Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St. Paddy Days Coronavirus Death Model for the United States

Sure and begorrah, the green beer will cure that Chinaman Corona!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

33 days ago a computer projection stated that in 12 days, 2.5 billion people would be infected and 53 million would die. That is not going to happen. Thus begins another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter to teach you something.

This blog first revealed that there were 2 viruses in China, which were deliberately released by "accident". Those were mirror viruses liberated from American arsenal, to stop a Chinese first strike against the United States, India and Japan.

This blog has informed all of you that there are different strains of this virus, created deliberately and released. It is difficult at times to find the proof in online media, but in this Italian story out of the UK, the Lame Cherry is proven right again, that the Italian strain is not the Chinese strain.

China had the L or lethal strain, distributed by oral means, and an S strain, which is airborne. The S strain is the inoculation.

In reading the UK story, the facts are specified in the Italian strain is different from the Chinese strain. It is also defined that the Italian strain was released and in circulation long before the strain blamed on two Chinese tourists.
That is important as rumors have circulated that Corona was in the United States long before it was noted. This is important, because the lethal strain was blamed on a Pakistan food delivery person, as a cover, but now we have a hint that before Italy was infected with the lethal strain, the inoculation was already introduced as a firewall.

Yes Coronavirus thinks and it does a great deal of thinking.

The claim follows laboratory tests that isolated a strain of the virus from an Italian patient, which showed genetic differences compared with the original strain isolated in China and two Chinese tourists who became sick in Rome.
Massimo Galli, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Milan and director of infectious diseases at the Luigi Sacco hospital in Milan, said preliminary evidence suggested the virus could have been spreading below the radar in the quarantined areas.
“I can’t absolutely confirm any safe estimate of the time of the circulation of the virus in Italy, but … some first evidence suggest that the circulation of the virus is not so recent in Italy,” he said, amid suggestions the virus may have been present since mid-January.

There has been a great deal of hysteria in stating that over 2 million would be dead by July 4th, a patriotic day. We have been promised that America would mirror the Italians, mainly we are told the United States is 14 days behind Italy in the bloom.

There is a great deal of precise information coming out of the Trump experts who have replaced the Obama holdovers who brought Coronavirus into the United States and started this pandemic deliberately via the CDC, State Department and the Pentagon.

This blog has noted it was prescient that the experts moved President Trump to shut down travel to Europe and to the day of the order being carried out, the European bloom erupted in Spain and other areas. The experts are good, but they are not that good in a live fire drama, as there are too many variables to delay spread from rain to phases of the moon.
Coronavirus is thinking, and like a military war game it is working on a schedule to the exact day.

If one listens, one hears the next two weeks are critical. The reason you are not informed on the "Italian Model" is that the United States has a number of carriers, numbers which came in from Europe before the travel ban. They shed for 5.1 days and are active carriers. The 5.1 days is the infection incubation, until one becomes a shedder. So for 2 weeks, the attempt is to limit these active shedders infecting.....what is being banned? Bars, Cafes, Sports, Concerts.....venues where White People congregate. This is the White Plume which this blog has informed you of. The first wave of this is Caucasian, and it will move in the Italian strain of the Latin peoples, who predominate in congregating in their clusters in their language groups. This cluster should appear weeks after the White Plume.

So when the President was told that the virus would be mostly over in a few weeks, he was informed correctly. Corona is a fire burn of specific human genetics. There were several versions of this virus created, and each one will be spread, and appear in waves. The United States is attempting the Plateau effect of spiking to a reduced level, and then as the minority populations are infected............

Experts: Coronavirus could hit Africa hardest

CNN's David McKenzie reports from the settlements of Tembisa, South Africa, where following basic precautions to fight the novel coronavirus can be ...
Each wave will bring the results. When the President states it may be end of July and early August before this pandemic burns out, that is the wave projection proved what this blog predicted. Trying to predict though in computer generation what scurrying vermin as Mexicans do and how long to contain something which can not be contained is not an exact science, as the Mexicans will flow south as they die in the west first, and the virus moves north and the flood into Texas and then into Mexico. That is the logical projection of this as the rats return to their holes.

Trump Says Coronavirus Measures Could Last Until August   thepoliticalinsider

It is a reality that the Coronavirus is thinking, and making logical moves, like a computer simulator in a war game, and the experts the President has, are all clairvoyants speaking the thoughts of this most intelligent virus.

Every time I begin to have doubts and worries about his biological weapon virus, there are comforting disclosures hidden in obscure stories of Corona was circulating in Italy, unknown since January. The reason it was unknown as in the United States, is because it was an S strain type, which was not making not making many people deathly sick. These were firewall spreaders.
The fact is, China had almost a 4 month spread problem of the L strain before it became a real problem, and in those weeks as it became an international story, that is when S strain appeared. China has not contained this epidemic. Vitamin C IV's are not stopping it. It is the S strain inoculation which stopped the L strain which stopped being introduced into China for the moment, and is still going to have to infect 500 million more Chinese before it is really contained there.

This virus caused monumental problems in North Korea, as South Korea would not have had much problem at all if the Carrier 31 woman had not infected half the people. Japan appears contained as does the rest of Indochina.
It is now burning through southern Europe, England and the problem areas of the Mideast.

The United States will have to deal with a longer plateau of the Latin strain, IR/ Italian Strain, because America poured in so many Beaners who in logical progression should begin contracting this in numbers around April 15th. The time line the President provided from his clairvoyants points to a  crash date end of May for Mexicans and mop up operations on the Indian Reservations before the all clear of August.

I dislike always going out on the matrix limb on this, but due to the measures President Donald Trump has put into place, the matrix trends that around 500 people will die of this pandemic. The big numbers will be Mexicans and Indians. I did not ask ........yeah I did, but I am not publishing that.

Now do not be stupid, do not go off being whores in sinning again because you think you are safe. Pray your prayers to Jesus and those who can afford it, make the donations to the blog as the things published here by God's Grace are proven right, thank God.

Just hermit up, as that is what they are telling you to do. This appears to be all part of the End Times and the beast order out of the chaos, as Corona is thinking. That should comfort you, because if this virus stops thinking, then there is a real problem.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
