Monday, March 9, 2020

President Donald Trump SAVE OUR PETS!!!

a new study by the National Park Service has found that 20% of urban coyotes’ diets is made up of cats.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This appeal is noted to the Trump staff who monitor this blog, and expects that the President and First Lady, who have been ill advised by environmentalists like Pamela Anderson and the misconception of what is "humane" in banning wearing fur in the White House and standing in the way of harvesting large predators.

The President's own Interior Department has conducted a study of the intestinal contents of coyotes in American cities, and discovered that 20% of a coyote's stomach content was pet cats.

Doug McIntyre let his cat, Junior, out of the house on a sunny summer morning last June.
As Junior walked down the path and into the world, he paid special attention. “I had a funny feeling … just an odd sensation that something was off,” McIntyre, a journalist and radio host, recalled in a column at the time.
Junior, a beloved part of the family, had been found five years before living in the parking lot of a Los Angeles radio station, covered with fleas and suffering from a blood infection. All day, McIntyre waited for Junior to return, to no avail. The next morning, as he and his wife were putting up missing pet flyers, they ran into a neighbor who said her husband had seen Junior in the mouth of a coyote.

This is not some amusing story for those whose pets have been murdered, due to corrupt American wildlife policies, which began with Richard Nixon banning poisons to keep coyotes in check in 1970. The result was the coyote population exploded across America to an epidemic problem, along with mountain lions, wolves, horded owls and eagles.

A recent study found that coyotes are becoming more prevalent in urban areas, finding them in 96 out of 105 cities surveyed. 

The only way to effectively stop this murderous rampage against American pets and livestock is to return the power to the people by rescinding EPA and, USDA and USFW regulations banning the use of chemical poisons in rural America.

Durafan, a most effective corn pesticide was banned not long ago. This poison is perfect for farmers and ranchers to kill coyotes and other predators. It is safer than cyanide and more effective than 1080 which is what the United States used to use in M 44 cyanide traps.

By killing the large predators off in the rural areas, the suburban areas will be relieved of the terror siege inflicted upon them, and allow Wildlife Damage Control to deal with the problem of coyotes in people's backyards  killing their cats and their dogs.

This is all very personal for me. I have had murdered poultry, livestock and cats from predators. I have had a pet cat slaughtered on my doorstep by a horned owl. I have had my cats killed by fox, and just months ago, I had 4 pet wild geese, who were adoring pets mass murdered by a pair of coyotes who appeared out of nowhere and left me to find the back eaten out of one and a V shape chewed out of the neck of the other. It made me want to vomit.

United States wildlife policy is out of balance, and nothing is being done about this by President Trump or his wife. The rural people of America were promised in Don and Eric hunting, that their voices would be heard, and yet the rampage of slaughter continues.

All of this could be fixed by Americans by rescinding the unAmerican rules put in place by Nixon, Bush, Clinton and Obama. A great deal of this could be aleviated if the First Lady would advocate the wearing of furs of LARGE PREDATORS to produce a market so American pets and wildlife would be saved.

This is no longer a rural issue. It is an urban issue and with millions of pet owners having their pets slaughtered each year, THIS IS A VOTING ISSUE.

Perhaps in 2020, President Donald Trump will see the political value of paying his promises to rural American to help suburban Americans.

These days, McIntyre has two cats. But he’s keeping them both indoors.

Who pays taxes Mr. President and who votes? The coyotes or the American People? Restore our liberty, our freedom and the safety of our pets!!!

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
