Sunday, March 8, 2020

President Trump must protect from being lynched by Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The derangement of liberals yesterday concerning President Trump appearing at the CDC, has touched the lines of insurrection. Liberals have gone mad in a most disturbing way as they have Cassius impaled Bernie Sanders, to save themselves with a Joe Biden who seems to be suffering from the set in of dementia.  This in turn has has profanity coming from NBC professionals and a rejection of all that is reasonable.

The Lame Cherry will honestly provide President Trump some advice on  the problem of the California Princess, another plague ship off of California.

Trump Blasted for Comments at CDC Presser: ‘Among the Most Frightening Trump Appearances’

The President has every purpose in not wanting another infusion of infected people, exploding the Corona numbers, causing further panic and stock market problems costing trillions. 

Let none of you forget the realities of Coronavirus, it was Barack Obama created in a Wuhan bioweapons lab set up by a Harvard professor, who was allowed by the State Department and FBI under Obama control to transfer this top secret information.

I was astonished when in researching the region of Omaha Nebraska that it was Barack Hussein Obama, who was dumping Ebola plague into this White Protestant region to make Omaha a "national center for pandemics". Ebola was dumped into Texas too, and in Coronavirus, all of these "experts" at State and CDC are ALL OBAMA APPOINTEES, and they advised the President to put plague persons into Orange County and Sacramento in Californa, TWO REPUBLICAN AREAS, and dumped plague into Republican Texas and Republican Omaha Nebraska.

Remember when Obama was flooding Republican states of the Missouri River, and then later Obama blasted the Gulf Gusher, to pollute Republican states with oil.  Remember it was Mark Halprin on the Charlie Rose Show, which only this blog reported, stated, "Obama does not care about those people as they did not vote for him".
This answers why a Plague Center in Omaha Nebraska violated every national protocol of any nation, in YOU NEVER BRING THE PLAGUE INTO YOUR COUNTRY. America used to use Ellis Island for foreigners as a quarantine off of New York to protect Americans from plague. Obama put the damned thing into Christian Republican America for a reason, and it was his people who are to blame for dumping the plague into the United States.......Republican areas.

For political reality, so President Donald Trump is not Coronavirus lynched, he MUST MAKE THIS ISSUE KNOWN, and he must make the issue known that Iran and China had developed biological weapons for first strike against Muslims, Indians and Americans.

Donald Trump in 2020 must deal with the politics or the politics will deny him being President.

Trump On Americans Aboard The Grand Princess - 'I don't
need to have the numbers (of US cases) double because of
one ship' And 'I'd Rather Them All Stay On(board)' With CV!

When NBC stated that the CDC people were shocked, at Donald Trump stating that they were the ones telling him to let in the California Princess, it is time these six figure rich people sucking off of our tax dollars be held accountable. They come up with these Obama plague ideas and Donald Trump is left to deal with the political fall out. The advisors must be singled out and held accountable, when this epidemic surges, and they must be fired.
That goes for Vice President Mike Pence, who is expendable. If he fails at keeping this from spreading, he must be replaced with Governor Nikki Haley for the 2020 elections. The President must be insulated politically as that is what these people are all for, to serve the President and to fall on the sword.

For that reason, I submit to the President that the California Princess be seized as a plague ship by the United States government. The ship's purpose will be to house further pandemic patients, and more importantly, Governors of state who have people who do not think that self quarantine is something that pertains to them, President Trump will put this as States Rights where they will be able to transfer people who are not obeying the rules to be housed onboard ship, until the period of their quarantine is ended in 30 days.

Italy is having an exceptionally difficult infection rate, and this rate will begin to mirror in the United States, and as stated this is Obama people who are responsible for all of this.

Italy Reports 1,247 More Cases, Total Of 5,883
And 233 Dead


There are models in play which show the reality of a 1%  infection rate of death. Warm weather is not going to stop this pandemic. Warm weather will further spread this pandemic, as Americans are a selfish, self absorbed, Christ hating majority. There are over 100 million foreigners in the United States, they will scatter with the plague. These Millennial are complete text brain ignorants who think gun rules apply to all and no rules apply to them. That is half the population of these dimwits, and unless the S strain spreads the inoculation faster than the lethal L strain, the United States will be cremating more people in 3 months than in an entire year.

Pandemic projection model shows 2.16
million deaths in US by July 4th if nothing
Is done to halt nearly all domestic travel

President Donald Trump has four realities to battle in Coronavirus.

Internationally he has to battle the growing propaganda that the United States started this plague against Iran and China.

Domestically, he has to deal with the effects of an economic implosion.

Domestically, he must deal with the real health issue, as being a leader with compassion and strength.

Domestically, he must gain insights to his 2020 campaign, to create a firewall and scapegoats who are all Obama related, to place the blame on, so he is not lynched by Coronavirus.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Donald Trump must study the two greatest despots in American history, in Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, who survived politically in national catastrophes when a divided nation, and a united world were against them.

New Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, must focus on the politics of Coronavirus first, for his President.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
