Sunday, March 8, 2020

President Donald Trump in Quarantine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is official that for the past 2 weeks the White House has been under quarantine from Cronavirus to protect President Trump.

The New York Post reported Friday that guests at the White House are now mandated to disclose all countries they have visited in the past 30 days.
The newspaper, quoting an unnamed White House official, said that on Feb. 21, the Secret Service started to require non-pass-holding visitors to submit a list of the countries they visited. That information is then reviewed by the Secret Service and the White House Medical Unit. Officials then follow-up with the people who had traveled to countries with an outbreak of the virus.

This is beyond the charts and graphs which seemed to please people like Sean Homo Hannity and Rush Limbaugh that only geezer got this disease, so the world is not losing anything.

As this blog has noted, the world has never recovered from the Obama 2008 Super Depression, and has been teetering on Quantitative Easing or massive American debt, to not go into full implosion. That is no longer the case with designed Coronavirus, as the world is now moved into full recession, and will plunge into a full depression, within the next months.

China is not producing and America will soon be not consuming or producing, and for those on the left who beg the end of Donald Trump, they should realize the last thing the United States needs is an incapacitated President or a Mike Pence who brought Coronavirus into the White House from Florida and has not shut down US ports or alien flights entering the United States.

I realize that you have the Lame Cherry exclusives to explain why the exposure keeps pouring in, but all the same, even with testing, this is a big test tube, and none of us can say that we are not going to be the ones who get sick, or our bodies are so damaged by the illness that we never recover.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Coronavirus Cure

For those who say this pandemic is nothing, tell that to the people who died and their families with huge health bills or the sick who will never recover with huge health bills.

The fact in this is the world is in a Corona Recession and by summer a Corona Depression will sweep the globe.

The American tech industries are going to have to liquidate billions in capital to survive and industries like the airlines are going to have to be bailed out, and that certainly will include Boeing which was on the ropes with that 737 problem this past year.

This is uncharted water. Thee American government.........and remember there were drills in Nebraska and various states to a continuity of government drill before all this struck, so you now know people knew this was coming, must remain stable, and the President must be kept safer than he already is.

There is a real possibility and probability that with the propaganda of this being American generated a nation as Iran will retaliate with nuclear terrorism. A nation of Muslims which just burned down a health clinic with people in it who had Corona is not a nation that is going to be humane.

So as Donald Trump has the black guy doing all the greeting at the White House, let us understand that Coronavirus is going to be around for years in economics, and it has the possibility for igniting the next world war.

That is why Donald Trump must be President and remain secure.

Nuff Said
