As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Now that this blog has been proven absolutely thee ONLY source which has been correct on Coronavirus by God's Grace by the Daily Mail UK, the Lame Cherry is about to inform you of something which did not occur to me until Thursday morning, February 5th, 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, and it is so very simple in the two created biological weapon strains of Coronavirus.
Daily Mail UK Confirms Lame Cherry Right on Two Coronaviruses
What makes the shadowy global leaders so perfect for world leadership of the cloth of the land, is they always think in 3 dimension. You look at Coronavirus and think of one virus and one outcome in you dying. The people who created the Coronavirus do not unleash this kind of outcome, without defining numerous results which you have never considered.
TWO strains of the killer coronavirus are spreading around the world – and 70% of infected patients have caught the more aggressive and contagious type, study claims
- Researchers from Beijing and Shanghai studied 103 samples of the coronavirus
- They found two strains of it, named them L and S and found L was most common
- L is also the most aggressive, but it has become less common since early January
The Lords and the Priests of the cartel are absolute geniuses, they know it, and you should understand it, and you will after you are enlightened in this exclusive.
For background, we know Iran created an Arabian SARS to destroy Saudi Arabia. The Chinese stole this latent virus from a Canadian lab, and began manufacturing it in Wuhan China as Dean Koontz novel expressed decades ago.
We know that this virus was released deliberately in China, but it was masked as two accidents, which released two viruses. A biological first strike weapon from China is not going to kill Chinese, bu thee Americans it was intended for, yet it killed Chinese.
This means that the Wuhan was replaced, by two other virus, which are now defined as the S and L strains.
Why two strains?
The first thing you must understand is there NEVER was a split. There were two strains from a bioweapons lab in the United States, which were acquired by outside elements from another group.
Again why two strains?
You have to read the information carefully as it says the L STRAIN is more common and more deadly than the S STRAIN. L was more common because it is the virus which is sown into the population by INGESTING to create the Corona Syndrome of nations in a panic, as this is one bat shit deadly virus.
So why would those who released this create two viruses in one deadly in the L STRAIN and one less symptomatic in the S STRAIN, as people have it, shed it, and numbers are not even aware.
I desire you to read this next part carefully from the Lame Cherry, because it reveals the genius of the Lords and the Priests, the L STRAIN is the contagion, while the S STRAIN is the cure.
That is why those in power are not going berserk with worry. The S STRAIN are people, who are the walking innoculant to the L STRAIN. L STRAIN does not spread as easily, while the S STRAIN spreads from shedders like puff ball mushrooms dusting the yard with plumes of spores.
The reason no one is shutting down carriers from foreign infected nations coming in, is because these are the people who have the cure to cough on you.
Think of this in the old days of Small Pox, which most of you are not aware. There are numbers of pox, as the original came from animals in cracked hands from Europeans milking cows in the winter, which caught cow pox. While small pox mutated to a deadly disease, because most people were filthy in never bathing and living in their own wastes, which is the reason cholera, another Asian disease spreads in water is from human filth, people started noticing that people who were milking cows, and had been exposed to cow pox, either did not get small pox or had milder cases of that pandemic.
The S STRAIN is the innoculant against the L STRAIN. I had puzzled on this for all of yesterday in trying to ascertain if getting a normal flu or cold, would protect people from this biological weapon, as virus do not in nature attack a host that is already sick. That would be quite horrific if that was the case. The answer would be if someone was punishing China for trying to first strike biological weapon to control the world, would be to infect China with a like strain of Bat SARS, as they would recognize it as their pandemic and still do. As I stated from the beginning of this though, there is a deadly Wuhan strain and Mirror strain. Both look like the same virus, but testing kits were not picking up the different strains and people were not getting sick, but walking around shedding the S STRAIN.
This is something I want to make perfectly clear so you do not miss this. CHINA DID NOT CONTAIN THIS VIRUS. It was the S STRAIN which contained this virus.
