Sunday, March 15, 2020

Is it a Common Cold Booger or a Corona Booger?

It's safe as it's just a common cold booger my friends.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was on Bad Blue, checking story links and came across "must read" post, which of course I had to sift through to find, and discovered it was another one of these Rush Limbaugh / Georgy Noory stories of  "other things kill people more than Corona".

What is most bothersome about these comparisons is, first, I am not dying anyway, so the flu is not going to kill me, I am not around a psycho, so I am not going to be murdered, and wonder of wonders.....I can not take opiods, while Corona is a germ that stupid ass people can kill me with by not staying home, and I will not notice this until it happens.

Yes heart disease kills more people than Corona at this point, but heart disease takes a lifetime, and I have a good time getting to a heart attack. Corona takes 5 days and I suffocate. There is a bit of a big difference in this when it comes to Corona, and normal people know this, and that is why they are paying attention.

These people who complain that Governor Cuomo of New York and Mayor de Blasio of New York City have cramped their nightlife style by shutting things down, as have other responsible Republican and Democratic leaders, apparently were not listening to the Friday, Trump Press Conference, in which when Donald Trump insisted reporters actually ask the experts questions, instead of trying "gotcha" questions about Trump being around people with Corona (Trump tested free from Corona as of Saturday), heard some very professional and informed information on Corona virus.

I will continue this after this asstard quote from Heather McDonald, which we all were supposed to read, but it is more horse shit.

President Trump has been criticized for not being apocalyptic enough in his press conferences. In fact, he should be even more skeptical of the panic than he has been. He should relentlessly put the coronavirus risk into context with opioid deaths, homicide deaths—about sixteen thousand a year in the United States—flu deaths, and traffic deaths. One might have thought New York governor Andrew Cuomo a voice of reason when, a few days ago, he tried to tamp down the hysteria in a press conference, saying: “This is not Ebola, this is not sars, this is not some science fiction movie come to life. The hysteria here is way out of line with the actuality and the facts.” And yet since then he called a state of emergency in New York, and he and Mayor Bill de Blasio have all but shut down the New York City economy. They, like most all U.S. politicians nowadays, have shown an overwhelming impulse to be irrationally risk-averse.
Rather than indiscriminately shutting down public events and travel, we should target prevention where it is most needed: in nursing homes and hospitals.

The first thing is, American leaders, and that means Democrat and Republican are targeting prevention in nursing homes and hospitals. They do this by shutting down all the transmission points outside of these facilities which will cause a mass infection inside nursing homes and hospitals.

In World War II, the Americans, British and Russians bombed the German supply lines, to the confinement camps. This is what caused starvation, which in turn caused typhus outbreaks and caused those photos of piles of bodies which the Nazi's were blamed for. If the political leaders of major areas like New York and California were not shutting down schools, quarantining cities which the President agrees with, people who deliver food, keep power on, and protect us from fires, are not going to be there.
Seriously and I mean SERIOUSLY do these shit for brains writers contemplate what will happen if a nuclear power plant has all of it's operators sick from Corona, because nothing was shut down in public gatherings? What about your fire station not responding to a fire, and it turns into a firestorm and burns down the nursing homes and hospitals in a city, along with 100,000 people, because a sports event was not shut down?

These are the realities which none of these people are factoring in. You protect old people and sick people, by making certain that the selfish assholes in our communities do not have a venue to infect 50,000 people at one event.

The experts which Donald Trump now has working with Mike Pence are superb. The reason we know this is by the actions they have undertaken and the thorough knowledge of what they reported in the press conference.
What the United States is preparing for is not a nuclear detonation which lasts  a second and is over in a few minutes, but is instead waiting for the 7 Week Spike which was the pattern revealed in China and Korea. Everything the President has done from a travel ban, to testing kits to track the infected, has all been focused on dealing with the reality of when Coronavirus really gets inside the United States.
For those who think Corona is here, it is not even started. As I type this on Saturday March 14th, it is at this point following what this blog projected in about 2000 cases should have manifested at the end of this week. The cases were 2400.
The projections which this blog based it's assessment on was the doubling of the spread ever 2.4 days. That means the bloom rate when Corona will run out of people in America to keep infecting will be from April 20th to the 25th, when it will reach half to three quarters of the population in infection. That is very close to the Chinese Korean 7 week peak.

What the President is with his advisors, and these fine Governors, is attempting to shorten that infection peak period. That is the "fight" in this which is taking place. No one knows for certain if it can be done, but we do know for certain that Taiwan, the Republic of China, not only shut down Corona, but stopped the pandemic, by enacting the very measures which the United States is currently initiating. 

