Saturday, March 14, 2020

By the River Gozan

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This day's Bible treatise is on your American ancestors named in the Bible. Yes you are in there if you are of the lines which God transplanted into the United States, and the Commonwealth. Americans are of the half tribe of Manasseh. The reason they are called a half tribe is Israel was comprised of 13 tribes out of 12 sons and one daughter. Joseph was given a double portion, in his sons Ephraim the youngest and Manasseh the oldest in the nation of Israel.

Ephraim was listed first, because Jacob crossed his hands in blessing the boys. Joseph saw it and tried to correct, but his blind father knew by God, as Ephraim would hold the Crown as it passed from Judah to the people who are the British, while Manasseh would be the greater financial and military power, the greatest nation the world would ever know. Manasseh would break away in colonization the Bible predicted and arise in the exact generation which God predicted in the 1800's to become the United States on the world stage.

Most though are ignorant of their heritage. In the Bible verse, God stirs up the Assyrians, the first world empire to capture three tribes in Reuben, Gad and Manasseh. When Moses was settling the Promised Land by conquest, these three tribes stayed on the east side of the Jordan River. Mannaseh was so large that they occupied land on the west side too.

Reuben is the Northern French and Quebecois. Gad is Switzerland. Manasseh is the United States.

It was a horrific slaughter which followed in two parts. The Assyrians who are the modern Germans IN Germany, not the Germans inside the United States as they are Manasseh, skinned people alive, ripped babies out of wombs, crucified the leaders in leaving them hang, raped, pillaged and put hooks in the noses of the survivors and led them away to the banks of the River Gozan.

Assyria and Babylon were not like Rome. When they conquered a nation, they exiled them to a new location to break them, and then would settle other peoples into the Israelite lands.
That is why the Samaritans were spat on by Jews. They were not Israelites, but squatters.

There was something magnificent about the Samarians though, as only 1 in 10 survived the slaughter. They were excellent with horses. They became the cavalry of the Assyrian empire. This group dominated the empire and until the conquering of Samaria on the west side of the Jordan, this is where these peoples remained exiled.

It was then that a miracle happened.

I Chronicles 5

26  So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria (that is, Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria), who took the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh into exile. He took them to Halah, Habor, Hara and the river of Gozan, where they are to this day.

The miracle was that this mobile cavalry people, by God's design, one day happened upon a breach or a pass in the mountains to the north which led into the Caucasus and Asia. The Assyrians had no idea this pass existed and though the people's imprisoned on the River Gozan, but in an instant the entire Lost 10 Tribes disappeared out of Assyria and the Assyrians had no idea where they had vanished to.

In this grand escape, immense forces would begin shaping the world. The children of the Wisdom of Solomon, would break out into Asia. They were called the Khumri or Children of Omri then. Their name of Samarian, became Samartian, The 'arian": portion would survive as the Caucasians who ruled north India as the Aryans which the Germans hijacked as their race.
The German like the Persian. like the American are true Semite or children of Shem people. The Lost 10 Tribes though are the Chosen People of God's Spiritual Priesthood to humanity.

In Asia, the Samartians became the Scythians, a mysterious people no one knew who they were in their organized cavalry. They educated the Mongols and the Chinese, brought science to Persia, and time and again Persia, Greece, Rome ran into these infamous people and were dealt crushing blows as wars raged beyond the line of civilization.

Hermann was the most infamous as the modern era approached in slaughtering the Roman Legions in Germany. Rome had to build walls to try and keep these peoples at bay.

This is the heritage of the Americans, a long suffering people, who were made war upon and had no permanent land, until God planted 9 of the tribes in western Europe, and planted Joseph in North America.

The English crown is Christ's crown and is David's, in the one Jesus will return for in His Second Coming.

The above verse though carries promise and curse, for the promise is by Judahite scribes stating that the first to return to the Promised Land will be the United States, France and Switzerland, as they were the first people's exiled. The curse is the warning that a captivity is coming again to all the Lost 10 for their heinous rebellion against God.

Jacob's Trouble is promised in the Bible, and this is America and the Western Peoples being punished. The blow is there and it is why this poor orphan girl wrote the time line by God's Grace to place Donald Trump who is Jehu into the Oval Office. The blow will not be lessened as he has not accomplished nor prepared with Protestants the necessary measures, but he is shaping up to be a right proper bastard who is capable of smashing America's enemies in a not fair fight.

We shall see what the future is, but the past is certain, and the Judgment is certain. A great culling will ensue as the nations are stirred.

Once again this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
