Saturday, March 14, 2020

Our President Greater than Coronavirus

I'm not like that pussy Trudeau of Canada!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hmmm, the liberals were ranting about Donald Trump bragging about being the second coming, and they were dripping Friday, hoping the President would be coughing up Corona, so they could demand the 25th Amendment be activated for President Pelosi, and who appears but Donald Trump, exposed to Jew AIPAC Corona, Mike Pence does the military school Corona, Brazilians do the MAGA Corona......hell Donald Trump could have been downtown Wuhan slugging back CORONATINIS and he still would be immune.

Donald Trump can not catch a cold in a plague.

BREAKING: Trump Tests NEGATIVE for #Coronavirus  justthenews

Yes look up in it a bird, it is a plane........NO IT'S SUPER TRUMP.


The Trump Coronatina

I mean even his daughter is in Corona isolation, and this blog sincerely prays for her being safe, along with her children and that husband of hers, which no one likes, as we are all jealous of Ivanka choosing him over our men folk, but may Jesus keep Ivanka, so she will have a Protestant moment and become like Jesus, the leader of the Jew to the Messiah of Life.


My father is a Protestant winner Jared!!!


Donald Trump healthy and alive, is what America, Americans and the world needs for stability. He is Jehu and worthless at MAGA, but Jehu is the guy with the furious drive that the world needs to save a remnant out of.

