Tuesday, March 3, 2020

New York Times Hides From Americans How to Protect From Coronavirus

Pence tried to get me with Corona and the Times is trying to get Americans.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

I get these damned links in liberal publications on my start up page, and checked one out on Coronavirus, and was surprised how the New York Times, is telling Mexicans how to keep themselves safe while English speaking Americans are getting nothing about how to protect themselves.

Lo que debes saber sobre las formas de transmisión del COVID-19.

Granted in the translation I wonder how good the experts are the Times is quoting as Kin on Kwok from the Jockey Club School, sounds more like a vet.

A “naked” virus cannot go anywhere unless it is transported by a drop of mucus or saliva, said Kin-on Kwok, a professor at the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

There there is Julian Tang, a real Anglo sounding Asia, had a real observance in if you can smell someone's bad breath, you can get Coronavirus.

Julian Tang, a virologist and professor at the University of Leicester in England who is investigating the coronavirus, agreed.

"If you can smell what someone had lunch - garlic, curry, etc. - you are inhaling what they are exhaling, including any virus in their breath," he said.

The real question is now as Mike Pence has a news conference with the mics turned off as he tried to explain to the press how he just took out the Trump Administration by bringing Coronavirus in from Florida, is why is the New York Time protecting non English speaking non Americans, while helping to infect English speaking Americans like Mike Pence has, in not stopping college sporting events, not stopping foreign airlines dropping plague carriers off in American and not stopping foreign container ships off port until they are cleared from Coronavirus.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
