Sunday, March 8, 2020

Coronavirus to be at least TEN TIMES MORE DEADLY than Flu Season

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The inside tracking information from Obama's Ebola Quarantine Facility set up in White Christian America Nebraska, which is now ground zero for the biological weapon Coronavirus Wuhan, has leaked to the public via the British Press, and it confirms what the fringe media has been saying, in Coronavirus is an extremely dangerous bio weapon which will kill conservatively half a million Americans.

These are government officials stating this, the Mike Pence scientists.

US hospitals are preparing for 96 MILLION coronavirus infections and nearly HALF A MILLION deaths, leaked documents reveal

  • Almost half a million (480,000) Americans are expected to die from coronavirus 
  • 4.8 million will be hospitalized and 96 million infected
  • Figures come from leaked slides from a presentation by Dr. James Lawler, a University of Nebraska Medical Center professor and hosted by AHA
  • They show the spread of the deadly disease could be far worse than officials claim, with the crisis 10 times greater than a severe flu season

1/3rd of thee Americans and squatter invaders of Islam, Hindi and Jesuit 3rd world vermin, or 1 out of 3 Americans will contract this bio weapon.

1 out of 60 will require intensive care or quarantine hospitalization, or they will die, in 96 million affected. Of those, many will experience ruined lungs, heart or other organs, due to the lasting effects of this bio weapon. For those who are unaware, many pandemics like Scarlet Fever damaged the heart muscle and Polio crippled the individual, pandemics are not something one survives, they kill in mass and they ruin people's lives.

1 in 600 Americans according to the government officials are going to die from contracting Coronavirus.

Those are the facts.

I am not going to invest a great deal of time in pointing out daily the confirmations that this blog has been right about this from the start, but I will remind the people who can afford to make donations until it hurts, that the Lame Cherry has been proven right on exclusives which seem impossible to ignorant small minds. From the British story was a map from Omaha, look at it closely and see if you are reminded of an exclusive this blog produced.

Now this is the story which predicted the spread and here is the Lame Cherry map to compare.

The Omaha map reveals outliers moving in from California into Colorado and Nevada, but the map is a match. The United States lit defensive pandemic fires in lanes across the United States in an attempt to contain the L Strain spread.

I am going to remind all of you rich people that you are going to die if not for this blog. You are not going to be able to flee, because rural states will not allow it, and if you try to Limbaugh fly to pedo island, those nations will not allow exposed carriers into their airports. All you have is me, and a God Who knows you have been treating me poorly by not donating. The next phases of this are the phases which are going to produce the culling.

I hope that the above leaked information ends the George Noory and Rush Limbaugh CIA Mockingbird bullshit that this just like the flu and the flu kills more. Those two damned certain knew they were lying and fudging the facts.

What this poor orphan girl tails into this is the reason the projection should not reach 2 plus million dead, is the S Strain should produce an inoculation factor. The reason the CDC is not producing test kits is the spread of Coronavirus is of a much higher proportion that what is being admitted. S Strain is progressing at a more advanced rate, the warning though is those elderly poor in the nursing home in that test scenario, revealed that L Strain wipes out people with poor circulation or meaning bad hearts and are not able to move to reduce fluid build up.
That is what that spreader from the Corona Princess in that Goldberg, media whoring was revealing in his "getting around". If that Jew was flat backed, he would have died, because like SARS in infants, that was killing people because they laid in one place, were cathartic and simply drown or their heart stressed out.

In that, the insider information states that people with bad hearts, or suffering heart failure have 1 in 10 chance of dying from Corona. There really is nothing good about this bioweapon. It was meant to exterminate and that is what China was working on as a first strike weapon against America, Japan and India.

The fact is, in some areas of the United States, the time for prepping is over. Seattle is a death zone. Corona is on the cash, the supplies and in the stores. For other areas, your margin of time is running out in the next week, no matter where you live. You have to have food, disinfectants, and that includes non deodorant bleach, as that will purify water. You should have fuel in several gallons and you should have a way to defend yourselves, as people without supplies are going to come looking for your toilet paper.
At this point, I do not believe a 6 months supply is out of the question.

My bridge to closewhere is, we are going to garden for food and past time. We have e books downloaded, and we are going for walks. I can hole up just fine, but most of you idiots will have to have it work on you, go nuts in being told you can't go to the mall and you will go and you will have stupid relatives and children appear from other pandemic hot spots as everyone knows we all want someone from Seattle.
I have watched the Nigger Knocked Ups appear hear over the years in fat white girls go to the city, get knocked up by a coon, and then they drag that shit back here. One of the distant relatives we tried to purchase 40 acres from but refused to sell it has a daughter in which the brier patch was not good she and her family are in Washington. I full expect those assholes to climb back in here if they get a chance, but I view this a plus as it will kill them all, and then the land will be open for sale.

You are not only  going to have to watch yourself, but watch out for the dumb fucks around you. You can not trust people, as some shit is going to appear on your doorstep or your neighbors. Do with it as you desire, but TL and I have discussed this and nothing is getting in here. People have had time to help us, we gave others time to get their shit together to get settled here, but that is all off now as the door to the ark is closed. They wouldn't listen and as Gram always preached, now they will feel.

It is now not the Lame Cherry which you ignored in telling you things. It is now your regime and on average 10,000 people are going to die in your state before this is over, and that is best assessment. This creature can mutate, and it might discover or have discovered for it, that it likes Mexicans and sweep through those filthy vermin by the millions.

I think Rush Limbaugh with his cancer, being a geeze, had better start settling up before Jesus asks him about that 13 million plus interest for plagiarism, and telling old Rusty that the devil has a collection agency down in hell.
Rush Limbaugh in telling people like George Noory that this was nothing to worry about in the common cold, are guilty of manslaughter. They delayed impressionable people from getting supplies, and that clock has now run out on the West Coast. That is a hell of a thing to have recorded on you in the Book of Judgment to answer for in the million dollar men.

Tick Tock

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One more thing about the President's coming budget:

Trump Says Will cut S/S, Medicare & Entitlements
to shrink the trillions in national debt (Harming Millions
Of Older Americans Who Helped Put Him In Office)

The reason trillions in the national debt will be able to be cut, starting with Social Security and entitlements is those receiving it will all be dead from Coronavirus. America by 2022, could very well not have anyone over the age of 65 years old due to dying from Coronavirus.
The signs are there, in this was known was coming, and dovetails into Omaha briefings.

Nuff Said
