Sunday, March 1, 2020

It Seems Coronavirus Does Not Like Deplorable White People Either

Hello, I am Ranger Sars sent to protect you from germs.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The leadership of President Donald Trump is now a question of direction. His former WWE game plan will not suffice nor provide the direction to the 3rd coup by Coronavirus he now faces, for in this, his own advisers who are of the Obama entourage are responsible for the contamination of the United States.

Donald Trump can not Twitter rage and Donald Trump can not strike peace accords with Islamic terrorists, as none of that will matter to Americans, because the Coronavirus once it touched America, became all politics local for President Donald Trump.

The President has not reached out as this blog advocated for him to, to connect with thee American People as Ronald Reagan did. The President is in a precarious position as his future lies in the hands of Germ Lord Mike Pence, who is as guilty of this outbreak as the Obama and Bushites, as it was his part in displacing Trump loyalists and Christians for his Indian mafia which is as responsible for this as any in weakening the President of sound advice.

President Trump slams DNC, accuses party of ‘back room politics’   oann
President Trump Prepares Afghanistan Peace Deal To End America's Longest War - Big League Politics   bigleaguepolitics

There is a reality about Coronavirus yet, and it is as this blog pointed out, it is thinking and as virus do not think, that means there is a mind behind this, which set a version of the Chinese Wuhan loose to punish, China for preparing a first strike biologlical weapon against Japan, the United States and India.
The greatest weakness now of America is her mongrelization, not of assembling of the Lost 10 Tribes in America, but the 3rd world vermin meant in Paul Krugman nation rapists to replace the majority Anglo Saxon Christian White and the Black Protestants of America.

Italy was engaged with war games with China before Italy became a hot spot. Iran was the originator of the Arabian SARS upon with Wuhan was built. This virus is being unleashed to cripple key economic competitors as much as threats, and the United States is at the tipping point of being crippled as a European order emerges.

The facts of the Lame Cherry accurately predicting and tracking this genus biological weapon is being noted by other astute minds. This is a Chinese, Persian and Italian cluster bio in being more susceptible.
As this blog noted CBS California was showing that the majority of the infected were Chinese in the United States and associated with Chinese dependents of Americans. It was projected that alternative Mirror virus were being produced in order to distract in political correctness of non racial profiling to get enough white people sick so that it would seem to be a broad spectrum pandemic.
Coronavirus is moving genus specific. In Japan Hokkaido is having a pandemic, in the largest northern Island, home to native Ainu peoples, and Japan is home to a large population of Koreans. 

2. Or countries where large expat Chinese communities live
3. Or countries where the Chinese from (1) or (2) above take their connecting flights
4. Or countries in Western Europe that replace their indigenous population with "migrants" from Asia and Africa
What there isn't in the list is a single country from what I call "The Camp of the Sane"—i.e., the ex-"Eastern Bloc" where diversity is not a beautiful strength, the global village is scorned, and kindergarten children don't receive lectures in [homosexual] sex from contracted trannies.

That is the reality of Coronavirus as of this time. Remember that the reality is, that the same group of internationalists who struck to punish Iran and China, have just as much precision to create genus virus for other groups.

President Trump can not perform the leadership of Kim Jong Un of North Korea.

AFP on MSN.c

What the President can do now is protect the people he should have been protecting from the start of his Administration in the Black and White Protestant populations which God built America by.

For those who read this blog closely, they will remember that I stated that there should be a crippling outbreak in Germany in the Muslim based communities. Germany is now facing a crippling surge, but we do not know the genus yet.
This blog also predicted in this thinking virus, but would not post on the prediction in order to not move those who are behind this to create a more broad spectrum virus, will reveal with the appearance of this story, this is the group this poor orphan girl was speaking of in a logical virus.

Los Angeles Times...

As one of my many vocations is not breeding biological genus specific weapons, I overlooked something which was backdoor in this logical virus instead of front door. I suffer at times from Americacentric bias and prejudice. I had presumed the infected Chinese which the treacherous advisers of Donald Trump dumped into California, Texas, Nebraska, exposed HHS workers and then sent them out to infect their communities, would be the transmission point to infect the Mexican population.
In economic terms, on European models, cripple the United States by killing off their slaves, as the American German demographic is too large to risk. The transmission point was not Chinese, but the variant which was released in Italy.
Yes the hot blooded Latin Italians are genetically intertwined. It was an oversight on my part in focusing on the big picture in being poor and having to beg for money.

Mexican authorities confirmed Friday the country’s first case of the coronavirus — a 35-year-old man who recently traveled to Italy and has displayed “minor” symptoms, officials said.
The man, who was not identified, was being held in isolation at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases in Mexico City after tests confirmed that he had contracted the virus, health authorities said.
Another potential patient in Mexico, a 41-year-old man who also recently traveled to Italy, was in isolation at a hotel in the northwest state of Sinaloa, officials said. But one additional test was pending to confirm the diagnosis, authorities said.

 I will reveal at this point that inquiry into the matrix two weeks ago indicated an 11 million figure of disposable Mexicans. It was a logical virus.


Like China, Italy and Iran, I have Corona up the Anus


I am making no promises on projections, as I have not inquired, but this Coronavirus is thinking most clearly and has moved exactly as this blog predicted it would. Depopulating the United States of Latins and Italians as an outlier is not something that is a negative, any more than Muslims as a predatory vermin culture, as much as the Chinatown types who have not assimilated.
As the protein spike is appearing to drop in Africa, I see only benefit in being rid of those hosts too.

The short term would be an economic depression on the United States. I believe that China will survive population wise and be a marching threat of cancerous consumption. As the US is neutralized, the war powers will focus on Jerusalem, and the powers will be Berlin and Moscow, who are at this point in alliance, as Europe needs the nuclear flame to keep China's dragon at bay.

Long term, I have always wanted to have a ranch in Mexico, raise horses, kill jaguar and eat a great deal of beef, and with Mexico depopulated I see a wonderful opportunity in regaining Texas across the Rio Grande.
It is not perverse to see God's or some Habsburg judgment on those smug Mexican chimps chattering away in beaner tongue, as I would appreciate Mexico as no Mexican ever could.

This though is Donald Trump's leadership. He must begin blaming the culprits, firing them and indicting them for political cover. He must become the daddy who puts the American children on his knee and makes them feel Ivanka loved. He must place all the blame on Mike Pence if this goes south, and dump him, and appoint Nikki Haley as his Vice President. As State had a hand in spreading the plague, Mike Pompeo should be fired, and Haley appointed as Secretary to prepare for the post Pence period.

It does seem that being a White Person, has it's benefits as in SARS, as the master race leaves a bad taste in liberal's mouths as much as in Coronvirus protein prongs.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

