Thursday, March 5, 2020

For the Love of Trump's Coronavirus

nothing to fear from Corona, than Limbaugh himself.....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a forensic diagnosis of cause and effect, in President Trump buys Rush Limbaugh with a Prez Medal, and the effect is Rush Limbaugh becomes the Trump EIB parrot, driving the Sermon from the Mic that Coronavirus is the common cold.

For the record, Rush Limbaugh is making absolutely defining statements, that he is now speaking for the President of the United States, and that the President believes Corona is not lethal nor dangerous.

The president has attempted to project confidence in his administration’s public health efforts, but he has sometimes undermined that attempt by talking about the coronavirus in political terms, or seemingly dismissing the severity of the threat.
Rush Limbaugh, the pro-Trump radio host with a legacy of offensive remarks, said he had spoken to Trump on Monday morning. Suffering from advanced cancer, Limbaugh was recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
“He starts talking about this hoax,” Limbaugh said of his conversation with Trump. “He starts talking about this versus the flu and the number of cases and the mortality rate. He’s on top of this. He knows exactly, folks, what they are trying and what they’re doing. He was insistent to me that they are not going to join the panic on the task force — or himself personally — in reporting this.”


There is an absolute danger in this for President Donald Trump. No President can have someone speaking in his name, not in Government. The reason is:

It degrades the Presidency.

It has not any command and control.

There are not any ability verify what is being stated.

With the off balanced statements Limbaugh is making with his cancer treatment senility, he is creating an image of the President as a fool, as part of a White House where he needs to turn to Limbaugh, and that Donald Trump NEEDS RUSH LIMBAUGH and is therefore weak.

The President has a political problem in the more people who get sick and die from Coronavirus, the more people are being denied free access, the more a voting block emerges which elects someone else to be President.

The question in this is. Webster Griffin Tarpley stated that the cartel had two purposes. The first purpose was to split the Democratic Party into a socialist and communist wing to rule America, as the second part was to relegate the GOP to a 3rd party status.

The fact is that Rush Limbaugh, and for that matter Donald Trump, has degraded the original FAKE NEWS and WITCH HUNT, with this HOAX is now melding into with the Impeachment. With dead bodies, sick people, people very scared, Donald Trump linking his innocence to Coronavirus has undermined the public's trust in his word and innocence.

Rush Limbaugh has had a history of speaking in your name. His phrases of "the poor eat too much" in speaking for Big Koch. Then he lied about Ethanol for Big Koch, which promoted terrorism and went against American Farmers. Now in hiding behind cancer, which Limbaugh seems to be like Ruth Ginsburg and John McCain in thriving in getting cancer and having more energy in having radioactive therapy, is calling Trump voters who are concerned about dying from a plague, as being idiots and part of a hoax against the President.

I remind everyone of David John Oates reversals on the CDC and President Trump. The CDC was referring to you as slime to be eradicated, and the President was shrugging his shoulders in stating people who got Corona would "be with God" in knowing they would die.
That is not a President saying this is a hoax.

Monday, March 2, 2020

President States Nations Will Die Over Coronavirus

Anyone can understand that President Trump can not have a panic. He can not have Wall Street implode. He has to keep America stable in a most destabilized world. Russia protecting her people will be the lone superpower if the United States goes down, as China is in free fall.

What can be understood in President Trump playing the Limbaugh Card, to sucker voters in to vote for Trump. What can not be understood is the absolute link of Donald Trump with Rush Limbaugh and Limbaugh now stating he is speaking in the President's name, because it makes Donald Trump look weak and associating with an off balanced mind attacking his own base. In short the question is, is Donald Trump through Rush Limbaugh dividing the Republican Party as Bernie Sanders is dividing the Democratic Party, as the GOP as it is, will never survive in being smeared as Corona Hoaxers or those who do not believe the Coronavirus is real.

Donald Trump has a political problem with Rush Limbaugh who is acting like a 5 year old in his father's office bossing around the staff. The Republican Party has a real voter problem with Rush Limbaugh defining the GOP as he has unleashed with.

Tucker Carlson has taken the correct tone and reporting in this, as the anti Limbaugh, and in this, the Vice President, Dr. Germ is taking the correct public posture in surrounding himself with scientific experts, who are promoting a reassuring tone.

“We’re going to follow the facts and listen to the experts every step of the way,” Vice President Mike Pence, who is leading the White House coronavirus task force, said at a Monday press briefing. In language shorn of politics, he proceeded to describe a burgeoning “cluster” in Washington state and California, as well as efforts to keep the virus from spreading across the nation.

No one is questioning that every democrat and #NeverTrumper is engaged in using Coronavirus to defeat Donald Trump, just as the Chinese communists created Corona Wuhan in a Obama weapons lab in China as a first strike weapon against the United States. With 6 Americans dead, thousands under quarantine, the world growing more uncertain as billions are being poured into the Stock Market to try and prop it up before it's inevitable crash, the answer is not for the President to have Rush Limbaugh speaking in his name belittling the public's concerns.

People must be reassured, as what is coming, they are going to blame Donald Trump for everything, because he did not connect with them at this time.

Rush Limbaugh for the foreseeable future is a dead weight to the President. The Corona will continue to spread in the United States, and with each death, with each quarantine, with each hardship, Rush Limbaugh can not hide behind his cancer and Donald Trump is going to be associated with a Limbaugh who misdirected the President's message and should never have divulged private conversations he had with the President.

For the love of Donald Trump, Coronavirus appeared in China, but Donald Trump politically owns this virus and it is becoming his political plague, and that infection is spreading now due to the virus Rush Limbaugh has become to this presidency.

Mr. President, your people must inform Rush Limbaugh to stop speaking in your name, mentioning your confidential conversations, and he must be made to understand that you will disavow him, by making it known that people have delusions sometimes when they undergo some treatments.

Unless the President is on the destruction of the Republican Party, and is replacing them with the the Nazi wing of the democratic party, ran by Hillary Clinton.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
