Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Coronavirus Wave

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, it is Friday the 13th, in March 2020, and the President has just declared a National Emergency in order to coordinate and free up funds for dealing with Coronavirus.

He did this while his daughter Ivanka Futurus has self quarantined after meeting and Australian minister who tested positive.  Donald Trump is a father too, and this has now hit political home with him.

President Trump Declares Coronavirus 'National Emergency'   thenationalpulse

I did inquire earlier today to see what the matrix of thought was trending toward and heard.

The key to all of this is what this blog has stated, is there are the main strains of Coronavirus in the Wuhan L and S strains, the Italian, Persian and outlier strains which are dead end strains like Arabian SARS, which will not infect.
I will state again that I believe in China this was spread by bottled water in the L strain. The S strain was a release to counter it, but the virus continued.
Other nations which had a hand in this bioweapons  creation were hit in Iran which originated and Italy which would profit.

The one group which I focused on from the start was the Mexican and I have been watching Spain, due to the Spanish link.

The Mexicans are fools if they think a border will stop this virus, as the group which spliced in the genetic and geriatric strains (geriatric this virus shuts down immune systems already in retrograde), have a strain to deal with Mexico too.

Mexico is considering closing its border to stop Americans bringing coronavirus into its country as US case count passes 2,000

  • There are more than 2,000 cases of coronavirus in the US now with 43 dead
  • In Mexico, there have only been 16 confirmed cases and no reported deaths 
  • Health Minister Hugo Lopez-Gatell said: 'Mexico wouldn't bring the virus to the United States, rather the United States would bring it here'

If Spain which is a clean nation as Italy, could not contain it's version of Coronavirus, then the virus intended for Mexico will emerge as it will be deliberately spread.


On the same day the United States declared it's emergency, so did Spain as even England bloomed with the virus. This virus is changing political structures.

In inquiry, it trends toward an outbreak in California and Texas in the Mexican wave of this virus. I was picking up states in Colorado, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Missouri for their beaner populations. The reality is when this Spanish wave begins, it will cause a Mexican panic, which will already be starting as Mexicans are aware the United States has an epidemic, and will flee back south.
That is what the Mexican el Presidente is looking at in shutting the borders. He does not want Americanized Mexicans, unemployed and eating resources flooding back into Mexico.

One one understands that reality, you understand the crippling effect in Mexico and what an American without slave labor will implode to. My first inquiry over a month ago pointed to 11 million dead Mexicans from the virus. The number was high, so I suspected a first transmission, but Spain was one of the last dominoes to be targeted, so the trend is running late.

I also came across an outlier in this, which I had thought about, but not focused upon, and it dealt with South Dakota in a group there. In the matrix I came across a blip which did not make any sense, other than it being some Mexican employment operation. As I trolled it though, what it was focusing on was Indians, American Indians. I was picking the same thing up in the Hopi. That would make sense as the cartel would devoid these vast little inhabited lands. It was odd though as Arizona and New Mexico did not spike for Corona in the Mexicans there.

There are factors involved in this, that maybe the scare will be in Mexicans and they will depopulate and hop the border, so the pandemic will not spread there, as they are not there.

America has experienced the Two waves from China. It is in the Italian wave, and it's own Geriatric wave. I expect at least 4 more waves in this. The Spanish and Mexican, an African and Islamic, and the one  which will take out the affluent.

Mexicans are a filthy people. They have not toilet paper. They use lettuce leaves in the fields and nothing at all in food production centers where they shit in the disinfectant vats.
In Mexico they use human shit to fertilize their spinach and other crops, which ship to the United States. That is one wave which I do expect is White Americans, being infected from Mexican shit in the L strain, which will kill them.
This is how most of the early infected cases arose from Iowa and other areas off the cruise ships, in this was human shit in railings, food and whatever.

This virus in the shit borne cycle is going to be around for sometime, as it will be in the bowels and probably the semen infecting people touching things and having sex. If that mutates to airborne, if it can being a bioweapon it may not have that ability, then this all starts out more deadly again.

Finally, there was a question I had which I believe is answered. The bioweapon Coronavirus does not seem to infect people who already have the flu. The strain killing Koreans, revealed it was another flu virus which was killing them, and not Corona, meaning the virus was being checked by another virus. That is good news as if they built a virus which would double attack a human, no one would survive

I expect the headlines to continue, until you stop paying attention to this virus, and those who hold out in their isolation patterns will survive.

That is according to inqury, and as my head hurts today again from the cold damned HAARP air, I am going to let the painkillers take hold and rest for a bit.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

agtG 274YYY