The projections which we will have to watch are in the next week and weeks. In testing, there should be results in ten thousand and tens of thousands, and in the coming weeks, it should reach hundreds of thousands. It should grow to millions, but if it does not, then that means the measures these politicians and emergency teams have been working at, while others are demanding to burn out cities down with pandemic so they can have a good time, as they can not stand being home alone with themselves is working.

This is going to have to take time. Once this virus goes from the carrier phase and goes to the symptom phase, that is where the numbers will rise, and if President Trump and his team, succeed in creating a short peak, that does not mean this is over and everyone can go breathe on old people, because the virus can erupt by people letting their selfishness get away with them.

This Lame Cherry is going to give you the Darwin Rule in pandemics. Stupid people created this pandemic. Instead of staying home, they went to China or on cruises. More stupid Obama holdovers then brought this disease into America. The government has been lighting backfires, knowing the virus can not be shut down indefinitely. What is not being spoken of is, it is better to face this virus now, than to have to face it full bore next winter when it will really ravage the nation, which will be depleted and sick in being picked off over the summer.
In the Darwin Rule, you have stupid people, people who do not stay home, people who are booger eaters and put boogers on the floor. The majority of the sick people will be stupid boogers. If though we can contain the booger brigades, they will catch the virus in the first wave, be done in a few weeks, and probably only have a 10% reinfection rate, meaning they will do no more harm to the rest of us. We get these Darwin candidates out of the Corona pool, and the majority will not be endangered by them.

This is where the numbers start being important. If this peak happens fast, the virus will lose a number of homes to breed in, and it will burn out. The faster it burns out, through this carrier population of 20 to 50 year olds, the less risk old people will have to being exposed and infected.

The seriousness of Coronavirus in the L which is the more deadly form and the S strain, is that it's HIV chain, suppresses  the immune system in people whose immune systems are not robust. That is what is killing people. People with strong immune systems have it stay in the upper respiratory system, while those with less strong systems, have it enter their lungs, where without respirators they can not breathe as this is then pneumonia. It is not the virus per say that kills, it is the suppressed immune systems. It is not that this targets old people. It just suppressed old people's immune systems more readily than the young.

At this point, the American leadership in Washington under Donald Trump, and in the state Governors has been exemplary in their dealing with this situation. The hard part is to come, but America is prepared, and in spite of these horrid people saying this is the common cold or whining about their lives are disrupted, Americans in the majority have shown patience, a great deal of self preservation and instinct, and those hording things, is not the worst sin in the world, as they are the ones who are not going to be going out and licking shopping carts.

We are looking at, at least 6 weeks of this self discipline. If people do not stop doing stupid things endangering others, then it will be Italy and China martial law.

Most of you reading this are not going to be a problem. All of us though need to keep in mind Jesus teaching in "having food and clothes, let us be content", because if we get a devil urge to do something stupid, let us remember the opposite in would we rather be on a ventilator in a hospital, shitting a diaper or would we like to be the one who breathes on some old person and kills 50 people in a nursing home and have to feel that guilt all our lives?

The rugged individual in responsible American freedom is what each person must discipline themselves with like John Wayne and Ronald Reagan, and then our communities will be safe, and our states will recover quickly. This is not going to be instant, but it will take time. It is going to take years to rebuild the things relocating out of China, and getting rid of that shoddy manufacturing.

There will be deflation in the stock markets, gas markets and in time your costs of living, and that includes real estate. There will be fewer foreign slaves appearing, and we will not know how this all turns out, as Mexico could have nothing but rotting corpses as these infection waves are processing through.

The one reality so far is the American brats have shown they like Nazi (National Socialism) strong man leadership from President Donald Trump and these other governors. For the first time they are actually working and not taking things from least not the whining people who are upset they can't go out for a mocha, listen to fag operas and have pillow talk adultery in how Donald Trump makes my tampons not absorb my menstrual flow the way Obama did.

Personally, all of these people who are terrified of being alone with themselves, I would opt for them to find Jesus or do the world a favor and send themselves to hell now, as it would mean less Corona hosts.

Otherwise Corona for the well to do, is like me waiting for them to donate. It is not much fun, but I have to deal with the wait, as I am not into the hobby of being stupid in sucking on shopping carts. I like myself so am content with me and in the end, I doubt you reading this or me will contract Coronavirus, because like Donald Trump, who is a smart guy, you do not eat boogers which other Darwin candidates leave laying around.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