I still maintain the original L STRAIN was deliberately spread in China, because China was about to unleash their anti American, Indian and Japanese strain this year, to change the world order. China simply got, as did Iran, and as did Italy, which is another exclusive which will be revealed sometime next week, as will the Jews, because of their part in this.
I do believe there are alternative mirrors moving through genus groups which are as lethal as L STRAIN for 3 dimensional purposes.
It is really genius in actually creating a pandemic virus, which will never have a vaccine, but understanding that by creating a mirror virus of a lesser form will inoculate the population which remains, so they do not contract the more deadly strain.
That is why these arrogant assholes like the Goldmans, who lied about being sick, and were dumped into America endangring everyone and whored for publicity saying this virus was nothing as people drown in their own lungs, is because they had the S STRAIN which is nothing for most people, as they never had the deadly version of Coronavirus.
This duo and others breaking quarantine should still be indicted for reckless homicide as they cost America billions and knowingly endangered every American.
Turn your head, cough and contract the plague
In this, you now have a more complete picture of this, in why this blog stated Americas was starting backfires to spread this Coronavirus by deliberate infection walls.
Mind you, the L STRAIN does have reinfection rates as there is not a cure for L STRAIN, and this virus is out there and is being deliberately spread to select genus groups, as this is not over with yet.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The United States Deliberately Set Coronavirus Back Fires
As this blog reported exclusively on March 4th, 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, the burn out date is projected by this blog to be April 20, 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. That is not the end date though, but the spread date of almost have the population of Americans and occupiers will be infected. Saturation date will not be until 25th April 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. Again, that is not an end date, due to reinfections, lingering cases, as this weapon has a 2 to 4 week recovery period, and it's incubation period has been plus 30 days.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Coronavirus Briar Patch

Also note in this, that those powers behind this, to cover their tracks, may produce another sequence to drive this forward again in the same populations or new populations, as what you have just read is not what anyone outside the Lords and Priests should ever know.
Lacking a biological degree in understanding, I doubt the President has a full comprehension of what is taking place, other than a rudimentary grasp in he was informed, that the dangers were minimal, because nations and people would die from it, but it would fix itself, as that is what Ft. Meade apparently recognized early in this virus, that is was the cause and the cure in one package.
That is why secondary information as Rush Limbaugh in his cancer brain senility was mouthing off in hurting the President in revealing private thoughts, that this was the "common cold". L STRAIN is not the common cold. S STRAIN is not the common cold, but an innoculant which is a mild case, but is factored to be deadly to those who are weak.
What is of interest in this, is the people dropping dead on the street. The Lame Cherry projects this is not L STRAIN, but S STRAIN, in the cure does kill numbers of people. What I suspect is the S STRAIN in some unique genus types, overcomes a necessary balance from trace minerals, secretions or enzymes, blocking them, and while a person does not feel that bad, they go out walking, and in needing those essentials to fire nerve endings, are depleted and they have an instant heart attack, like someone turning off the electricity in a switch. I will call this the SWITCH GENUS as it is as all of this are my discoveries by God's Grace.
I define what you just read as billion dollar knowledge. It is the kind of knowledge that you wealthy people should donate until it hurts in cashing in those portfolios, as I doubt in what Catherine Austin Fitts observed that those markets are going to last as America is being supplanted by the old order.
God does make it easy to understand all these things when it appears here first.
Chinese Scientists Find Genetic Explanation For ...
But, consistent with the findings of the Chinese scientists, this is not the case: Whether it's a matter of faulty detection, climatic factors or simple fluke, the remarkably low rate of coronavirus infection in African countries, with their fragile health systems, continues to puzzle - and worry - experts.Chinese Scientists Find Genetic Explanation For ...
Chinese Scientists Find Genetic Explanation For Coronavirus Discriminating By Race Authored by Lance Welton via, Sir Humphrey Appleby, the Machiavellian senior civil servant...
That is about all the information you probably can absorb, and frankly none of you have clearance for this level of information.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said
agtG 252 in sequence plus 4