Thursday, March 5, 2020

Lame Cherry Proven Right on Coronavirus Genetic Reality

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is not the time for patting myself on the back in being consistently correct about Coronavirus. It is time for the people who can afford it to start donating as the reality is, for the over decade I have been saving you people, you are not going to make it without the information provided here.

Coronavirus has now been proven, backing this blog, that northern European Semites (includes Americans) and Blacks are more resistant to Corona. In inquiry, the trend was that Afroids in America are resistant, having both Anglo Saxon and African genetics.

Here am I not patting myself on the back, as the people who can afford it, do not show their appreciation, and what I have coming in the future posts, expands upon the dangers I have been posting here, in someone in the world deep state is framing the United States for this, just as Donald Trump has been framed, and the consequences of that frame will be nuclear retaliation.

Every piece of evidence in this, points to the United States. I have been working to produce the correct narrative to save you. There are cover infections which were created, but they only frame the United States further.

The Truth or the lie, it only expands all of this now.

Being right, you do not want to experience how right I will be.

Nuff Said
