Thursday, March 12, 2020

Canadian Coronavirus Karma

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I know there is a God, but sometimes God's Reckoning seems a bit delayed, but I consider God on the ball with Coronavirus, as one of the people who should suffer from it, is that Canadian Justin Trudeau, who is responsible for China stealing Arabian SARS, weaponizing it in Wuhan and now killing people across the globe.

Seriously, when this sorted out, for the trillions Trudeau cost the world, I want America to annex all of Canada west of the Red River as compensation, and if the rest of the world wants to nuke that liberal cesspool east of the Red, they can have at it.

12:15 p.m.: Prime Minister Trudeau self-isolates
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, are self-isolating after she experienced possible COVID-19 symptoms, said his communications director, Cameron Ahmad.
Gregoire Trudeau had "mild flu-like symptoms including a low fever" Wednesday night, and her symptoms have since subsided, Ahmad said. She is being tested for COVID-19 and is self-isolating at home as she awaits results, he said.
Prime Minister Trudeau has no symptoms but chose to self-isolate and work from home until his wife's test results come back, his office said.

Old people are dying in Italy by the morgue load, because of Justin Trudeau's lack of security with the RCMP in allowing the Chinese PLA to run rampant in Canada. That is all that Obama era bowing to Peking, and those responsible belong before crimes against humanity trials, and as Canadians did not vote this treacherous germ politician out of office, and it is a fact that the world will not go and arrest Trudeau, it is only hoped this black faced racist, is just starting to get Divine Retribution for his murderous responsibility in all of this.

President Donald Trump had better not let this duo into the United States looking for treatment, spreading more Trudeau germs in America.

Karma is a bitch, and I hope Trudeau is the first of man involved in this who get God's Wrath over this.

Nuff Said
