Saturday, March 14, 2020

Charmin Castle: The Coronavirus Comedy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have found it interesting that the people on the right are having a comedyfest when it comes to Coronavirus. Is the Lost 10 Tribe Nature to laugh at things which are genocide deadly. Is probably why they do not get worked about some Jew holocaust, as the Northern Tribes have faced genocide from the start in Egypt to the American shores.

So when I came across selenium is a good neutralizer of Corona, I decided to share it with my cousin, who has appeared here. If you think my humor is warped, she is every bit the equal and sometimes I actually make her pause.

In any event, she is one of those inconsequential people you now, the old and infirmed, which are expendable in this American Holocaust, as that is what is taking place in the United States A REAL HOLOCAUST and not some rigged numbers by powerful Jews trying to cover up they sold their own ghetto Jews into Nazi work camps.

She was a healthy little girl until age 4, when she got sick from a virus. The medications really ruined her system, and everyone thought she was going to die, until I offered God a compromise that only TL knows about. She survived, but had diabetes as her pancreas was destroyed in B cells.

So she has been on insulin her entire life. She thought she would die young as most people do, but German advances in therapies, have her still alive, not  only married which she never thought would happen, but she has a son who is about 40 children in one for energy.

So I texted her about selenium and the run of things here, as it is sobering to have Coronavirus not in New York City, but actually hearing alerts on the radio about old folks homes limiting visitations and people in the brier taking this all very seriously.
So she texts back that she will take it, but has no idea if her mother will. Mother is .........a Swedish woman, and Lord God, you put Sweden into a woman and you are talking about an object a nuclear detonation will not move. The mother was stubborn in a small package. This woman is stubborn in a big package.

The text includes too much information as her husband is phobic about not having toilet paper. It apparently consumes his waking hours and he wakes up in a sweat to the thought of empty toilet paper rolls. I am exaggerating as I adore her husband. He is the nicest guy in the world. Patience of Job and who else could put up with people like us in how warped we are.
I was informed he has enough toilet paper for 8 years. I honestly believe that, as he is a farmer, highly intelligent and if he knows to the soybeans he plants to the seed, I bet he has figured out to the sheet the toilet paper used. He is like the quartermaster of the US Army.

I am  thinking about raiding Fort Charmin, as they do not have beds or chairs, they just sleep on stacks of toilet paper, and what could be more comfortable than a Charmin recliner?

For those not liking Charmin, there is the Northern bath tissue suite, the Cottonelle branch and just in case the relatives appear, there is that toilet paper that is like wax paper or feels like corn stocks scraping your bunghole, as why should people who have not prepared have access to the good stuff.

I once saw on PBS that the Romans, who had no toilet paper, had a stick, a bucket, and water, with a wad of sheep wool on the end, that they scrubbed their asses with. I am sure it was clean, but I don't want to think about double dipping in that water.
Remember they had no soap, just oil and scrapers. Was sort of like living in a hog skinning operation getting rid of the hair on the skin.

This is my people in how they are. If that L strain hits in feces contamination, and my cousin has the job of wrangling Indians, the wild kind, she is going to die. Everyone likes thinking about living, but no one has assessed what it is in who in your family is going to die from Coronavirus.
If we survive here, and will not be before God in Heaven, accusing the non donors, TL will have no family for reasons I will not go into detail in her sister, and her mum was already a frail thing, and her old man is ........well he is something I suspect has a fogger before his  room and he is making everyone get naked before entering the house and then being dosed with DDT or something he saw online.
For me, my oldest sister has heart probs, looked like death when I saw her last, as did her husband, who has real heart problems in a valve, so they both will got tits up, even with the moderate strain.
The pew sitters, that sister sounds ancient and her husband looks puffy from heart I suppose too, so I assess they will drown in their lungs. My brother, he does not take care of himself at all. I told him for 10 years to get out of the city.......there he sits, and there he will contract this virus as he deals with the public. Odd are he will be a statistic too as someone has to die to make up the stats.

It is a great deal like the graves I visit here from years ago, in people dying from epidemics. They just disappeared and people are going to disappear in this American Holocaust for sometime, to the extent that no one is going to notice much as it will be widespread. But the heartening thing is, there are other WMD wars like nukes, there is famine, their are bugs, hell probably frogs from Egypt and of course Wormwood. You can not thin out the entire world of billions without something doing the thinning.

I doubt Charmin is much protection from bugs as they eat it. Wormwood would burn it up. Frogs.......who wants slimy ass wipe.....and as far as famine, I do not think Charmin soup would be that appetizing, but who knows, you might get wiped on the way out.

That is about it from the brier patch, living under the rule of Charmin Castle, and in it's shadow feeling secure in my Bible verse today from the Holy Ghost:

Psalm 108:5 - 6

Be Thou exalted O God above the Heavens and Thy Glory above all the earth.

That Thy beloved may be delivered: save with Thy Right Hand, and answer me.

I know most of you do not have God calling you Their beloved, but what can I say, as I don't let things like that go to my head. Just remember the Prophet's reward in those who are genuine in having been Faithful share in the protections and blessings God provides me.

Those who do not, well or sickly, enjoy your Corona experiences, as we are laughing all the way through this.

Praise God.
