Tuesday, March 3, 2020

NCAA Coronavirus All The Way

C O R O N A and WHY?
That's our viral battle cry!!!!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry again calls upon President Donald Trump to get moving on Coronavirus, instead of playing from behind. From the reality that he left Obama appointees, allow infected Jews into America who lied about having Coronavirus, which stated this spread, to Mike pence being Germ Lord, and not shutting down US ports, to check for infected Chinese ships docking in the United States, is giving Donald Trump a failing grade.

Japan announced that it will provide subsidies to those infected with the virus. Where are the promises from President Trump on this, to affordable healthcare with those having the plague as people can not afford to pay for weeks of intensive care.

The worst of this is what this blog has warned of in the March Madness in the NCAA basketball tournament. This is not a joke, this is the Chinese Lunar New Year spread of Coronavirus in the United States.

As the story below proves, local health officials are as asstard in this as  Obama's people who Trump has not fired. In one story a Chinese student in Lawrence Kansas was let go after testing. only to be tested a second time, and it was discovered HE HAD A NEW CORONAVIRUS STRAIN.

The patient, who has respiratory symptoms, is in isolation, in a room specially designed for infection prevention, according to a statement from LMH Health.

This kind of incompetence is beyond the pale, and  the Lame Cherry will tell you why you are being endangered, because it is the SAME REASON BARACK OBAMA WAS IN THE UNITED STATES AS A FOREIGN STUDENT, BECAUSE THERE IS BIG MONEY AT COLLEGES FOR FOREIGN KIDS, WHICH YOU ARE PAYING FOR THEIR EDUCATION.

Remember in this that Obama's hidden college records as foreign student was the genesis of all of this.

There is a fortune in there are 1.1 million foreigners inside the United States studying, at 15,000 dollars a year, you can see that is billions of dollars. These colleges and regime officials would rather keep this filthy lucre than protect you.

China has almost 370,000 plague carriers in America. The Chinese in Kansas brought in the virus after being in Wuhan. Nom de Deus, these kids will get packages from infected China in mini germ bombs and this will continue to flow in.

The Corona Princess cruise ship was a lab to see how long it took to infect other species of humans in close contact. What the hell do you think close contact is in lecture halls, jets, buses, dorms and basketball arenas?

Yet Germ Lord Mike Pence has not said one word about MASKS AT ARENA EVENTS BEING MANDATORY!!!!!!!!!

Number of Chinese students in the U.S. 2019 | Statista

Colleges and universities in the United States are becoming an increasingly popular study destination for Chinese students, with over 369 thousand choosing to take courses there in the 2018/19 ..

Donald Trump is too slow in this, as he announced a crackdown in a travel ban from Iran. The problem again is INFECTED IRANIAN STUDENTS. 12,000 Iranians study in the United States. We all witnessed the bio bomb Iran is, as their people are the ones infecting everyone from Italy to Africa, and there are 12,000 of these germ factories on college campuses, and those campuses come March are going to be moving all across America, making this a hotbed of virus spread.

 I am certain that most of you reading this have idiot relatives or friends who just have to fly out to the NCAA events, and then they bring home whatever contagion they are exposed to. There is absolutely no excuse in this, that the Germ Lord had not moved to deal with these events and it is worse that these colleges are more interested in money than obliterating the United States of America.


Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington has declared a state of emergency, and said officials may need to take steps like canceling sporting events and closing schools to slow the spread of the virus in the community.

So why is it that the Germ Lord in Mike Pence does not have what it takes compared to a gun grabbing, leftist dimwit who understands how to deal with an epidemic.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
