Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Trump asks for 2.5 Billion to Battle Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One would think that Trump medal awardee Stage 4 Limbaugh, would in his cancer treatment haze would have known that President Trump just asked for two and half billion dollars to battle Coronavirus, because Limbaugh engaged in criminal verbal conduct yesterday in telling his half brains that Coronavirus is just the common cold.

A little late, Donald - Trump asks Congress for $2.5
billion to fight outbreak But The Horses Have Left The Barn


I understand the President does not want to alarm the public as Italy is now in meltdown panic over Corona, but the fact is that Trump's Mary Sunshine strategy is not what Americans need, as they are delusional about this, and when Corona does break in America, Donald Trump is going to be blamed.

WaPost - Trump Told Advisers He Doesn't Want To
Do Anything Or Say Anything Much About CoViD Pandemic
That Could Further Harm The Markets...And His Reelection

I have laid out what the President needs to do in assessing supplies and assuring all people will receiver treatment.

President Trump: Coronavirus ‘under control’ in U.S.   oann 

What is bothersome in the Mockingbird is minders are still posting China propaganda, but woven in are the FACTS that people who contract Corona in a mild case require 2 weeks to recover. Severe cases require 4 to 6 weeks. No one has that kind of health coverage, and no one can be off work that long. Donald Trump is urged by this blog to start directing orders to his agencies to assist thee American people. If Americans see Donald Trump cares, they will forgive him and elect him in November to be their daddy again.

The fact is though the President can not assure a virus vaccine will solve anything. There is not a vaccine for the common cold and not a vaccine for HIV. Corona is both of those and this bring to the FOCUS, what is Donald Trump going to do, FORCE AMERICANS TO GET VACCINATED?

That will destroy him politically as his voters are against vaccines.

Trump Says U.S. ‘Very Close’ To Creating Coronavirus Vaccine - Blunt Force Truth   bluntforcetruth

I was asked if oregano oil would help as it is effective on RNA virus. I would say try it, but there is a great deal that I can not say here, except in bits and pieces, as I do not want any more visits.
I would say stock up on American supplies. I have zero faith in medical masks. Wear gloves and wash them when shopping and opening doors. Bleach and disinfectants. I have already laid out about swabbing ears, nose and gargling, and washing your hands, understanding the mail is all over the place, and to stop exposing yourselves to the virus.

 I was asked this too.

India hasn’t been effected by Coronavirus. I am watching Trump go around the world collecting money from those who owe use. We owe China money. Is India about to become the next big creditor to the US? Would be consistent with much of your hypothesis. I feel like the body count is high enough to accelerate decoupling the world from the Asian supply chain but underwealming otherwise. I also feel like there is a “canary trap” in all the internet discussions of this as well. This is a set up for something bigger in a year or two and this is a trial run. How can such an event be made profitable, how can communication be controlled. Thoughts?

I have informed all of you, to stop looking at this as Americacentric. View this from a central European vantage point. It makes more sense. It also is a reality that this virus is making political decisions, meaning it is thinking. That means someone is using this as a surgical strike, that means they know it's limitations. That means if I am right, the United States will emerge from this a crippled, but nuclear power, a Russia type nation. If I am wrong, 90% will die.
I am not going to go into greater details in my observations of cause and effect, because I am not about to rock the boat for the powerful people who would be behind this, to make them have to create a diversionary show, to throw a clinker in the logical progression.

For myself, I am resigned with TL. If we die, Heaven is not something I am going to be upset about. I believe the outcome is different, and that numbers of people will die, but it will be specific groups.

At this point, I return to the posts on this, and by God's Grace I have been 100% accurate about this virus in what it is, it's progression and the reasoning behind it. No one should forget in this, that Iran created the base virus by Dr. Germ. China stole this virus to create a first strike biological weapon against America, Japan and India. Those are high crimes, and what is taking place is justice. Those behind this though are not interested in justice. The process is about restoring the order.

President Trump: Coronavirus ‘under control’ in U.S.

Finally as I have had a disturbing and shitty day, there are not but a small portion of the elderly and sick in America, who can survive 2 weeks of Corona or endure a 6 week recovery. It is not the healthy who will die, but the weak and old.
None of you reading this remember the Polio Summer. People locked their doors. The economics then were affordable as food was produced and delivered locally. That is not the case now, and while I doubt the President has any advice in this worth a damn, the key to a national quarantine will be World War II, rationing of gas. The pumps will be dried up, and only delivery will receive their quotas. Work will take on an entirely new meaning and the dolts who think a car is a relief to boredom will have an empty tank, as travel and contact is what spread the virus in China. This will be the case in the United States if clusters appear in a wide spread genus groups.
The oil barons would rather have you dead than exposed, so they will work to expose you, and in that is a key to this......how do the rich know they are going to survive?

Don't forget to donate you rich people, as the markets are falling and the United States on spreading this virus internally is about to have the sky fall too.

Nuff Said
