Wednesday, March 11, 2020


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I received this question today, and as you teacher for the Good Shepherd, it is my responsibility to teach, no matter the question with priceless answers.

You say you will not vote for President Trump. He is not good enough for you. He has fallen short. Fair enough. But since we have basically a binary party system, this means to me you intend to vote Democrat. What other conclusion could one make? What Democrat is good enough for you, what Democrat would you support with your vote and why, instead of President Trump? I would really like to know what Democrat you are going to vote for. I had no idea you were voting Democrat. Shocking. Thank you.

As someone that God chose to write the time line for Donald Trump to be President, I have a bit more to say in this, than most people who I informed Trump was Jehu, and he was the only horse in the race in 2016 to lessen the blow which was coming.

This President like Jehu kept the 8th Day Sabbath, meaning he did not elevate the Protestants, surrounded himself in weakness, and wasted the 18 months America had to prepare. Now the blows are beginning to fall which were warned of and will continue.

As a CCP Christian Conservative Protestant in my own Continentalist Party of one, I have warned of Webster Griffin Tarpley's elite plan to split the DNC into a communist and nazi wing to rule America, while ruing the Republican to a 3rd party status.
As this blog has informed the people who actually read and study it, with this Coronavirus killing old people, how vote Conservative, it is now clear that one of the objectives of this bio weapon was to transform America to be void of a Reagan Party.

I have already stated that Donald Trump will be re elected, as he is the cartel man now, being brought into line. He is the best that America has in the woes which are coming. I will not vote for a National Socialist, any more than a Marxist, as a Christian American, my people signed the Declaration of Independence and I will not in my vote sign America over to Nazism or Communism.

I have been quite clear in how I vote. I informed John McCain that unless he placed Sarah Palin on the ticket I would vote for a Constitution party which is a wasted vote and no doubt managed by the Mockingbird. I will vote for an ideal, over a cult of leftism.

I have informed people from this when Donald Trump told the Mothers whose children were raped and murdered by foreigners, that they did not matter and DACA did for big business, that I would not vote for him as President.

I had 3 waymarks which were mandatory.

1. Get rid of Obamacare (It is still on the books)
2. End taxes for people who earn under 50,000 dollars (Instead Obama high taxes remained for the poor.)
3. A National Constitutional Carry Law

None of these promises from Donald Trump happened and I am not going to sit around and condone Bushism destruction of religious Conservatism again in making excuses of "wait to the next election" as the end of America has happened and she will not resurrect.

I have suffered financially, along with the danger I have put myself in. Who among you have had Homeland appear to intimidate you to silence out of the New York FBI office for speaking peace and prosperity? For speaking the Truth, I have been abandoned and then have people question my explained actions, without remembering it was this blog WHO MAINTAINED THE PLATFORM OF FREE SPEECH while they are in hiding in being afraid of being called a racist or being doxed. You have the right yet to speak out, because I did the work in 2008 and the Obama years, in not shutting up, while everyone else went along to get along, and you adored them and they prospered.

I informed everyone in 2016 that I was finished with politics, as the Bush family were socialists and I was not voting for another Mitt Romney. No I did not vote for Mormon Romney, but a Constitutional candidate instead, and I TOLD EVERYONE ROMNEY WAS A STRAWMAN and voila he was a fake, and one person donated and said I was right in public, as all of their experts were lying to them in saying Obama was going to be defeated.
If you check your state's ballots in November, there will be a Libertarian which is now socialist and a Constitutional candidate no one has ever heard of or will ever be elected.

So I get a bit pissed off at people questioning me, and forgetting how many times I stuck my neck on the line while they hid behind their keyboards, how I was mocked, how the Kushner media has tried to marginalize me, and how how time and again this blog is proven right and sets the narrative which 2 years from now people take credit for.

The latest "right" was I told everyone that there were 3 Coronavirus strains, and I was right by God's Grace. There will be more "right" in the future, but numbers of you are going to be dead with your piles of cash and portfolios, and if Coronavirus does not weed you out, then other things which are coming will.

I honestly like Donald Trump. He has performed well in wearing the leash. I will though not put this blog's signature on supporting his Nazism or National Socialism which is coming. I have warned you that your GOP is going to shock the hell out of you, just like it did under Pedo Hastert and those other frauds, when they in the upheaval after the elections are going to pass gun controls and things you never dreamed of, and of course you will take it, because you will be supporting your guys and gals again, just like leftists are lemming jumping over the cliff.

Your vote is your vote. It ends where my vote begins. I have projected in Coronavirus that Donald Trump and most of what we know as leaders, who are all geezers could be not on the tickets come November, as there has been a move to form a Pentagon Junta which is appointed not approved as this blog warned, and it may be President Mike Pompeo, a CIA liar who will be your neo savior. This is all in flux and I have told you that this is a paradigm shift.

I will vote for a Constitutional candidate as my vote does not matter, as all of this has already been decided who will lead, and just as Donald Trump kept Obama Bush policies, just like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush would have, the 2020 elected will progress the cartel policies and not American policies as this moves to Europe now, as America will be occupied with her problems.

I thank the Lady who messaged me this morning in thanking me about putting up information about Selenium which may produce an edge against Coronavirus as it is an RNA like Ebola. She said she had a bag of Brazil Nuts in her freezer. They were one of my favorites as a child, as we called the Nigger Toes. I had my nuts in order of Almonds, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Hazelnuts and then Walnuts, as Walnuts always had tannin on them, as I cracked nuts alone, and was off in my little world, cold in my heavy clothes as I tried to survive.

I will not vote for Donald Trump as I answer to God and I answer to God for your pissy little sins, if I do not remind you of the faults. It gets me yelled at as people do not like that, it has kept me poor, as people do not like being reminded Christ is in charge, and it has me investing time for one person, to explain to them what the situation is.

I do have to run the gauntlet now in Coronaland in trying to stay alive to provide direction in a world where all of your leaders are daily herding you over the cliff.

.........and as people need to be reminded, you will never get anyone to answer your questions in Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Sean Homo Hannity, Mark Levin, Donald Trump, as they would just delete your messages as they have better things to do. So do not abuse the privilege and know that God records everything, and here am I, the person who prays for people who are worried about their children and the person who teaches how to fix things in people's lives when satan assails them.

The question is, what will your life be without me ever day explaining things? What would you now be deceived by in Coronavirus, if not for this blog?

That is rhetorical.

Nuff Said

