Thursday, March 5, 2020

Corona Princess Biological Weapon's Lab

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

From the data, the Corona Princess appears to have been a biological weapon's lab, It was designed to infect three nations primary in US, Japan and England. The closed conditions appear to have studied infection rate, and species transmission. There appears to have been a high rate of rich Jews on those ships, and one couple, the Goldmans deliberately lied and entered the United States endangering thee entire nation.

Jews appear to be spreaders, but do not react in meltdown status. Goldman revealed lethargy, cough, high fever. Other peoples in Chinese, Koreans, Iranians and Italians literally drop dead in their tracks on the streets.

This is another Lame Cherry update that Corona Princess was a spreader lab, but it was also gauging thee effects of what happens to non target species in their resistance and their lack of contraction. It is though certain that Tel Aviv went into red alert in this, and Jews of the Ashkenaz easily contract this deadly virus, but they are more like Typhoid Mary's in it does not kill them, In effect, as others were revealed in China, these peoples have re infection rates and they appear to be shedders, spreading the disease while appearing healthy.
