious over Trump exposing Birther as a foreign fraud. As I stated, these were thin skinned people who got their way, the silver spoon crowd, and there was a meeting, and an understanding to install Hillary Clinton and cover all of this election fraud up.

They know and John Durham has the paper trail and the exposed trolls who initiated the key parts of this framing of Donald Trump, but John Durham has not entered the committee and that meeting. That is where the Truth lays.

This is information which was never to be made public.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

